//! lib-proc-macro Internal interface for communicating between a `proc_macro` client
//! Copy from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/6050e523bae6de61de4e060facc43dc512adaccd/src/libproc_macro/bridge/mod.rs
//! augmented with removing unstable features
//! Internal interface for communicating between a `proc_macro` client
//! (a proc macro crate) and a `proc_macro` server (a compiler front-end).
//! Serialization (with C ABI buffers) and unique integer handles are employed
//! to allow safely interfacing between two copies of `proc_macro` built
//! (from the same source) by different compilers with potentially mismatching
//! Rust ABIs (e.g., stage0/bin/rustc vs stage1/bin/rustc during bootstrap).


pub use crate::proc_macro::{Delimiter, Level, LineColumn, Spacing};
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::marker;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Bound;
use std::panic;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::Once;
use std::thread;

/// Higher-order macro describing the server RPC API, allowing automatic
/// generation of type-safe Rust APIs, both client-side and server-side.
/// `with_api!(MySelf, my_self, my_macro)` expands to:
/// ```rust,ignore (pseudo-code)
/// my_macro! {
///     // ...
///     Literal {
///         // ...
///         fn character(ch: char) -> MySelf::Literal;
///         // ...
///         fn span(my_self: &MySelf::Literal) -> MySelf::Span;
///         fn set_span(my_self: &mut MySelf::Literal, span: MySelf::Span);
///     },
///     // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// The first two arguments serve to customize the arguments names
/// and argument/return types, to enable several different usecases:
/// If `my_self` is just `self`, then each `fn` signature can be used
/// as-is for a method. If it's anything else (`self_` in practice),
/// then the signatures don't have a special `self` argument, and
/// can, therefore, have a different one introduced.
/// If `MySelf` is just `Self`, then the types are only valid inside
/// a trait or a trait impl, where the trait has associated types
/// for each of the API types. If non-associated types are desired,
/// a module name (`self` in practice) can be used instead of `Self`.
macro_rules! with_api {
    ($S:ident, $self:ident, $m:ident) => {
        $m! {
            FreeFunctions {
                fn drop($self: $S::FreeFunctions);
                fn track_env_var(var: &str, value: Option<&str>);
            TokenStream {
                fn drop($self: $S::TokenStream);
                fn clone($self: &$S::TokenStream) -> $S::TokenStream;
                fn new() -> $S::TokenStream;
                fn is_empty($self: &$S::TokenStream) -> bool;
                fn from_str(src: &str) -> $S::TokenStream;
                fn to_string($self: &$S::TokenStream) -> String;
                fn from_token_tree(
                    tree: TokenTree<$S::Group, $S::Punct, $S::Ident, $S::Literal>,
                ) -> $S::TokenStream;
                fn into_iter($self: $S::TokenStream) -> $S::TokenStreamIter;
            TokenStreamBuilder {
                fn drop($self: $S::TokenStreamBuilder);
                fn new() -> $S::TokenStreamBuilder;
                fn push($self: &mut $S::TokenStreamBuilder, stream: $S::TokenStream);
                fn build($self: $S::TokenStreamBuilder) -> $S::TokenStream;
            TokenStreamIter {
                fn drop($self: $S::TokenStreamIter);
                fn clone($self: &$S::TokenStreamIter) -> $S::TokenStreamIter;
                fn next(
                    $self: &mut $S::TokenStreamIter,
                ) -> Option<TokenTree<$S::Group, $S::Punct, $S::Ident, $S::Literal>>;
            Group {
                fn drop($self: $S::Group);
                fn clone($self: &$S::Group) -> $S::Group;
                fn new(delimiter: Delimiter, stream: $S::TokenStream) -> $S::Group;
                fn delimiter($self: &$S::Group) -> Delimiter;
                fn stream($self: &$S::Group) -> $S::TokenStream;
                fn span($self: &$S::Group) -> $S::Span;
                fn span_open($self: &$S::Group) -> $S::Span;
                fn span_close($self: &$S::Group) -> $S::Span;
                fn set_span($self: &mut $S::Group, span: $S::Span);
            Punct {
                fn new(ch: char, spacing: Spacing) -> $S::Punct;
                fn as_char($self: $S::Punct) -> char;
                fn spacing($self: $S::Punct) -> Spacing;
                fn span($self: $S::Punct) -> $S::Span;
                fn with_span($self: $S::Punct, span: $S::Span) -> $S::Punct;
            Ident {
                fn new(string: &str, span: $S::Span, is_raw: bool) -> $S::Ident;
                fn span($self: $S::Ident) -> $S::Span;
                fn with_span($self: $S::Ident, span: $S::Span) -> $S::Ident;
            Literal {
                fn drop($self: $S::Literal);
                fn clone($self: &$S::Literal) -> $S::Literal;
                fn debug_kind($self: &$S::Literal) -> String;
                fn symbol($self: &$S::Literal) -> String;
                fn suffix($self: &$S::Literal) -> Option<String>;
                fn integer(n: &str) -> $S::Literal;
                fn typed_integer(n: &str, kind: &str) -> $S::Literal;
                fn float(n: &str) -> $S::Literal;
                fn f32(n: &str) -> $S::Literal;
                fn f64(n: &str) -> $S::Literal;
                fn string(string: &str) -> $S::Literal;
                fn character(ch: char) -> $S::Literal;
                fn byte_string(bytes: &[u8]) -> $S::Literal;
                fn span($self: &$S::Literal) -> $S::Span;
                fn set_span($self: &mut $S::Literal, span: $S::Span);
                fn subspan(
                    $self: &$S::Literal,
                    start: Bound<usize>,
                    end: Bound<usize>,
                ) -> Option<$S::Span>;
            SourceFile {
                fn drop($self: $S::SourceFile);
                fn clone($self: &$S::SourceFile) -> $S::SourceFile;
                fn eq($self: &$S::SourceFile, other: &$S::SourceFile) -> bool;
                fn path($self: &$S::SourceFile) -> String;
                fn is_real($self: &$S::SourceFile) -> bool;
            MultiSpan {
                fn drop($self: $S::MultiSpan);
                fn new() -> $S::MultiSpan;
                fn push($self: &mut $S::MultiSpan, span: $S::Span);
            Diagnostic {
                fn drop($self: $S::Diagnostic);
                fn new(level: Level, msg: &str, span: $S::MultiSpan) -> $S::Diagnostic;
                fn sub(
                    $self: &mut $S::Diagnostic,
                    level: Level,
                    msg: &str,
                    span: $S::MultiSpan,
                fn emit($self: $S::Diagnostic);
            Span {
                fn debug($self: $S::Span) -> String;
                fn def_site() -> $S::Span;
                fn call_site() -> $S::Span;
                fn mixed_site() -> $S::Span;
                fn source_file($self: $S::Span) -> $S::SourceFile;
                fn parent($self: $S::Span) -> Option<$S::Span>;
                fn source($self: $S::Span) -> $S::Span;
                fn start($self: $S::Span) -> LineColumn;
                fn end($self: $S::Span) -> LineColumn;
                fn join($self: $S::Span, other: $S::Span) -> Option<$S::Span>;
                fn resolved_at($self: $S::Span, at: $S::Span) -> $S::Span;
                fn source_text($self: $S::Span) -> Option<String>;

