//! FIXME: write short doc here use super::*; pub(super) const PATTERN_FIRST: TokenSet = expressions::LITERAL_FIRST.union(paths::PATH_FIRST).union(TokenSet::new(&[ T![box], T![ref], T![mut], T!['('], T!['['], T![&], T![_], T![-], T![.], ])); pub(crate) fn pattern(p: &mut Parser) { pattern_r(p, PAT_RECOVERY_SET); } /// Parses a pattern list separated by pipes `|` pub(super) fn pattern_top(p: &mut Parser) { pattern_top_r(p, PAT_RECOVERY_SET) } pub(crate) fn pattern_single(p: &mut Parser) { pattern_single_r(p, PAT_RECOVERY_SET); } /// Parses a pattern list separated by pipes `|` /// using the given `recovery_set` pub(super) fn pattern_top_r(p: &mut Parser, recovery_set: TokenSet) { p.eat(T![|]); pattern_r(p, recovery_set); } /// Parses a pattern list separated by pipes `|`, with no leading `|`,using the /// given `recovery_set` // test or_pattern // fn main() { // match () { // (_ | _) => (), // &(_ | _) => (), // (_ | _,) => (), // [_ | _,] => (), // } // } fn pattern_r(p: &mut Parser, recovery_set: TokenSet) { let m = p.start(); pattern_single_r(p, recovery_set); if !p.at(T![|]) { m.abandon(p); return; } while p.eat(T![|]) { pattern_single_r(p, recovery_set); } m.complete(p, OR_PAT); } fn pattern_single_r(p: &mut Parser, recovery_set: TokenSet) { if let Some(lhs) = atom_pat(p, recovery_set) { // test range_pat // fn main() { // match 92 { // 0 ... 100 => (), // 101 ..= 200 => (), // 200 .. 301=> (), // } // } for &range_op in [T![...], T![..=], T![..]].iter() { if p.at(range_op) { let m = lhs.precede(p); p.bump(range_op); atom_pat(p, recovery_set); m.complete(p, RANGE_PAT); return; } } } } const PAT_RECOVERY_SET: TokenSet = TokenSet::new(&[T![let], T![if], T![while], T![loop], T![match], T![')'], T![,]]); fn atom_pat(p: &mut Parser, recovery_set: TokenSet) -> Option<CompletedMarker> { let m = match p.nth(0) { T![box] => box_pat(p), T![ref] | T![mut] => ident_pat(p, true), T![const] => const_block_pat(p), IDENT => match p.nth(1) { // Checks the token after an IDENT to see if a pattern is a path (Struct { .. }) or macro // (T![x]). T!['('] | T!['{'] | T![!] => path_or_macro_pat(p), T![:] if p.nth_at(1, T![::]) => path_or_macro_pat(p), _ => ident_pat(p, true), }, // test type_path_in_pattern // fn main() { let <_>::Foo = (); } _ if paths::is_path_start(p) => path_or_macro_pat(p), _ if is_literal_pat_start(p) => literal_pat(p), T![.] if p.at(T![..]) => rest_pat(p), T![_] => wildcard_pat(p), T![&] => ref_pat(p), T!['('] => tuple_pat(p), T!['['] => slice_pat(p), _ => { p.err_recover("expected pattern", recovery_set); return None; } }; Some(m) } fn is_literal_pat_start(p: &Parser) -> bool { p.at(T![-]) && (p.nth(1) == INT_NUMBER || p.nth(1) == FLOAT_NUMBER) || p.at_ts(expressions::LITERAL_FIRST) } // test literal_pattern // fn main() { // match () { // -1 => (), // 92 => (), // 'c' => (), // "hello" => (), // } // } fn literal_pat(p: &mut Parser) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(is_literal_pat_start(p)); let m = p.start(); if p.at(T![-]) { p.bump(T![-]); } expressions::literal(p); m.complete(p, LITERAL_PAT) } // test path_part // fn foo() { // let foo::Bar = (); // let ::Bar = (); // let Bar { .. } = (); // let Bar(..) = (); // } fn path_or_macro_pat(p: &mut Parser) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(paths::is_path_start(p)); let m = p.start(); paths::expr_path(p); let kind = match p.current() { T!['('] => { tuple_pat_fields(p); TUPLE_STRUCT_PAT } T!['{'] => { record_pat_field_list(p); RECORD_PAT } // test marco_pat // fn main() { // let m!(x) = 0; // } T![!] => { items::macro_call_after_excl(p); return m.complete(p, MACRO_CALL).precede(p).complete(p, MACRO_PAT); } _ => PATH_PAT, }; m.complete(p, kind) } // test tuple_pat_fields // fn foo() { // let S() = (); // let S(_) = (); // let S(_,) = (); // let S(_, .. , x) = (); // } fn tuple_pat_fields(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(p.at(T!['('])); p.bump(T!['(']); pat_list(p, T![')']); p.expect(T![')']); } // test record_pat_field_list // fn foo() { // let S {} = (); // let S { f, ref mut g } = (); // let S { h: _, ..