use std::iter::{once, successors}; use ra_syntax::{ ast::{self, make}, AstNode, T, }; use crate::{Assist, AssistCtx, AssistId}; // Assist: split_import // // Wraps the tail of import into braces. // // ``` // use std::<|>collections::HashMap; // ``` // -> // ``` // use std::{collections::HashMap}; // ``` pub(crate) fn split_import(ctx: AssistCtx) -> Option { let colon_colon = ctx.find_token_at_offset(T![::])?; let path = ast::Path::cast(colon_colon.parent())?.qualifier()?; let top_path = successors(Some(path.clone()), |it| it.parent_path()).last()?; let use_tree = top_path.syntax().ancestors().find_map(ast::UseTree::cast)?; let new_tree = split_use_tree_prefix(&use_tree, &path)?; let cursor = ctx.frange.range.start(); ctx.add_assist(AssistId("split_import"), "Split import", |edit| {; edit.replace_ast(use_tree, new_tree); edit.set_cursor(cursor); }) } fn split_use_tree_prefix(use_tree: &ast::UseTree, prefix: &ast::Path) -> Option { let suffix = split_path_prefix(&prefix)?; let use_tree = make::use_tree(suffix.clone(), use_tree.use_tree_list(), use_tree.alias()); let nested = make::use_tree_list(once(use_tree)); let res = make::use_tree(prefix.clone(), Some(nested), None); Some(res) } fn split_path_prefix(prefix: &ast::Path) -> Option { let parent = prefix.parent_path()?; let mut res = make::path_unqualified(parent.segment()?); for p in successors(parent.parent_path(), |it| it.parent_path()) { res = make::path_qualified(res, p.segment()?); } Some(res) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::helpers::{check_assist, check_assist_target}; use super::*; #[test] fn test_split_import() { check_assist( split_import, "use crate::<|>db::RootDatabase;", "use crate::<|>{db::RootDatabase};", ) } #[test] fn split_import_works_with_trees() { check_assist( split_import, "use crate:<|>:db::{RootDatabase, FileSymbol}", "use crate:<|>:{db::{RootDatabase, FileSymbol}}", ) } #[test] fn split_import_target() { check_assist_target(split_import, "use crate::<|>db::{RootDatabase, FileSymbol}", "::"); } }