mod vfs_filter; use std::sync::Arc; use std::path::Path; use std::collections::HashSet; use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; use ra_db::{ CrateGraph, FileId, SourceRoot, SourceRootId, SourceDatabase, salsa, }; use ra_hir::db; use ra_project_model::ProjectWorkspace; use ra_vfs::{Vfs, VfsChange}; use vfs_filter::IncludeRustFiles; type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, failure::Error>; #[salsa::database(ra_db::SourceDatabaseStorage, db::HirDatabaseStorage, db::DefDatabaseStorage)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BatchDatabase { runtime: salsa::Runtime<BatchDatabase>, } impl salsa::Database for BatchDatabase { fn salsa_runtime(&self) -> &salsa::Runtime<BatchDatabase> { &self.runtime } } fn vfs_file_to_id(f: ra_vfs::VfsFile) -> FileId { FileId(f.0.into()) } fn vfs_root_to_id(r: ra_vfs::VfsRoot) -> SourceRootId { SourceRootId(r.0.into()) } impl BatchDatabase { pub fn load(crate_graph: CrateGraph, vfs: &mut Vfs) -> BatchDatabase { let mut db = BatchDatabase { runtime: salsa::Runtime::default() }; db.set_crate_graph(Arc::new(crate_graph)); // wait until Vfs has loaded all roots let receiver = vfs.task_receiver().clone(); let mut roots_loaded = HashSet::new(); for task in receiver { vfs.handle_task(task); let mut done = false; for change in vfs.commit_changes() { match change { VfsChange::AddRoot { root, files } => { let source_root_id = vfs_root_to_id(root); log::debug!( "loaded source root {:?} with path {:?}", source_root_id, vfs.root2path(root) ); let mut file_map = FxHashMap::default(); for (vfs_file, path, text) in files { let file_id = vfs_file_to_id(vfs_file); db.set_file_text(file_id, text); db.set_file_relative_path(file_id, path.clone()); db.set_file_source_root(file_id, source_root_id); file_map.insert(path, file_id); } let source_root = SourceRoot { files: file_map }; db.set_source_root(source_root_id, Arc::new(source_root)); roots_loaded.insert(source_root_id); if roots_loaded.len() == vfs.n_roots() { done = true; } } VfsChange::AddFile { .. } | VfsChange::RemoveFile { .. } | VfsChange::ChangeFile { .. } => { // We just need the first scan, so just ignore these } } } if done { break; } } db } pub fn load_cargo(root: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<(BatchDatabase, Vec<SourceRootId>)> { let root = std::env::current_dir()?.join(root); let ws = ProjectWorkspace::discover(root.as_ref())?; let mut roots = Vec::new(); roots.push(IncludeRustFiles::member(root.clone())); roots.extend(IncludeRustFiles::from_roots(ws.to_roots())); let (mut vfs, roots) = Vfs::new(roots); let mut load = |path: &Path| { let vfs_file = vfs.load(path); log::debug!("vfs file {:?} -> {:?}", path, vfs_file); }; let crate_graph = ws.to_crate_graph(&mut load); log::debug!("crate graph: {:?}", crate_graph); let local_roots = roots .into_iter() .filter(|r| vfs.root2path(*r).starts_with(&root)) .map(vfs_root_to_id) .collect(); let db = BatchDatabase::load(crate_graph, &mut vfs); Ok((db, local_roots)) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ra_hir::Crate; use super::*; #[test] fn test_loading_rust_analyzer() { let path = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap(); let (db, roots) = BatchDatabase::load_cargo(path).unwrap(); let mut n_crates = 0; for root in roots { for _krate in Crate::source_root_crates(&db, root) { n_crates += 1; } } // RA has quite a few crates, but the exact count doesn't matter assert!(n_crates > 20); } }