//! HIR (previously known as descriptors) provides a high-level object oriented
//! access to Rust code.
//! The principal difference between HIR and syntax trees is that HIR is bound
//! to a particular crate instance. That is, it has cfg flags and features
//! applied. So, the relation between syntax and HIR is many-to-one.

#![recursion_limit = "512"]

macro_rules! impl_froms {
    ($e:ident: $($v:ident $(($($sv:ident),*))?),*) => {
            impl From<$v> for $e {
                fn from(it: $v) -> $e {
                impl From<$sv> for $e {
                    fn from(it: $sv) -> $e {

pub mod debug;

pub mod db;
pub mod source_binder;

mod ty;
mod expr;
pub mod diagnostics;
mod util;

mod from_id;
mod code_model;

pub mod from_source;

mod test_db;
mod marks;

pub use crate::{
        src::HasSource, Adt, AssocItem, AttrDef, Const, Container, Crate, CrateDependency,
        DefWithBody, Docs, Enum, EnumVariant, FieldSource, Function, GenericDef, GenericParam,
        HasAttrs, ImplBlock, Import, Local, MacroDef, Module, ModuleDef, ModuleSource, ScopeDef,
        Static, Struct, StructField, Trait, TypeAlias, Union, VariantDef,
    source_binder::{PathResolution, ScopeEntryWithSyntax, SourceAnalyzer},
        primitive::{FloatBitness, FloatTy, IntBitness, IntTy, Signedness, Uncertain},
        ApplicationTy, CallableDef, Substs, TraitRef, Ty, TypeCtor, TypeWalk,

pub use hir_def::{
    path::{Path, PathKind},
pub use hir_expand::{
    either::Either, name::Name, HirFileId, MacroCallId, MacroCallLoc, MacroDefId, MacroFile, Source,