use join_to_string::join; use ra_syntax::{ algo::{find_covering_node, find_leaf_at_offset}, ast::{self, AstNode, AttrsOwner, NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner}, Direction, SourceFileNode, SyntaxKind::{COMMA, WHITESPACE, COMMENT, VISIBILITY, FN_KW, MOD_KW, STRUCT_KW, ENUM_KW, TRAIT_KW, FN_DEF, MODULE, STRUCT_DEF, ENUM_DEF, TRAIT_DEF}, SyntaxNodeRef, TextRange, TextUnit, }; use crate::{find_node_at_offset, TextEdit, TextEditBuilder}; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LocalEdit { pub label: String, pub edit: TextEdit, pub cursor_position: Option<TextUnit>, } pub fn flip_comma<'a>( file: &'a SourceFileNode, offset: TextUnit, ) -> Option<impl FnOnce() -> LocalEdit + 'a> { let syntax = file.syntax(); let comma = find_leaf_at_offset(syntax, offset).find(|leaf| leaf.kind() == COMMA)?; let prev = non_trivia_sibling(comma, Direction::Prev)?; let next = non_trivia_sibling(comma, Direction::Next)?; Some(move || { let mut edit = TextEditBuilder::new(); edit.replace(prev.range(), next.text().to_string()); edit.replace(next.range(), prev.text().to_string()); LocalEdit { label: "flip comma".to_string(), edit: edit.finish(), cursor_position: None, } }) } pub fn add_derive<'a>( file: &'a SourceFileNode, offset: TextUnit, ) -> Option<impl FnOnce() -> LocalEdit + 'a> { let nominal = find_node_at_offset::<ast::NominalDef>(file.syntax(), offset)?; let node_start = derive_insertion_offset(nominal)?; return Some(move || { let derive_attr = nominal .attrs() .filter_map(|x| x.as_call()) .filter(|(name, _arg)| name == "derive") .map(|(_name, arg)| arg) .next(); let mut edit = TextEditBuilder::new(); let offset = match derive_attr { None => { edit.insert(node_start, "#[derive()]\n".to_string()); node_start + TextUnit::of_str("#[derive(") } Some(tt) => tt.syntax().range().end() - TextUnit::of_char(')'), }; LocalEdit { label: "add `#[derive]`".to_string(), edit: edit.finish(), cursor_position: Some(offset), } }); // Insert `derive` after doc comments. fn derive_insertion_offset(nominal: ast::NominalDef) -> Option<TextUnit> { let non_ws_child = nominal .syntax() .children() .find(|it| it.kind() != COMMENT && it.kind() != WHITESPACE)?; Some(non_ws_child.range().start()) } } pub fn add_impl<'a>( file: &'a SourceFileNode, offset: TextUnit, ) -> Option<impl FnOnce() -> LocalEdit + 'a> { let nominal = find_node_at_offset::<ast::NominalDef>(file.syntax(), offset)?; let name =; Some(move || { let type_params = nominal.type_param_list(); let mut edit = TextEditBuilder::new(); let start_offset = nominal.syntax().range().end(); let mut buf = String::new(); buf.push_str("\n\nimpl"); if let Some(type_params) = type_params { type_params.syntax().text().push_to(&mut buf); } buf.push_str(" "); buf.push_str(name.text().as_str()); if let Some(type_params) = type_params { let lifetime_params = type_params .lifetime_params() .filter_map(|it| it.lifetime()) .map(|it| it.text()); let type_params = type_params .type_params() .filter_map(|it| .map(|it| it.text()); join(lifetime_params.chain(type_params)) .surround_with("<", ">") .to_buf(&mut buf); } buf.push_str(" {\n"); let offset = start_offset + TextUnit::of_str(&buf); buf.push_str("\n}"); edit.insert(start_offset, buf); LocalEdit { label: "add impl".to_string(), edit: edit.finish(), cursor_position: Some(offset), } }) } pub fn introduce_variable<'a>( file: &'a SourceFileNode, range: TextRange, ) -> Option<impl FnOnce() -> LocalEdit + 'a> { let node = find_covering_node(file.syntax(), range); let expr = node.ancestors().filter_map(ast::Expr::cast).next()?; let anchor_stmt = anchor_stmt(expr)?; let indent = anchor_stmt.prev_sibling()?; if indent.kind() != WHITESPACE { return None; } return Some(move || { let mut buf = String::new(); let mut edit = TextEditBuilder::new(); buf.push_str("let var_name = "); expr.syntax().text().push_to(&mut buf); let is_full_stmt = if let Some(expr_stmt) = ast::ExprStmt::cast(anchor_stmt) { Some(expr.syntax()) == expr_stmt.expr().map(|e| e.syntax()) } else { false }; if is_full_stmt { edit.replace(expr.syntax().range(), buf); } else { buf.push_str(";"); indent.text().push_to(&mut buf); edit.replace(expr.syntax().range(), "var_name".to_string()); edit.insert(anchor_stmt.range().start(), buf); } let cursor_position = anchor_stmt.range().start() + TextUnit::of_str("let "); LocalEdit { label: "introduce variable".to_string(), edit: edit.finish(), cursor_position: Some(cursor_position), } }); /// Statement or last in the block expression, which will follow /// the freshly introduced var. fn anchor_stmt(expr: ast::Expr) -> Option<SyntaxNodeRef> { expr.syntax().ancestors().find(|&node| { if ast::Stmt::cast(node).is_some() { return true; } if let Some(expr) = node .parent() .and_then(ast::Block::cast) .and_then(|it| it.expr()) { if expr.syntax() == node { return true; } } false }) } } pub fn make_pub_crate<'a>( file: &'a SourceFileNode, offset: TextUnit, ) -> Option<impl FnOnce() -> LocalEdit + 'a> { let syntax = file.syntax(); let keyword = find_leaf_at_offset(syntax, offset).find(|leaf| match leaf.kind() { FN_KW | MOD_KW | STRUCT_KW | ENUM_KW | TRAIT_KW => true, _ => false, })?; let parent = keyword.parent()?; let def_kws = vec![FN_DEF, MODULE, STRUCT_DEF, ENUM_DEF, TRAIT_DEF]; let node_start = parent.range().start(); Some(move || { let mut edit = TextEditBuilder::new(); if !def_kws.iter().any(|&def_kw| def_kw == parent.kind()) || parent.children().any(|child| child.kind() == VISIBILITY) { return LocalEdit { label: "make pub crate".to_string(), edit: edit.finish(), cursor_position: Some(offset), }; } edit.insert(node_start, "pub(crate) ".to_string()); LocalEdit { label: "make pub crate".to_string(), edit: edit.finish(), cursor_position: Some(node_start), } }) } fn non_trivia_sibling(node: SyntaxNodeRef, direction: Direction) -> Option<SyntaxNodeRef> { node.siblings(direction) .skip(1) .find(|node| !node.kind().is_trivia()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::test_utils::{check_action, check_action_range}; #[test] fn test_swap_comma() { check_action( "fn foo(x: i32,<|> y: Result<(), ()>) {}", "fn foo(y: Result<(), ()>,<|> x: i32) {}", |file, off| flip_comma(file, off).map(|f| f()), ) } #[test] fn add_derive_new() { check_action( "struct Foo { a: i32, <|>}", "#[derive(<|>)]\nstruct Foo { a: i32, }", |file, off| add_derive(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); check_action( "struct Foo { <|> a: i32, }", "#[derive(<|>)]\nstruct Foo { a: i32, }", |file, off| add_derive(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); } #[test] fn add_derive_existing() { check_action( "#[derive(Clone)]\nstruct Foo { a: i32<|>, }", "#[derive(Clone<|>)]\nstruct Foo { a: i32, }", |file, off| add_derive(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); } #[test] fn add_derive_new_with_doc_comment() { check_action( " /// `Foo` is a pretty important struct. /// It does stuff. struct Foo { a: i32<|>, } ", " /// `Foo` is a pretty important struct. /// It does stuff. #[derive(<|>)] struct Foo { a: i32, } ", |file, off| add_derive(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); } #[test] fn test_add_impl() { check_action( "struct Foo {<|>}\n", "struct Foo {}\n\nimpl Foo {\n<|>\n}\n", |file, off| add_impl(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); check_action( "struct Foo<T: Clone> {<|>}", "struct Foo<T: Clone> {}\n\nimpl<T: Clone> Foo<T> {\n<|>\n}", |file, off| add_impl(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); check_action( "struct Foo<'a, T: Foo<'a>> {<|>}", "struct Foo<'a, T: Foo<'a>> {}\n\nimpl<'a, T: Foo<'a>> Foo<'a, T> {\n<|>\n}", |file, off| add_impl(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); } #[test] fn test_introduce_var_simple() { check_action_range( " fn foo() { foo(<|>1 + 1<|>); }", " fn foo() { let <|>var_name = 1 + 1; foo(var_name); }", |file, range| introduce_variable(file, range).map(|f| f()), ); } #[test] fn test_introduce_var_expr_stmt() { check_action_range( " fn foo() { <|>1 + 1<|>; }", " fn foo() { let <|>var_name = 1 + 1; }", |file, range| introduce_variable(file, range).map(|f| f()), ); } #[test] fn test_introduce_var_part_of_expr_stmt() { check_action_range( " fn foo() { <|>1<|> + 1; }", " fn foo() { let <|>var_name = 1; var_name + 1; }", |file, range| introduce_variable(file, range).map(|f| f()), ); } #[test] fn test_introduce_var_last_expr() { check_action_range( " fn foo() { bar(<|>1 + 1<|>) }", " fn foo() { let <|>var_name = 1 + 1; bar(var_name) }", |file, range| introduce_variable(file, range).map(|f| f()), ); } #[test] fn test_introduce_var_last_full_expr() { check_action_range( " fn foo() { <|>bar(1 + 1)<|> }", " fn foo() { let <|>var_name = bar(1 + 1); var_name }", |file, range| introduce_variable(file, range).map(|f| f()), ); } #[test] fn test_make_pub_crate() { check_action( "<|>fn foo() {}", "<|>pub(crate) fn foo() {}", |file, off| make_pub_crate(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); check_action( "f<|>n foo() {}", "<|>pub(crate) fn foo() {}", |file, off| make_pub_crate(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); check_action( "<|>struct Foo {}", "<|>pub(crate) struct Foo {}", |file, off| make_pub_crate(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); check_action("<|>mod foo {}", "<|>pub(crate) mod foo {}", |file, off| { make_pub_crate(file, off).map(|f| f()) }); check_action( "<|>trait Foo {}", "<|>pub(crate) trait Foo {}", |file, off| make_pub_crate(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); check_action("m<|>od {}", "<|>pub(crate) mod {}", |file, off| { make_pub_crate(file, off).map(|f| f()) }); check_action( "pub(crate) f<|>n foo() {}", "pub(crate) f<|>n foo() {}", |file, off| make_pub_crate(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); check_action( "unsafe f<|>n foo() {}", "<|>pub(crate) unsafe fn foo() {}", |file, off| make_pub_crate(file, off).map(|f| f()), ); } }