// FIXME(eddyb) this calls `encode` for each argument, but in reverse,
// to avoid borrow conflicts from borrows started by `&mut` arguments.
macro_rules! reverse_encode {
    ($writer:ident;) => {};
    ($writer:ident; $first:ident $(, $rest:ident)*) => {
        reverse_encode!($writer; $($rest),*);
        $first.encode(&mut $writer, &mut ());

// FIXME(eddyb) this calls `decode` for each argument, but in reverse,
// to avoid borrow conflicts from borrows started by `&mut` arguments.
macro_rules! reverse_decode {
    ($reader:ident, $s:ident;) => {};
    ($reader:ident, $s:ident; $first:ident: $first_ty:ty $(, $rest:ident: $rest_ty:ty)*) => {
        reverse_decode!($reader, $s; $($rest: $rest_ty),*);
        let $first = <$first_ty>::decode(&mut $reader, $s);

mod buffer;
pub mod client;
mod closure;
mod handle;
mod rpc;
mod scoped_cell;
pub mod server;

use buffer::Buffer;
pub use rpc::PanicMessage;
use rpc::{Decode, DecodeMut, Encode, Reader, Writer};

/// An active connection between a server and a client.
/// The server creates the bridge (`Bridge::run_server` in `server.rs`),
/// then passes it to the client through the function pointer in the `run`
/// field of `client::Client`. The client holds its copy of the `Bridge`
/// in TLS during its execution (`Bridge::{enter, with}` in `client.rs`).
pub struct Bridge<'a> {
    /// Reusable buffer (only `clear`-ed, never shrunk), primarily
    /// used for making requests, but also for passing input to client.
    cached_buffer: Buffer<u8>,

