//! FIXME: write short doc here use std::iter; use hir::{db::HirDatabase, Adt, HasSource}; use ra_syntax::ast::{self, edit::IndentLevel, make, AstNode, NameOwner}; use crate::{Assist, AssistCtx, AssistId}; // Assist: fill_match_arms // // Adds missing clauses to a `match` expression. // // ``` // enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } // // fn handle(action: Action) { // match action { // <|> // } // } // ``` // -> // ``` // enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } // // fn handle(action: Action) { // match action { // Action::Move { distance } => (), // Action::Stop => (), // } // } // ``` pub(crate) fn fill_match_arms(ctx: AssistCtx) -> Option<Assist> { let match_expr = ctx.find_node_at_offset::<ast::MatchExpr>()?; let match_arm_list = match_expr.match_arm_list()?; // We already have some match arms, so we don't provide any assists. // Unless if there is only one trivial match arm possibly created // by match postfix complete. Trivial match arm is the catch all arm. let mut existing_arms = match_arm_list.arms(); if let Some(arm) = existing_arms.next() { if !is_trivial(&arm) || existing_arms.next().is_some() { return None; } }; let expr = match_expr.expr()?; let (enum_def, module) = { let analyzer = ctx.source_analyzer(expr.syntax(), None); (resolve_enum_def(ctx.db, &analyzer, &expr)?, analyzer.module()?) }; let variants = enum_def.variants(ctx.db); if variants.is_empty() { return None; } let db = ctx.db; ctx.add_assist(AssistId("fill_match_arms"), "Fill match arms", |edit| { let indent_level = IndentLevel::from_node(match_arm_list.syntax()); let new_arm_list = { let arms = variants .into_iter() .filter_map(|variant| build_pat(db, module, variant)) .map(|pat| make::match_arm(iter::once(pat), make::expr_unit())); indent_level.increase_indent(make::match_arm_list(arms)) }; edit.target(match_expr.syntax().text_range()); edit.set_cursor(expr.syntax().text_range().start()); edit.replace_ast(match_arm_list, new_arm_list); }) } fn is_trivial(arm: &ast::MatchArm) -> bool { match arm.pat() { Some(ast::Pat::PlaceholderPat(..)) => true, _ => false, } } fn resolve_enum_def( db: &impl HirDatabase, analyzer: &hir::SourceAnalyzer, expr: &ast::Expr, ) -> Option<hir::Enum> { let expr_ty = analyzer.type_of(db, &expr)?; let result = expr_ty.autoderef(db).find_map(|ty| match ty.as_adt() { Some(Adt::Enum(e)) => Some(e), _ => None, }); result } fn build_pat( db: &impl HirDatabase, module: hir::Module, var: hir::EnumVariant, ) -> Option<ast::Pat> { let path = crate::ast_transform::path_to_ast(module.find_use_path(db, var.into())?); // FIXME: use HIR for this; it doesn't currently expose struct vs. tuple vs. unit variants though let pat: ast::Pat = match var.source(db).value.kind() { ast::StructKind::Tuple(field_list) => { let pats = iter::repeat(make::placeholder_pat().into()).take(field_list.fields().count()); make::tuple_struct_pat(path, pats).into() } ast::StructKind::Record(field_list) => { let pats = field_list.fields().map(|f| make::bind_pat(f.name().unwrap()).into()); make::record_pat(path, pats).into() } ast::StructKind::Unit => make::path_pat(path), }; Some(pat) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::helpers::{check_assist, check_assist_target}; use super::fill_match_arms; #[test] fn fill_match_arms_empty_body() { check_assist( fill_match_arms, r#" enum A { As, Bs, Cs(String), Ds(String, String), Es{ x: usize, y: usize } } fn main() { let a = A::As; match a<|> {} } "#, r#" enum A { As, Bs, Cs(String), Ds(String, String), Es{ x: usize, y: usize } } fn main() { let a = A::As; match <|>a { A::As => (), A::Bs => (), A::Cs(_) => (), A::Ds(_, _) => (), A::Es { x, y } => (), } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_fill_match_arm_refs() { check_assist( fill_match_arms, r#" enum A { As, } fn foo(a: &A) { match a<|> { } } "#, r#" enum A { As, } fn foo(a: &A) { match <|>a { A::As => (), } } "#, ); check_assist( fill_match_arms, r#" enum A { Es{ x: usize, y: usize } } fn foo(a: &mut A) { match a<|> { } } "#, r#" enum A { Es{ x: usize, y: usize } } fn foo(a: &mut A) { match <|>a { A::Es { x, y } => (), } } "#, ); } #[test] fn fill_match_arms_target() { check_assist_target( fill_match_arms, r#" enum E { X, Y } fn main() { match E::X<|> {} } "#, "match E::X {}", ); } #[test] fn fill_match_arms_trivial_arm() { check_assist( fill_match_arms, r#" enum E { X, Y } fn main() { match E::X { <|>_ => {}, } } "#, r#" enum E { X, Y } fn main() { match <|>E::X { E::X => (), E::Y => (), } } "#, ); } #[test] fn fill_match_arms_qualifies_path() { check_assist( fill_match_arms, r#" mod foo { pub enum E { X, Y } } use foo::E::X; fn main() { match X { <|> } } "#, r#" mod foo { pub enum E { X, Y } } use foo::E::X; fn main() { match <|>X { X => (), foo::E::Y => (), } } "#, ); } }