} = (); // let S { h: _, } = (); // } fn record_pat_field_list(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(p.at(T!['{'])); let m = p.start(); p.bump(T!['{']); while !p.at(EOF) && !p.at(T!['}']) { match p.current() { // A trailing `..` is *not* treated as a REST_PAT. T![.] if p.at(T![..]) => p.bump(T![..]), T!['{'] => error_block(p, "expected ident"), c => { let m = p.start(); match c { // test record_pat_field // fn foo() { // let S { 0: 1 } = (); // let S { x: 1 } = (); // } IDENT | INT_NUMBER if p.nth(1) == T![:] => { name_ref_or_index(p); p.bump(T![:]); pattern(p); } T![box] => { // FIXME: not all box patterns should be allowed box_pat(p); } _ => { ident_pat(p, false); } } m.complete(p, RECORD_PAT_FIELD); } } if !p.at(T!['}']) { p.expect(T![,]); } } p.expect(T!['}']); m.complete(p, RECORD_PAT_FIELD_LIST); } // test placeholder_pat // fn main() { let _ = (); } fn wildcard_pat(p: &mut Parser) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(p.at(T![_])); let m = p.start(); p.bump(T![_]); m.complete(p, WILDCARD_PAT) } // test dot_dot_pat // fn main() { // let .. = (); // // // // Tuples // // // let (a, ..) = (); // let (a, ..,) = (); // let Tuple(a, ..) = (); // let Tuple(a, ..,) = (); // let (.., ..) = (); // let Tuple(.., ..) = (); // let (.., a, ..) = (); // let Tuple(.., a, ..) = (); // // // // Slices // // // let [..] = (); // let [head, ..] = (); // let [head, tail @ ..] = (); // let [head, .., cons] = (); // let [head, mid @ .., cons] = (); // let [head, .., .., cons] = (); // let [head, .., mid, tail @ ..] = (); // let [head, .., mid, .., cons] = (); // } fn rest_pat(p: &mut Parser) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(p.at(T![..])); let m = p.start(); p.bump(T![..]); m.complete(p, REST_PAT) } // test ref_pat // fn main() { // let &a = (); // let &mut b = (); // } fn ref_pat(p: &mut Parser) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(p.at(T![&])); let m = p.start(); p.bump(T![&]); p.eat(T![mut]); pattern_single(p); m.complete(p, REF_PAT) } // test tuple_pat // fn main() { // let (a, b, ..) = (); // let (a,) = (); // let (..) = (); // let () = (); // } fn tuple_pat(p: &mut Parser) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(p.at(T!['('])); let m = p.start(); p.bump(T!['(']); let mut has_comma = false; let mut has_pat = false; let mut has_rest = false; while !p.at(EOF) && !p.at(T![')']) { has_pat = true; if !p.at_ts(PATTERN_FIRST) { p.error("expected a pattern"); break; } has_rest |= p.at(T![..]); pattern(p); if !p.at(T![')']) { has_comma = true; p.expect(T![,]); } } p.expect(T![')']); m.complete(p, if !has_comma && !has_rest && has_pat { PAREN_PAT } else { TUPLE_PAT }) } // test slice_pat // fn main() { // let [a, b, ..] = []; // } fn slice_pat(p: &mut Parser) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(p.at(T!['['])); let m = p.start(); p.bump(T!['[']); pat_list(p, T![']']); p.expect(T![']']); m.complete(p, SLICE_PAT) } fn pat_list(p: &mut Parser, ket: SyntaxKind) { while !p.at(EOF) && !p.at(ket) { if !p.at_ts(PATTERN_FIRST) { p.error("expected a pattern"); break; } pattern(p); if !p.at(ket) { p.expect(T![,]); } } } // test bind_pat // fn main() { // let a = (); // let mut b = (); // let ref c = (); // let ref mut d = (); // let e @ _ = (); // let ref mut f @ g @ _ = (); // } fn ident_pat(p: &mut Parser, with_at: bool) -> CompletedMarker { let m = p.start(); p.eat(T![ref]); p.eat(T![mut]); name(p); if with_at && p.eat(T![@]) { pattern_single(p); } m.complete(p, IDENT_PAT) } // test box_pat // fn main() { // let box i = (); // let box Outer { box i, j: box Inner(box &x) } = (); // let box ref mut i = (); // } fn box_pat(p: &mut Parser) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(p.at(T![box])); let m = p.start(); p.bump(T![box]); pattern_single(p); m.complete(p, BOX_PAT) } // test const_block_pat // fn main() { // let const { 15 } = (); // let const { foo(); bar() } = (); // } fn const_block_pat(p: &mut Parser) -> CompletedMarker { assert!(p.at(T![const])); let m = p.start(); p.bump(T![const]); expressions::block_expr(p); m.complete(p, CONST_BLOCK_PAT) }