    /// Server-side function that the client uses to make requests.
    dispatch: closure::Closure<'a, Buffer<u8>, Buffer<u8>>,

    /// If 'true', always invoke the default panic hook
    force_show_panics: bool,

// impl<'a> !Sync for Bridge<'a> {}
// impl<'a> !Send for Bridge<'a> {}

mod api_tags {
    use super::rpc::{DecodeMut, Encode, Reader, Writer};

    macro_rules! declare_tags {
        ($($name:ident {
            $(fn $method:ident($($arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret_ty:ty)*;)*
        }),* $(,)?) => {
                pub(super) enum $name {
                rpc_encode_decode!(enum $name { $($method),* });

            pub(super) enum Method {
            rpc_encode_decode!(enum Method { $($name(m)),* });
    with_api!(self, self, declare_tags);

/// Helper to wrap associated types to allow trait impl dispatch.
/// That is, normally a pair of impls for `T::Foo` and `T::Bar`
/// can overlap, but if the impls are, instead, on types like
/// `Marked<T::Foo, Foo>` and `Marked<T::Bar, Bar>`, they can't.
trait Mark {
    type Unmarked;
    fn mark(unmarked: Self::Unmarked) -> Self;

/// Unwrap types wrapped by `cov_mark::mark` (see `Mark` for details).
trait Unmark {
    type Unmarked;
    fn unmark(self) -> Self::Unmarked;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Marked<T, M> {
    value: T,
    _marker: marker::PhantomData<M>,

impl<T, M> Mark for Marked<T, M> {
    type Unmarked = T;
    fn mark(unmarked: Self::Unmarked) -> Self {
        Marked { value: unmarked, _marker: marker::PhantomData }
impl<T, M> Unmark for Marked<T, M> {
    type Unmarked = T;
    fn unmark(self) -> Self::Unmarked {
impl<'a, T, M> Unmark for &'a Marked<T, M> {
    type Unmarked = &'a T;
    fn unmark(self) -> Self::Unmarked {
impl<'a, T, M> Unmark for &'a mut Marked<T, M> {
    type Unmarked = &'a mut T;
    fn unmark(self) -> Self::Unmarked {
        &mut self.value

impl<T: Mark> Mark for Option<T> {
    type Unmarked = Option<T::Unmarked>;
    fn mark(unmarked: Self::Unmarked) -> Self {
impl<T: Unmark> Unmark for Option<T> {
    type Unmarked = Option<T::Unmarked>;
    fn unmark(self) -> Self::Unmarked {

macro_rules! mark_noop {
    ($($ty:ty),* $(,)?) => {
            impl Mark for $ty {
                type Unmarked = Self;
                fn mark(unmarked: Self::Unmarked) -> Self {
            impl Unmark for $ty {
                type Unmarked = Self;
                fn unmark(self) -> Self::Unmarked {
mark_noop! {
    &'_ [u8],
    &'_ str,

    enum Delimiter {
    enum Level {
rpc_encode_decode!(struct LineColumn { line, column });
    enum Spacing {

pub enum TokenTree<G, P, I, L> {

impl<G: Mark, P: Mark, I: Mark, L: Mark> Mark for TokenTree<G, P, I, L> {
    type Unmarked = TokenTree<G::Unmarked, P::Unmarked, I::Unmarked, L::Unmarked>;
    fn mark(unmarked: Self::Unmarked) -> Self {
        match unmarked {
            TokenTree::Group(tt) => TokenTree::Group(G::mark(tt)),
            TokenTree::Punct(tt) => TokenTree::Punct(P::mark(tt)),
            TokenTree::Ident(tt) => TokenTree::Ident(I::mark(tt)),
            TokenTree::Literal(tt) => TokenTree::Literal(L::mark(tt)),
impl<G: Unmark, P: Unmark, I: Unmark, L: Unmark> Unmark for TokenTree<G, P, I, L> {
    type Unmarked = TokenTree<G::Unmarked, P::Unmarked, I::Unmarked, L::Unmarked>;
    fn unmark(self) -> Self::Unmarked {
        match self {
            TokenTree::Group(tt) => TokenTree::Group(tt.unmark()),
            TokenTree::Punct(tt) => TokenTree::Punct(tt.unmark()),
            TokenTree::Ident(tt) => TokenTree::Ident(tt.unmark()),
            TokenTree::Literal(tt) => TokenTree::Literal(tt.unmark()),

    enum TokenTree<G, P, I, L> {