use std::{ marker::PhantomData, hash::{Hash, Hasher}, sync::Arc, }; use ra_db::{LocationIntener, FileId}; use ra_syntax::{TreeArc, SyntaxNode, SourceFile, AstNode, SyntaxNodePtr, ast}; use ra_arena::{Arena, RawId, ArenaId, impl_arena_id}; use crate::{ Module, PersistentHirDatabase, }; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct HirInterner { macros: LocationIntener<MacroCallLoc, MacroCallId>, fns: LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::FnDef>, FunctionId>, structs: LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::StructDef>, StructId>, enums: LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::EnumDef>, EnumId>, consts: LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::ConstDef>, ConstId>, statics: LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::StaticDef>, StaticId>, traits: LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::TraitDef>, TraitId>, types: LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::TypeDef>, TypeId>, } impl HirInterner { pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.macros.len() + self.fns.len() + self.structs.len() + self.enums.len() + self.consts.len() + self.statics.len() + self.traits.len() + self.types.len() } } /// hir makes heavy use of ids: integer (u32) handlers to various things. You /// can think of id as a pointer (but without a lifetime) or a file descriptor /// (but for hir objects). /// /// This module defines a bunch of ids we are using. The most important ones are /// probably `HirFileId` and `DefId`. /// Input to the analyzer is a set of files, where each file is identified by /// `FileId` and contains source code. However, another source of source code in /// Rust are macros: each macro can be thought of as producing a "temporary /// file". To assign an id to such a file, we use the id of the macro call that /// produced the file. So, a `HirFileId` is either a `FileId` (source code /// written by user), or a `MacroCallId` (source code produced by macro). /// /// What is a `MacroCallId`? Simplifying, it's a `HirFileId` of a file /// containing the call plus the offset of the macro call in the file. Note that /// this is a recursive definition! However, the size_of of `HirFileId` is /// finite (because everything bottoms out at the real `FileId`) and small /// (`MacroCallId` uses the location interner). #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct HirFileId(HirFileIdRepr); impl HirFileId { /// For macro-expansion files, returns the file original source file the /// expansion originated from. pub fn original_file(self, db: &impl PersistentHirDatabase) -> FileId { match self.0 { HirFileIdRepr::File(file_id) => file_id, HirFileIdRepr::Macro(macro_call_id) => { let loc = macro_call_id.loc(db); loc.source_item_id.file_id.original_file(db) } } } /// XXX: this is a temporary function, which should go away when we implement the /// nameresolution+macro expansion combo. Prefer using `original_file` if /// possible. pub fn as_original_file(self) -> FileId { match self.0 { HirFileIdRepr::File(file_id) => file_id, HirFileIdRepr::Macro(_r) => panic!("macro generated file: {:?}", self), } } pub(crate) fn as_macro_call_id(self) -> Option<MacroCallId> { match self.0 { HirFileIdRepr::Macro(it) => Some(it), _ => None, } } pub(crate) fn hir_parse( db: &impl PersistentHirDatabase, file_id: HirFileId, ) -> TreeArc<SourceFile> { match file_id.0 { HirFileIdRepr::File(file_id) => db.parse(file_id), HirFileIdRepr::Macro(m) => { if let Some(exp) = db.expand_macro_invocation(m) { return exp.file(); } // returning an empty string looks fishy... SourceFile::parse("") } } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] enum HirFileIdRepr { File(FileId), Macro(MacroCallId), } impl From<FileId> for HirFileId { fn from(file_id: FileId) -> HirFileId { HirFileId(HirFileIdRepr::File(file_id)) } } impl From<MacroCallId> for HirFileId { fn from(macro_call_id: MacroCallId) -> HirFileId { HirFileId(HirFileIdRepr::Macro(macro_call_id)) } } /// `MacroCallId` identifies a particular macro invocation, like /// `println!("Hello, {}", world)`. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct MacroCallId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(MacroCallId); #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct MacroCallLoc { pub(crate) module: Module, pub(crate) source_item_id: SourceItemId, } impl MacroCallId { pub(crate) fn loc(self, db: &impl AsRef<HirInterner>) -> MacroCallLoc { db.as_ref().macros.id2loc(self) } } impl MacroCallLoc { #[allow(unused)] pub(crate) fn id(&self, db: &impl AsRef<HirInterner>) -> MacroCallId { db.as_ref().macros.loc2id(&self) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ItemLoc<N: AstNode> { pub(crate) module: Module, raw: SourceItemId, _ty: PhantomData<N>, } impl<N: AstNode> PartialEq for ItemLoc<N> { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.module == other.module && self.raw == other.raw } } impl<N: AstNode> Eq for ItemLoc<N> {} impl<N: AstNode> Hash for ItemLoc<N> { fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) { self.module.hash(hasher); self.raw.hash(hasher); } } impl<N: AstNode> Clone for ItemLoc<N> { fn clone(&self) -> ItemLoc<N> { ItemLoc { module: self.module, raw: self.raw, _ty: PhantomData } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub(crate) struct LocationCtx<DB> { db: DB, module: Module, file_id: HirFileId, } impl<'a, DB: PersistentHirDatabase> LocationCtx<&'a DB> { pub(crate) fn new(db: &'a DB, module: Module, file_id: HirFileId) -> LocationCtx<&'a DB> { LocationCtx { db, module, file_id } } pub(crate) fn to_def<N, DEF>(self, ast: &N) -> DEF where N: AstNode, DEF: AstItemDef<N>, { DEF::from_ast(self, ast) } } pub(crate) trait AstItemDef<N: AstNode>: ArenaId + Clone { fn interner(interner: &HirInterner) -> &LocationIntener<ItemLoc<N>, Self>; fn from_ast(ctx: LocationCtx<&impl PersistentHirDatabase>, ast: &N) -> Self { let items = ctx.db.file_items(ctx.file_id); let raw = SourceItemId { file_id: ctx.file_id, item_id: items.id_of(ctx.file_id, ast.syntax()) }; let loc = ItemLoc { module: ctx.module, raw, _ty: PhantomData }; Self::interner(ctx.db.as_ref()).loc2id(&loc) } fn source(self, db: &impl PersistentHirDatabase) -> (HirFileId, TreeArc<N>) { let int = Self::interner(db.as_ref()); let loc = int.id2loc(self); let syntax = db.file_item(loc.raw); let ast = N::cast(&syntax).