use std::sync::Arc; use parking_lot::Mutex; use salsa::{self, Database}; use ra_db::{LocationIntener, BaseDatabase, FilePosition, FileId, CrateGraph, SourceRoot, SourceRootId}; use relative_path::RelativePathBuf; use test_utils::{parse_fixture, CURSOR_MARKER, extract_offset}; use crate::{db, DefId, DefLoc}; pub const WORKSPACE: SourceRootId = SourceRootId(0); #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct MockDatabase { events: Mutex<Option<Vec<salsa::Event<MockDatabase>>>>, runtime: salsa::Runtime<MockDatabase>, id_maps: Arc<IdMaps>, } impl MockDatabase { pub(crate) fn with_files(fixture: &str) -> (MockDatabase, SourceRoot) { let (db, source_root, position) = MockDatabase::from_fixture(fixture); assert!(position.is_none()); (db, source_root) } pub(crate) fn with_single_file(text: &str) -> (MockDatabase, SourceRoot, FileId) { let mut db = MockDatabase::default(); let mut source_root = SourceRoot::default(); let file_id = db.add_file(&mut source_root, "/", text); db.query_mut(ra_db::SourceRootQuery) .set(WORKSPACE, Arc::new(source_root.clone())); (db, source_root, file_id) } pub(crate) fn with_position(fixture: &str) -> (MockDatabase, FilePosition) { let (db, _, position) = MockDatabase::from_fixture(fixture); let position = position.expect("expected a marker ( <|> )"); (db, position) } pub(crate) fn set_crate_graph(&mut self, crate_graph: CrateGraph) { self.query_mut(ra_db::CrateGraphQuery) .set((), Arc::new(crate_graph)); } fn from_fixture(fixture: &str) -> (MockDatabase, SourceRoot, Option<FilePosition>) { let mut db = MockDatabase::default(); let mut position = None; let mut source_root = SourceRoot::default(); for entry in parse_fixture(fixture) { if entry.text.contains(CURSOR_MARKER) { assert!( position.is_none(), "only one marker (<|>) per fixture is allowed" ); position = Some(db.add_file_with_position(&mut source_root, &entry.meta, &entry.text)); } else { db.add_file(&mut source_root, &entry.meta, &entry.text); } } db.query_mut(ra_db::SourceRootQuery) .set(WORKSPACE, Arc::new(source_root.clone())); (db, source_root, position) } fn add_file(&mut self, source_root: &mut SourceRoot, path: &str, text: &str) -> FileId { assert!(path.starts_with('/')); let path = RelativePathBuf::from_path(&path[1..]).unwrap(); let file_id = FileId(source_root.files.len() as u32); let text = Arc::new(text.to_string()); self.query_mut(ra_db::FileTextQuery).set(file_id, text); self.query_mut(ra_db::FileRelativePathQuery) .set(file_id, path.clone()); self.query_mut(ra_db::FileSourceRootQuery) .set(file_id, WORKSPACE); source_root.files.insert(path, file_id); file_id } fn add_file_with_position( &mut self, source_root: &mut SourceRoot, path: &str, text: &str, ) -> FilePosition { let (offset, text) = extract_offset(text); let file_id = self.add_file(source_root, path, &text); FilePosition { file_id, offset } } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct IdMaps { defs: LocationIntener<DefLoc, DefId>, } impl salsa::Database for MockDatabase { fn salsa_runtime(&self) -> &salsa::Runtime<MockDatabase> { &self.runtime } fn salsa_event(&self, event: impl Fn() -> salsa::Event<MockDatabase>) { let mut events =; if let Some(events) = &mut *events { events.push(event()); } } } impl Default for MockDatabase { fn default() -> MockDatabase { let mut db = MockDatabase { events: Default::default(), runtime: salsa::Runtime::default(), id_maps: Default::default(), }; db.query_mut(ra_db::CrateGraphQuery) .set((), Default::default()); db.query_mut(ra_db::LocalRootsQuery) .set((), Default::default()); db.query_mut(ra_db::LibraryRootsQuery) .set((), Default::default()); db } } impl salsa::ParallelDatabase for MockDatabase { fn snapshot(&self) -> salsa::Snapshot<MockDatabase> { salsa::Snapshot::new(MockDatabase { events: Default::default(), runtime: self.runtime.snapshot(self), id_maps: self.id_maps.clone(), }) } } impl BaseDatabase for MockDatabase {} impl AsRef<LocationIntener<DefLoc, DefId>> for MockDatabase { fn as_ref(&self) -> &LocationIntener<DefLoc, DefId> { &self.id_maps.defs } } impl MockDatabase { pub(crate) fn log(&self, f: impl FnOnce()) -> Vec<salsa::Event<MockDatabase>> { * = Some(Vec::new()); f(); let events =; events } pub(crate) fn log_executed(&self, f: impl FnOnce()) -> Vec<String> { let events = self.log(f); events .into_iter() .filter_map(|e| match e.kind { // This pretty horrible, but `Debug` is the only way to inspect // QueryDescriptor at the moment. salsa::EventKind::WillExecute { descriptor } => Some(format!("{:?}", descriptor)), _ => None, }) .collect() } } salsa::database_storage! { pub(crate) struct MockDatabaseStorage for MockDatabase { impl ra_db::FilesDatabase { fn file_text() for ra_db::FileTextQuery; fn file_relative_path() for ra_db::FileRelativePathQuery; fn file_source_root() for ra_db::FileSourceRootQuery; fn source_root() for ra_db::SourceRootQuery; fn local_roots() for ra_db::LocalRootsQuery; fn library_roots() for ra_db::LibraryRootsQuery; fn crate_graph() for ra_db::CrateGraphQuery; } impl ra_db::SyntaxDatabase { fn source_file() for ra_db::SourceFileQuery; fn file_lines() for ra_db::FileLinesQuery; } impl db::HirDatabase { fn module_tree() for db::ModuleTreeQuery; fn fn_scopes() for db::FnScopesQuery; fn file_items() for db::SourceFileItemsQuery; fn file_item() for db::FileItemQuery; fn input_module_items() for db::InputModuleItemsQuery; fn item_map() for db::ItemMapQuery; fn fn_syntax() for db::FnSyntaxQuery; fn submodules() for db::SubmodulesQuery; fn infer() for db::InferQuery; fn type_for_def() for db::TypeForDefQuery; fn type_for_field() for db::TypeForFieldQuery; fn struct_data() for db::StructDataQuery; fn enum_data() for db::EnumDataQuery; } } }