mod completion_item; mod reference_completion; use ra_editor::find_node_at_offset; use ra_text_edit::AtomTextEdit; use ra_syntax::{ algo::visit::{visitor_ctx, VisitorCtx}, ast, AstNode, SyntaxNodeRef, }; use ra_db::SyntaxDatabase; use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap}; use hir::source_binder; use crate::{ db, Cancelable, FilePosition, completion::completion_item::{Completions, CompletionKind}, }; pub use crate::completion::completion_item::{CompletionItem, InsertText}; pub(crate) fn completions( db: &db::RootDatabase, position: FilePosition, ) -> Cancelable> { let original_file = db.source_file(position.file_id); // Insert a fake ident to get a valid parse tree let file = { let edit = AtomTextEdit::insert(position.offset, "intellijRulezz".to_string()); original_file.reparse(&edit) }; let module = ctry!(source_binder::module_from_position(db, position)?); let mut acc = Completions::default(); let mut has_completions = false; // First, let's try to complete a reference to some declaration. if let Some(name_ref) = find_node_at_offset::(file.syntax(), position.offset) { has_completions = true; reference_completion::completions(&mut acc, db, &module, &file, name_ref)?; // special case, `trait T { fn foo(i_am_a_name_ref) {} }` if is_node::(name_ref.syntax()) { param_completions(&mut acc, name_ref.syntax()); } } // Otherwise, if this is a declaration, use heuristics to suggest a name. if let Some(name) = find_node_at_offset::(file.syntax(), position.offset) { if is_node::(name.syntax()) { has_completions = true; param_completions(&mut acc, name.syntax()); } } if !has_completions { return Ok(None); } Ok(Some(acc)) } /// Complete repeated parametes, both name and type. For example, if all /// functions in a file have a `spam: &mut Spam` parameter, a completion with /// `spam: &mut Spam` insert text/label and `spam` lookup string will be /// suggested. fn param_completions(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: SyntaxNodeRef) { let mut params = FxHashMap::default(); for node in ctx.ancestors() { let _ = visitor_ctx(&mut params) .visit::(process) .visit::(process) .accept(node); } params .into_iter() .filter_map(|(label, (count, param))| { let lookup = param.pat()?.syntax().text().to_string(); if count < 2 { None } else { Some((label, lookup)) } }) .for_each(|(label, lookup)| { CompletionItem::new(label) .lookup_by(lookup) .kind(CompletionKind::Magic) .add_to(acc) }); fn process<'a, N: ast::FnDefOwner<'a>>( node: N, params: &mut FxHashMap)>, ) { node.functions() .filter_map(|it| it.param_list()) .flat_map(|it| it.params()) .for_each(|param| { let text = param.syntax().text().to_string(); params.entry(text).or_insert((0, param)).0 += 1; }) } } fn is_node<'a, N: AstNode<'a>>(node: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>) -> bool { match node.ancestors().filter_map(N::cast).next() { None => false, Some(n) => n.syntax().range() == node.range(), } } #[cfg(test)] fn check_completion(code: &str, expected_completions: &str, kind: CompletionKind) { use crate::mock_analysis::{single_file_with_position, analysis_and_position}; let (analysis, position) = if code.contains("//-") { analysis_and_position(code) } else { single_file_with_position(code) }; let completions = completions(&analysis.imp.db, position).unwrap().unwrap(); completions.assert_match(expected_completions, kind); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; fn check_magic_completion(code: &str, expected_completions: &str) { check_completion(code, expected_completions, CompletionKind::Magic); } #[test] fn test_param_completion_last_param() { check_magic_completion( r" fn foo(file_id: FileId) {} fn bar(file_id: FileId) {} fn baz(file<|>) {} ", r#"file_id "file_id: FileId""#, ); } #[test] fn test_param_completion_nth_param() { check_magic_completion( r" fn foo(file_id: FileId) {} fn bar(file_id: FileId) {} fn baz(file<|>, x: i32) {} ", r#"file_id "file_id: FileId""#, ); } #[test] fn test_param_completion_trait_param() { check_magic_completion( r" pub(crate) trait SourceRoot { pub fn contains(&self, file_id: FileId) -> bool; pub fn module_map(&self) -> &ModuleMap; pub fn lines(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &LineIndex; pub fn syntax(&self, file<|>) } ", r#"file_id "file_id: FileId""#, ); } }