use std::{
    hash::{Hash, Hasher},

use ra_editor::{self, find_node_at_offset, resolve_local_name, FileSymbol, LineIndex, LocalEdit};
use ra_syntax::{
    ast::{self, ArgListOwner, Expr, NameOwner},
    AstNode, File, SmolStr,
    SyntaxNodeRef, TextRange, TextUnit,
use relative_path::RelativePath;
use rustc_hash::FxHashSet;

use crate::{
    descriptors::{FnDescriptor, ModuleTreeDescriptor, Problem},
    roots::{ReadonlySourceRoot, SourceRoot, WritableSourceRoot},
    CrateGraph, CrateId, Diagnostic, FileId, FileResolver, FileSystemEdit, Position,
    Query, SourceChange, SourceFileEdit, Cancelable,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct FileResolverImp {
    inner: Arc<FileResolver>,

impl PartialEq for FileResolverImp {
    fn eq(&self, other: &FileResolverImp) -> bool {
        self.inner() == other.inner()

impl Eq for FileResolverImp {}

impl Hash for FileResolverImp {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {

impl FileResolverImp {
    pub(crate) fn new(inner: Arc<FileResolver>) -> FileResolverImp {
        FileResolverImp { inner }
    pub(crate) fn file_stem(&self, file_id: FileId) -> String {
    pub(crate) fn resolve(&self, file_id: FileId, path: &RelativePath) -> Option<FileId> {
        self.inner.resolve(file_id, path)
    fn inner(&self) -> *const FileResolver {

impl Default for FileResolverImp {
    fn default() -> FileResolverImp {
        struct DummyResolver;
        impl FileResolver for DummyResolver {
            fn file_stem(&self, _file_: FileId) -> String {
                panic!("file resolver not set")
            fn resolve(
                _file_id: FileId,
                _path: &::relative_path::RelativePath,
            ) -> Option<FileId> {
                panic!("file resolver not set")
        FileResolverImp {
            inner: Arc::new(DummyResolver),

pub(crate) struct AnalysisHostImpl {
    data: WorldData,

impl AnalysisHostImpl {
    pub fn new() -> AnalysisHostImpl {
        AnalysisHostImpl {
            data: WorldData::default(),
    pub fn analysis(&self) -> AnalysisImpl {
        AnalysisImpl {
    pub fn change_files(&mut self, changes: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = (FileId, Option<String>)>) {
        self.data_mut().root.apply_changes(changes, None);
    pub fn set_file_resolver(&mut self, resolver: FileResolverImp) {
            .apply_changes(&mut iter::empty(), Some(resolver));
    pub fn set_crate_graph(&mut self, graph: CrateGraph) {
        let mut visited = FxHashSet::default();
        for &file_id in graph.crate_roots.values() {
            if !visited.insert(file_id) {
                panic!("duplicate crate root: {:?}", file_id);
        self.data_mut().crate_graph = graph;
    pub fn add_library(&mut self, root: ReadonlySourceRoot) {
    fn data_mut(&mut self) -> &mut WorldData {

pub(crate) struct AnalysisImpl {
    data: WorldData,

impl fmt::Debug for AnalysisImpl {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

impl AnalysisImpl {
    fn root(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &SourceRoot {
        if {
            return &;
            .find(|it| it.contains(file_id))
    pub fn file_syntax(&self, file_id: FileId) -> File {
    pub fn file_line_index(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<LineIndex> {
    pub fn world_symbols(&self, query: Query) -> Cancelable<Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)>> {
        let mut buf = Vec::new();
        if query.libs {
            for lib in {
                lib.symbols(&mut buf)?;
        } else {
    pub fn parent_module(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Cancelable<Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)>> {
        let root = self.root(file_id);
        let module_tree = root.module_tree()?;
        let res = module_tree
            .map(|link| {
                let file_id = link.owner(&module_tree);
                let syntax = root.syntax(file_id);
                let decl = link.bind_source(&module_tree, syntax.ast());
                let sym = FileSymbol {
                    node_range: decl.syntax().range(),
                    kind: MODULE,
                (file_id, sym)
    pub fn crate_for(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Cancelable<Vec<CrateId>> {
        let module_tree = self.root(file_id).module_tree()?;
        let crate_graph = &;
        let mut res = Vec::new();
        let mut work = VecDeque::new();
        let mut visited = FxHashSet::default();
        while let Some(id) = work.pop_front() {
            if let Some(crate_id) = crate_graph.crate_id_for_crate_root(id) {
            let parents = module_tree
                .map(|link| link.owner(&module_tree))
                .filter(|&id| visited.insert(id));
    pub fn crate_root(&self, crate_id: CrateId) -> FileId {[&crate_id]
    pub fn approximately_resolve_symbol(
        file_id: FileId,
        offset: TextUnit,
    ) -> Cancelable<Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)>> {
        let root = self.root(file_id);
        let module_tree = root.module_tree()?;
        let file = root.syntax(file_id);
        let syntax = file.syntax();
        if let Some(name_ref) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::NameRef>(syntax, offset) {
            // First try to resolve the symbol locally
            return if let Some((name, range)) = resolve_local_name(&file, offset, name_ref) {
                let mut vec = vec![];
                    FileSymbol {
                        node_range: range,
                        kind: NAME,
            } else {
                // If that fails try the index based approach.
        if let Some(name) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::Name>(syntax, offset) {
            if let Some(module) = name.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::Module::cast) {
                if module.has_semi() {
                    let file_ids = self.resolve_module(&*module_tree, file_id, module);

