//! FIXME: write short doc here use super::*; pub(super) fn static_(p: &mut Parser, m: Marker) { const_or_static(p, m, T![static], STATIC) } pub(super) fn konst(p: &mut Parser, m: Marker) { const_or_static(p, m, T![const], CONST) } fn const_or_static(p: &mut Parser, m: Marker, kw: SyntaxKind, def: SyntaxKind) { assert!(p.at(kw)); p.bump(kw); p.eat(T![mut]); // FIXME: validator to forbid const mut // Allow `_` in place of an identifier in a `const`. let is_const_underscore = kw == T![const] && p.eat(T![_]); if !is_const_underscore { name(p); } // test_err static_underscore // static _: i32 = 5; types::ascription(p); if p.eat(T![=]) { expressions::expr(p); } p.expect(T![;]); m.complete(p, def); }