//! HIR (previously known as descriptors) provides a high-level object oriented
//! access to Rust code.
//! The principal difference between HIR and syntax trees is that HIR is bound
//! to a particular crate instance. That is, it has cfg flags and features
//! applied. So, the relation between syntax and HIR is many-to-one.

pub mod db;
mod mock;
mod marks;
mod query_definitions;
mod path;
pub mod source_binder;

mod ids;
mod macros;
mod name;
mod module_tree;
mod nameres;
mod adt;
mod type_ref;
mod ty;
mod impl_block;
mod expr;

mod code_model_api;
mod code_model_impl;

use crate::{
    name::{AsName, KnownName},
    ids::{DefKind, SourceItemId, SourceFileItems},

pub use self::{
    path::{Path, PathKind},
    ids::{HirFileId, DefId, DefLoc, MacroCallId, MacroCallLoc},
    macros::{MacroDef, MacroInput, MacroExpansion},
    nameres::{ItemMap, PerNs, Namespace, Resolution},
    impl_block::{ImplBlock, ImplItem},
    code_model_impl::function::{FnScopes, ScopesWithSyntaxMapping},

pub use self::code_model_api::{
    Crate, CrateDependency,
    Module, ModuleSource, Problem,
    Struct, Enum, EnumVariant,
    Function, FnSignature, ScopeEntryWithSyntax,
    Static, Const,
    Trait, Type,