extern crate libsyntax2; #[macro_use] extern crate test_utils; extern crate walkdir; use std::{ fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, fmt::Write, }; use test_utils::extract_range; use libsyntax2::{ File, AtomEdit, utils::{dump_tree, check_fuzz_invariants}, }; #[test] fn lexer_tests() { dir_tests(&["lexer"], |text| { let tokens = libsyntax2::tokenize(text); dump_tokens(&tokens, text) }) } #[test] fn reparse_test() { fn do_check(before: &str, replace_with: &str) { let (range, before) = extract_range(before); let after = libsyntax2::replace_range(before.clone(), range, replace_with); let fully_reparsed = File::parse(&after); let incrementally_reparsed = { let f = File::parse(&before); let edit = AtomEdit { delete: range, insert: replace_with.to_string() }; f.incremental_reparse(&edit).unwrap() }; assert_eq_text!( &dump_tree(fully_reparsed.syntax()), &dump_tree(incrementally_reparsed.syntax()), ) } do_check(r" fn foo() { let x = foo + <|>bar<|> } ", "baz"); do_check(r" struct Foo { f: foo<|><|> } ", ",\n g: (),"); do_check(r" fn foo { let; 1 + 1; <|>92<|>; } ", "62"); do_check(r" mod foo { fn <|><|> } ", "bar"); do_check(r" trait Foo { type <|>Foo<|>; } ", "Output"); do_check(r" impl IntoIterator<Item=i32> for Foo { f<|><|> } ", "n next("); do_check(r" use a::b::{foo,<|>,bar<|>}; ", "baz"); do_check(r" pub enum A { Foo<|><|> } ", "\nBar;\n"); do_check(r" foo!{a, b<|><|> d} ", ", c[3]"); do_check(r" fn foo() { vec![<|><|>] } ", "123"); do_check(r" extern { fn<|>;<|> } ", " exit(code: c_int)"); } #[test] fn parser_tests() { dir_tests(&["parser/inline", "parser/ok", "parser/err"], |text| { let file = File::parse(text); dump_tree(file.syntax()) }) } #[test] fn parser_fuzz_tests() { for (_, text) in collect_tests(&["parser/fuzz-failures"]) { check_fuzz_invariants(&text) } } /// Read file and normalize newlines. /// /// `rustc` seems to always normalize `\r\n` newlines to `\n`: /// /// ``` /// let s = " /// "; /// assert_eq!(s.as_bytes(), &[10]); /// ``` /// /// so this should always be correct. fn read_text(path: &Path) -> String { fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap().replace("\r\n", "\n") } pub fn dir_tests<F>(paths: &[&str], f: F) where F: Fn(&str) -> String, { for (path, input_code) in collect_tests(paths) { let parse_tree = f(&input_code); let path = path.with_extension("txt"); if !path.exists() { println!("\nfile: {}", path.display()); println!("No .txt file with expected result, creating...\n"); println!("{}\n{}", input_code, parse_tree); fs::write(&path, parse_tree).unwrap(); panic!("No expected result") } let expected = read_text(&path); let expected = expected.as_str(); let parse_tree = parse_tree.as_str(); assert_equal_text(expected, parse_tree, &path); } } const REWRITE: bool = false; fn assert_equal_text(expected: &str, actual: &str, path: &Path) { if expected == actual { return; } let dir = project_dir(); let pretty_path = path.strip_prefix(&dir).unwrap_or_else(|_| path); if expected.trim() == actual.trim() { println!("whitespace difference, rewriting"); println!("file: {}\n", pretty_path.display()); fs::write(path, actual).unwrap(); return; } if REWRITE { println!("rewriting {}", pretty_path.display()); fs::write(path, actual).unwrap(); return; } assert_eq_text!(expected, actual, "file: {}", pretty_path.display()); } fn collect_tests(paths: &[&str]) -> Vec<(PathBuf, String)> { paths .iter() .flat_map(|path| { let path = test_data_dir().join(path); test_from_dir(&path).into_iter() }) .map(|path| { let text = read_text(&path); (path, text) }) .collect() } fn test_from_dir(dir: &Path) -> Vec<PathBuf> { let mut acc = Vec::new(); for file in fs::read_dir(&dir).unwrap() { let file = file.unwrap(); let path = file.path(); if path.extension().unwrap_or_default() == "rs" { acc.push(path); } } acc.sort(); acc } fn project_dir() -> PathBuf { let dir = env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"); PathBuf::from(dir) .parent() .unwrap() .parent() .unwrap() .to_owned() } fn test_data_dir() -> PathBuf { project_dir().join("crates/libsyntax2/tests/data") } fn dump_tokens(tokens: &[libsyntax2::Token], text: &str) -> String { let mut acc = String::new(); let mut offset = 0; for token in tokens { let len: u32 = token.len.into(); let len = len as usize; let token_text = &text[offset..offset + len]; offset += len; write!(acc, "{:?} {} {:?}\n", token.kind, token.len, token_text).unwrap() } acc }