                    let res = file_ids
                        .map(|id| {
                            let name = module
                                .map(|n| n.text())
                                .unwrap_or_else(|| SmolStr::new(""));
                            let symbol = FileSymbol {
                                node_range: TextRange::offset_len(0.into(), 0.into()),
                                kind: MODULE,
                            (id, symbol)

                    return Ok(res);

    pub fn find_all_refs(&self, file_id: FileId, offset: TextUnit) -> Vec<(FileId, TextRange)> {
        let root = self.root(file_id);
        let file = root.syntax(file_id);
        let syntax = file.syntax();

        let mut ret = vec![];

        // Find the symbol we are looking for
        if let Some(name_ref) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::NameRef>(syntax, offset) {

            // We are only handing local references for now
            if let Some(resolved) = resolve_local_name(&file, offset, name_ref) {

                ret.push((file_id, resolved.1));

                if let Some(fn_def) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::FnDef>(syntax, offset) {

                    let refs : Vec<_> = fn_def.syntax().descendants()
                        .filter(|n: &ast::NameRef| resolve_local_name(&file, n.syntax().range().start(), *n) == Some(resolved.clone()))

                    for r in refs {
                        ret.push((file_id, r.syntax().range()));


    pub fn diagnostics(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Cancelable<Vec<Diagnostic>> {
        let root = self.root(file_id);
        let module_tree = root.module_tree()?;
        let syntax = root.syntax(file_id);

        let mut res = ra_editor::diagnostics(&syntax)
            .map(|d| Diagnostic {
                range: d.range,
                message: d.msg,
                fix: None,

        for (name_node, problem) in module_tree.problems(file_id, syntax.ast()) {
            let diag = match problem {
                Problem::UnresolvedModule { candidate } => {
                    let create_file = FileSystemEdit::CreateFile {
                        anchor: file_id,
                        path: candidate.clone(),
                    let fix = SourceChange {
                        label: "create module".to_string(),
                        source_file_edits: Vec::new(),
                        file_system_edits: vec![create_file],
                        cursor_position: None,
                    Diagnostic {
                        range: name_node.syntax().range(),
                        message: "unresolved module".to_string(),
                        fix: Some(fix),
                Problem::NotDirOwner { move_to, candidate } => {
                    let move_file = FileSystemEdit::MoveFile {
                        file: file_id,
                        path: move_to.clone(),
                    let create_file = FileSystemEdit::CreateFile {
                        anchor: file_id,
                        path: move_to.join(candidate),
                    let fix = SourceChange {
                        label: "move file and create module".to_string(),
                        source_file_edits: Vec::new(),
                        file_system_edits: vec![move_file, create_file],
                        cursor_position: None,
                    Diagnostic {
                        range: name_node.syntax().range(),
                        message: "can't declare module at this location".to_string(),
                        fix: Some(fix),

    pub fn assists(&self, file_id: FileId, range: TextRange) -> Vec<SourceChange> {
        let file = self.file_syntax(file_id);
        let offset = range.start();
        let actions = vec![
                "flip comma",
                ra_editor::flip_comma(&file, offset).map(|f| f()),
                "add `#[derive]`",
                ra_editor::add_derive(&file, offset).map(|f| f()),
            ("add impl", ra_editor::add_impl(&file, offset).map(|f| f())),
                "introduce variable",
                ra_editor::introduce_variable(&file, range).map(|f| f()),
            .filter_map(|(name, local_edit)| {
                Some(SourceChange::from_local_edit(file_id, name, local_edit?))

