//! ra_db defines basic database traits. The concrete DB is defined by ra_ide_api.
mod cancellation;
mod input;

use std::{panic, sync::Arc};

use ra_syntax::{TextUnit, TextRange, SourceFile, Parse};
use relative_path::RelativePathBuf;
use ra_prof::profile;

pub use ::salsa as salsa;
pub use crate::{
        FileId, CrateId, SourceRoot, SourceRootId, CrateGraph, Dependency, Edition,

pub trait CheckCanceled {
    /// Aborts current query if there are pending changes.
    /// rust-analyzer needs to be able to answer semantic questions about the
    /// code while the code is being modified. A common problem is that a
    /// long-running query is being calculated when a new change arrives.
    /// We can't just apply the change immediately: this will cause the pending
    /// query to see inconsistent state (it will observe an absence of
    /// repeatable read). So what we do is we **cancel** all pending queries
    /// before applying the change.
    /// We implement cancellation by panicking with a special value and catching
    /// it on the API boundary. Salsa explicitly supports this use-case.
    fn check_canceled(&self);

    fn catch_canceled<F, T>(&self, f: F) -> Result<T, Canceled>
        Self: Sized,
        F: FnOnce(&Self) -> T + panic::UnwindSafe,
        let this = panic::AssertUnwindSafe(self);
        panic::catch_unwind(|| f(*this)).map_err(|err| match err.downcast::<Canceled>() {
            Ok(canceled) => *canceled,
            Err(payload) => panic::resume_unwind(payload),

impl<T: salsa::Database> CheckCanceled for T {
    fn check_canceled(&self) {
        if self.salsa_runtime().is_current_revision_canceled() {

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct FilePosition {
    pub file_id: FileId,
    pub offset: TextUnit,

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct FileRange {
    pub file_id: FileId,
    pub range: TextRange,

/// Database which stores all significant input facts: source code and project
/// model. Everything else in rust-analyzer is derived from these queries.
pub trait SourceDatabase: CheckCanceled + std::fmt::Debug {
    /// Text of the file.
    fn file_text(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<String>;
    // Parses the file into the syntax tree.
    fn parse(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Parse;
    /// Path to a file, relative to the root of its source root.
    fn file_relative_path(&self, file_id: FileId) -> RelativePathBuf;
    /// Source root of the file.
    fn file_source_root(&self, file_id: FileId) -> SourceRootId;
    /// Contents of the source root.
    fn source_root(&self, id: SourceRootId) -> Arc<SourceRoot>;
    fn source_root_crates(&self, id: SourceRootId) -> Arc<Vec<CrateId>>;
    /// The crate graph.
    fn crate_graph(&self) -> Arc<CrateGraph>;

fn source_root_crates(db: &impl SourceDatabase, id: SourceRootId) -> Arc<Vec<CrateId>> {
    let root = db.source_root(id);
    let graph = db.crate_graph();
    let res =
        root.files.values().filter_map(|&it| graph.crate_id_for_crate_root(it)).collect::<Vec<_>>();

fn parse_query(db: &impl SourceDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Parse {
    let _p = profile("parse_query");
    let text = db.file_text(file_id);