pub(super) mod imp; pub(super) mod nameres; use std::sync::Arc; use ra_syntax::{ algo::generate, ast::{self, AstNode, NameOwner}, SmolStr, SyntaxNode, }; use ra_db::{SourceRootId, FileId, Cancelable}; use relative_path::RelativePathBuf; use crate::{ DefKind, DefLoc, DefId, Path, PathKind, HirDatabase, SourceItemId, SourceFileItemId, Crate, arena::{Arena, Id}, }; pub use self::nameres::ModuleScope; /// `Module` is API entry point to get all the information /// about a particular module. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Module { tree: Arc<ModuleTree>, pub(crate) source_root_id: SourceRootId, pub(crate) module_id: ModuleId, } impl Module { pub(super) fn new( db: &impl HirDatabase, source_root_id: SourceRootId, module_id: ModuleId, ) -> Cancelable<Module> { let module_tree = db.module_tree(source_root_id)?; let res = Module { tree: module_tree, source_root_id, module_id, }; Ok(res) } /// Returns `mod foo;` or `mod foo {}` node whihc declared this module. /// Returns `None` for the root module pub fn parent_link_source(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Option<(FileId, ast::ModuleNode)> { let link = self.module_id.parent_link(&self.tree)?; let file_id = link.owner(&self.tree).source(&self.tree).file_id(); let src = link.bind_source(&self.tree, db); Some((file_id, src)) } pub fn source(&self) -> ModuleSource { self.module_id.source(&self.tree) } /// Parent module. Returns `None` if this is a root module. pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<Module> { let parent_id = self.module_id.parent(&self.tree)?; Some(Module { module_id: parent_id, ..self.clone() }) } /// Returns the crate this module is part of. pub fn krate(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Option<Crate> { let root_id = self.module_id.crate_root(&self.tree); let file_id = root_id.source(&self.tree).file_id(); let crate_graph = db.crate_graph(); let crate_id = crate_graph.crate_id_for_crate_root(file_id)?; Some(Crate::new(crate_id)) } /// The root of the tree this module is part of pub fn crate_root(&self) -> Module { let root_id = self.module_id.crate_root(&self.tree); Module { module_id: root_id, ..self.clone() } } /// `name` is `None` for the crate's root module pub fn name(&self) -> Option<SmolStr> { let link = self.module_id.parent_link(&self.tree)?; Some( } pub fn def_id(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> DefId { let def_loc = DefLoc { kind: DefKind::Module, source_root_id: self.source_root_id, module_id: self.module_id, source_item_id: self.module_id.source(&self.tree).0, }; } /// Finds a child module with the specified name. pub fn child(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Module> { let child_id = self.module_id.child(&self.tree, name)?; Some(Module { module_id: child_id, ..self.clone() }) } /// Returns a `ModuleScope`: a set of items, visible in this module. pub fn scope(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Cancelable<ModuleScope> { let item_map = db.item_map(self.source_root_id)?; let res = item_map.per_module[&self.module_id].clone(); Ok(res) } pub fn resolve_path(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, path: Path) -> Cancelable<Option<DefId>> { let mut curr = match path.kind { PathKind::Crate => self.crate_root(), PathKind::Self_ | PathKind::Plain => self.clone(), PathKind::Super => ctry!(self.parent()), } .def_id(db); let segments = path.segments; for name in segments.iter() { let module = match curr.loc(db) { DefLoc { kind: DefKind::Module, source_root_id, module_id, .. } => Module::new(db, source_root_id, module_id)?, _ => return Ok(None), }; let scope = module.scope(db)?; curr = ctry!(ctry!(scope.get(&name)).def_id); } Ok(Some(curr)) } pub fn problems(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Vec<(SyntaxNode, Problem)> { self.module_id.problems(&self.tree, db) } } /// Phisically, rust source is organized as a set of files, but logically it is /// organized as a tree of modules. Usually, a single file corresponds to a /// single module, but it is not nessary the case. /// /// Module encapsulate the logic of transitioning from the fuzzy world of files /// (which can have multiple parents) to the precise world of modules (which /// always have one parent). #[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ModuleTree { mods: Arena<ModuleData>, links: Arena<LinkData>, } impl ModuleTree { pub(crate) fn modules<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ModuleId> + 'a { self.mods.iter().map(|(id, _)| id) } pub(crate) fn modules_with_sources<'a>( &'a self, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ModuleId, ModuleSource)> + 'a { self.mods.iter().map(|(id, m)| (id, m.source)) } } /// `ModuleSource` is the syntax tree element that produced this module: /// either a file, or an inlinde module. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct ModuleSource(SourceItemId); /// An owned syntax node for a module. Unlike `ModuleSource`, /// this holds onto the AST for the whole file. pub(crate) enum ModuleSourceNode { SourceFile(ast::SourceFileNode), Module(ast::ModuleNode), } pub type ModuleId = Id<ModuleData>; type LinkId = Id<LinkData>; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Problem { UnresolvedModule { candidate: RelativePathBuf, }, NotDirOwner { move_to: RelativePathBuf, candidate: RelativePathBuf, }, } impl ModuleId { pub(crate) fn source(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> ModuleSource { tree.mods[self].source } fn parent_link(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> Option<LinkId> { tree.mods[self].parent } fn parent(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> Option<ModuleId> { let link = self.parent_link(tree)?; Some(tree.links[link].owner) } fn crate_root(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> ModuleId { generate(Some(self), move |it| it.parent(tree)) .last() .unwrap() } fn child(self, tree: &ModuleTree, name: &str) -> Option<ModuleId> { let link = tree.mods[self] .children .iter() .map(|&it| &tree.links[it]) .find(|it| == name)?; Some(*link.points_to.first()?) } fn children<'a>(self, tree: &'a ModuleTree) -> impl Iterator<Item = (SmolStr, ModuleId)> + 'a { tree.mods[self].children.iter().filter_map(move |&it| { let link = &tree.links[it]; let module = *link.points_to.first()?; Some((, module)) }) } fn problems(self, tree: &ModuleTree, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Vec<(SyntaxNode, Problem)> { tree.mods[self] .children .iter() .filter_map(|&it| { let p = tree.links[it].problem.clone()?; let s = it.bind_source(tree, db); let s = s.borrowed().name().unwrap().syntax().owned(); Some((s, p)) }) .collect() } } impl LinkId { fn owner(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> ModuleId { tree.links[self].owner } fn name(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> SmolStr { tree.links[self].name.clone() } fn bind_source<'a>(self, tree: &ModuleTree, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> ast::ModuleNode { let owner = self.owner(tree); match owner.source(tree).resolve(db) { ModuleSourceNode::SourceFile(root) => { let ast = imp::modules(root.borrowed()) .find(|(name, _)| name == &tree.links[self].name) .unwrap() .1; ast.owned() } ModuleSourceNode::Module(it) => it, } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct ModuleData { source: ModuleSource, parent: Option<LinkId>, children: Vec<LinkId>, } impl ModuleSource { // precondition: item_id **must** point to module fn new(file_id: FileId, item_id: Option<SourceFileItemId>) -> ModuleSource { let source_item_id = SourceItemId { file_id, item_id }; ModuleSource(source_item_id) } pub(crate) fn new_file(file_id: FileId) -> ModuleSource { ModuleSource::new(file_id, None) } pub(crate) fn new_inline( db: &impl HirDatabase, file_id: FileId, m: ast::Module, ) -> ModuleSource { assert!(!m.has_semi()); let file_items = db.file_items(file_id); let item_id = file_items.id_of(file_id, m.syntax()); ModuleSource::new(file_id, Some(item_id)) } pub fn file_id(self) -> FileId { self.0.file_id } pub(crate) fn resolve(self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> ModuleSourceNode { let syntax_node = db.file_item(self.0); let syntax_node = syntax_node.borrowed(); if let Some(file) = ast::SourceFile::cast(syntax_node) { return ModuleSourceNode::SourceFile(file.owned()); } let module = ast::Module::cast(syntax_node).unwrap(); ModuleSourceNode::Module(module.owned()) } } #[derive(Hash, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct LinkData { owner: ModuleId, name: SmolStr, points_to: Vec<ModuleId>, problem: Option<Problem>, } impl ModuleTree { fn push_mod(&mut self, data: ModuleData) -> ModuleId { self.mods.alloc(data) } fn push_link(&mut self, data: LinkData) -> LinkId { let owner = data.owner; let id = self.links.alloc(data); self.mods[owner].children.push(id); id } }