    pub fn resolve_callable(
        file_id: FileId,
        offset: TextUnit,
    ) -> Cancelable<Option<(FnDescriptor, Option<usize>)>> {
        let root = self.root(file_id);
        let file = root.syntax(file_id);
        let syntax = file.syntax();

        // Find the calling expression and it's NameRef
        let calling_node = match FnCallNode::with_node(syntax, offset) {
            Some(node) => node,
            None => return Ok(None),
        let name_ref = match calling_node.name_ref() {
            Some(name) => name,
            None => return Ok(None),

        // Resolve the function's NameRef (NOTE: this isn't entirely accurate).
        let file_symbols = self.index_resolve(name_ref)?;
        for (_, fs) in file_symbols {
            if fs.kind == FN_DEF {
                if let Some(fn_def) = find_node_at_offset(syntax, fs.node_range.start()) {
                    if let Some(descriptor) = FnDescriptor::new(fn_def) {
                        // If we have a calling expression let's find which argument we are on
                        let mut current_parameter = None;

                        let num_params = descriptor.params.len();
                        let has_self = fn_def.param_list().and_then(|l| l.self_param()).is_some();

                        if num_params == 1 {
                            if !has_self {
                                current_parameter = Some(1);
                        } else if num_params > 1 {
                            // Count how many parameters into the call we are.
                            // TODO: This is best effort for now and should be fixed at some point.
                            // It may be better to see where we are in the arg_list and then check
                            // where offset is in that list (or beyond).
                            // Revisit this after we get documentation comments in.
                            if let Some(ref arg_list) = calling_node.arg_list() {
                                let start = arg_list.syntax().range().start();

                                let range_search = TextRange::from_to(start, offset);
                                let mut commas: usize = arg_list

                                // If we have a method call eat the first param since it's just self.
                                if has_self {
                                    commas = commas + 1;

                                current_parameter = Some(commas);

                        return Ok(Some((descriptor, current_parameter)));


    fn index_resolve(&self, name_ref: ast::NameRef) -> Cancelable<Vec<(FileId, FileSymbol)>> {
        let name = name_ref.text();
        let mut query = Query::new(name.to_string());

    fn resolve_module(
        module_tree: &ModuleTreeDescriptor,
        file_id: FileId,
        module: ast::Module,
    ) -> Vec<FileId> {
        let name = match {
            Some(name) => name.text(),
            None => return Vec::new(),
        module_tree.child_module_by_name(file_id, name.as_str())

#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
struct WorldData {
    crate_graph: CrateGraph,
    root: WritableSourceRoot,
    libs: Vec<Arc<ReadonlySourceRoot>>,

impl SourceChange {
    pub(crate) fn from_local_edit(file_id: FileId, label: &str, edit: LocalEdit) -> SourceChange {
        let file_edit = SourceFileEdit {
            edits: edit.edit.into_atoms(),
        SourceChange {
            label: label.to_string(),
            source_file_edits: vec![file_edit],
            file_system_edits: vec![],
            cursor_position: edit
                .map(|offset| Position { offset, file_id }),

impl CrateGraph {
    fn crate_id_for_crate_root(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Option<CrateId> {
        let (&crate_id, _) = self
            .find(|(_crate_id, &root_id)| root_id == file_id)?;

enum FnCallNode<'a> {

impl<'a> FnCallNode<'a> {
    pub fn with_node(syntax: SyntaxNodeRef, offset: TextUnit) -> Option<FnCallNode> {
        if let Some(expr) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::CallExpr>(syntax, offset) {
            return Some(FnCallNode::CallExpr(expr));
        if let Some(expr) = find_node_at_offset::<ast::MethodCallExpr>(syntax, offset) {
            return Some(FnCallNode::MethodCallExpr(expr));

    pub fn name_ref(&self) -> Option<ast::NameRef> {
        match *self {
            FnCallNode::CallExpr(call_expr) => Some(match call_expr.expr()? {
                Expr::PathExpr(path_expr) => path_expr.path()?.segment()?.name_ref()?,
                _ => return None,

            FnCallNode::MethodCallExpr(call_expr) => call_expr

    pub fn arg_list(&self) -> Option<ast::ArgList> {
        match *self {
            FnCallNode::CallExpr(expr) => expr.arg_list(),
            FnCallNode::MethodCallExpr(expr) => expr.arg_list(),