use std::{collections::HashSet, fmt::Write, path::Path, time::Instant}; use ra_db::SourceDatabase; use ra_hir::{Crate, HasSource, HirDisplay, ImplItem, ModuleDef, Ty}; use ra_syntax::AstNode; use crate::Result; pub fn run(verbose: bool, memory_usage: bool, path: &Path, only: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> { let db_load_time = Instant::now(); let (mut host, roots) = ra_batch::load_cargo(path)?; let db = host.raw_database(); println!("Database loaded, {} roots, {:?}", roots.len(), db_load_time.elapsed()); let analysis_time = Instant::now(); let mut num_crates = 0; let mut visited_modules = HashSet::new(); let mut visit_queue = Vec::new(); for (source_root_id, project_root) in roots { if project_root.is_member() { for krate in Crate::source_root_crates(db, source_root_id) { num_crates += 1; let module = krate.root_module(db).expect("crate in source root without root module"); visit_queue.push(module); } } } println!("Crates in this dir: {}", num_crates); let mut num_decls = 0; let mut funcs = Vec::new(); while let Some(module) = visit_queue.pop() { if visited_modules.insert(module) { visit_queue.extend(module.children(db)); for decl in module.declarations(db) { num_decls += 1; if let ModuleDef::Function(f) = decl { funcs.push(f); } } for impl_block in module.impl_blocks(db) { for item in impl_block.items(db) { num_decls += 1; if let ImplItem::Method(f) = item { funcs.push(f); } } } } } println!("Total modules found: {}", visited_modules.len()); println!("Total declarations: {}", num_decls); println!("Total functions: {}", funcs.len()); println!("Item Collection: {:?}, {}", analysis_time.elapsed(), ra_prof::memory_usage()); let inference_time = Instant::now(); let bar = indicatif::ProgressBar::with_draw_target( funcs.len() as u64, indicatif::ProgressDrawTarget::stderr_nohz(), ); bar.set_style( indicatif::ProgressStyle::default_bar().template("{wide_bar} {pos}/{len}\n{msg}"), ); bar.tick(); let mut num_exprs = 0; let mut num_exprs_unknown = 0; let mut num_exprs_partially_unknown = 0; let mut num_type_mismatches = 0; for f in funcs { let name =; let mut msg = format!("processing: {}", name); if verbose { let src = f.source(db); let original_file = src.file_id.original_file(db); let path = db.file_relative_path(original_file); let syntax_range = src.ast.syntax().text_range(); write!(msg, " ({:?} {})", path, syntax_range).unwrap(); } bar.set_message(&msg); if let Some(only_name) = only { if name.to_string() != only_name { continue; } } let body = f.body(db); let inference_result = f.infer(db); for (expr_id, _) in body.exprs() { let ty = &inference_result[expr_id]; num_exprs += 1; if let Ty::Unknown = ty { num_exprs_unknown += 1; } else { let mut is_partially_unknown = false; ty.walk(&mut |ty| { if let Ty::Unknown = ty { is_partially_unknown = true; } }); if is_partially_unknown { num_exprs_partially_unknown += 1; } } if let Some(mismatch) = inference_result.type_mismatch_for_expr(expr_id) { num_type_mismatches += 1; if verbose { let src = f.source(db); let original_file = src.file_id.original_file(db); let path = db.file_relative_path(original_file); let line_index = host.analysis().file_line_index(original_file).unwrap(); let body_source_map = f.body_source_map(db); let syntax_node = body_source_map.expr_syntax(expr_id); let line_col =|syntax_node| { ( line_index.line_col(syntax_node.range().start()), line_index.line_col(syntax_node.range().end()), ) }); let line_col = match line_col { Some((start, end)) => format!( "{}:{}-{}:{}", start.line + 1, start.col_utf16, end.line + 1, end.col_utf16 ), None => "?:?".to_string(), }; bar.println(format!( "{} {}: Expected {}, got {}", path.display(), line_col, mismatch.expected.display(db), mismatch.actual.display(db) )); } } }; } bar.finish_and_clear(); println!("Total expressions: {}", num_exprs); println!( "Expressions of unknown type: {} ({}%)", num_exprs_unknown, (num_exprs_unknown * 100 / num_exprs) ); println!( "Expressions of partially unknown type: {} ({}%)", num_exprs_partially_unknown, (num_exprs_partially_unknown * 100 / num_exprs) ); println!("Type mismatches: {}", num_type_mismatches); println!("Inference: {:?}, {}", inference_time.elapsed(), ra_prof::memory_usage()); println!("Total: {:?}, {}", analysis_time.elapsed(), ra_prof::memory_usage()); if memory_usage { drop(db); for (name, bytes) in host.per_query_memory_usage() { println!("{:>8} {}", bytes, name) } let before = ra_prof::memory_usage(); drop(host); println!("leftover: {}", before.allocated - ra_prof::memory_usage().allocated) } Ok(()) }