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("invalid ItemLoc: {:?}", loc.raw)).to_owned(); (loc.raw.file_id, ast) } fn module(self, db: &impl PersistentHirDatabase) -> Module { let int = Self::interner(db.as_ref()); let loc = int.id2loc(self); loc.module } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct FunctionId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(FunctionId); impl AstItemDef<ast::FnDef> for FunctionId { fn interner(interner: &HirInterner) -> &LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::FnDef>, Self> { &interner.fns } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct StructId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(StructId); impl AstItemDef<ast::StructDef> for StructId { fn interner(interner: &HirInterner) -> &LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::StructDef>, Self> { &interner.structs } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct EnumId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(EnumId); impl AstItemDef<ast::EnumDef> for EnumId { fn interner(interner: &HirInterner) -> &LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::EnumDef>, Self> { &interner.enums } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct ConstId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(ConstId); impl AstItemDef<ast::ConstDef> for ConstId { fn interner(interner: &HirInterner) -> &LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::ConstDef>, Self> { &interner.consts } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct StaticId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(StaticId); impl AstItemDef<ast::StaticDef> for StaticId { fn interner(interner: &HirInterner) -> &LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::StaticDef>, Self> { &interner.statics } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct TraitId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(TraitId); impl AstItemDef<ast::TraitDef> for TraitId { fn interner(interner: &HirInterner) -> &LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::TraitDef>, Self> { &interner.traits } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct TypeId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(TypeId); impl AstItemDef<ast::TypeDef> for TypeId { fn interner(interner: &HirInterner) -> &LocationIntener<ItemLoc<ast::TypeDef>, Self> { &interner.types } } /// Identifier of item within a specific file. This is stable over reparses, so /// it's OK to use it as a salsa key/value. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct SourceFileItemId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(SourceFileItemId); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct SourceItemId { pub(crate) file_id: HirFileId, pub(crate) item_id: SourceFileItemId, } /// Maps items' `SyntaxNode`s to `SourceFileItemId`s and back. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct SourceFileItems { file_id: HirFileId, arena: Arena<SourceFileItemId, SyntaxNodePtr>, } impl SourceFileItems { pub(crate) fn file_items_query( db: &impl PersistentHirDatabase, file_id: HirFileId, ) -> Arc<SourceFileItems> { let source_file = db.hir_parse(file_id); let mut res = SourceFileItems { file_id, arena: Arena::default() }; res.init(&source_file); Arc::new(res) } pub(crate) fn file_item_query( db: &impl PersistentHirDatabase, source_item_id: SourceItemId, ) -> TreeArc<SyntaxNode> { let source_file = db.hir_parse(source_item_id.file_id); db.file_items(source_item_id.file_id)[source_item_id.item_id] .to_node(&source_file) .to_owned() } fn init(&mut self, source_file: &SourceFile) { // By walking the tree in bread-first order we make sure that parents // get lower ids then children. That is, adding a new child does not // change parent's id. This means that, say, adding a new function to a // trait does not change ids of top-level items, which helps caching. bfs(source_file.syntax(), |it| { if let Some(module_item) = ast::ModuleItem::cast(it) { self.alloc(module_item.syntax()); } else if let Some(macro_call) = ast::MacroCall::cast(it) { self.alloc(macro_call.syntax()); } }) } fn alloc(&mut self, item: &SyntaxNode) -> SourceFileItemId { self.arena.alloc(SyntaxNodePtr::new(item)) } pub(crate) fn id_of(&self, file_id: HirFileId, item: &SyntaxNode) -> SourceFileItemId { assert_eq!( self.file_id, file_id, "SourceFileItems: wrong file, expected {:?}, got {:?}", self.file_id, file_id ); self.id_of_unchecked(item) } pub(crate) fn id_of_unchecked(&self, item: &SyntaxNode) -> SourceFileItemId { let ptr = SyntaxNodePtr::new(item); if let Some((id, _)) = self.arena.iter().find(|(_id, i)| **i == ptr) { return id; } panic!( "Can't find {:?} in SourceFileItems:\n{:?}", item, self.arena.iter().map(|(_id, i)| i).collect::<Vec<_>>(), ); } } impl std::ops::Index<SourceFileItemId> for SourceFileItems { type Output = SyntaxNodePtr; fn index(&self, idx: SourceFileItemId) -> &SyntaxNodePtr { &self.arena[idx] } } /// Walks the subtree in bfs order, calling `f` for each node. fn bfs(node: &SyntaxNode, mut f: impl FnMut(&SyntaxNode)) { let mut curr_layer = vec![node]; let mut next_layer = vec![]; while !curr_layer.is_empty() { curr_layer.drain(..).for_each(|node| { next_layer.extend(node.children()); f(node); }); std::mem::swap(&mut curr_layer, &mut next_layer); } }