use std::sync::Arc; use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet}; use arrayvec::ArrayVec; use relative_path::RelativePathBuf; use ra_db::{FileId, SourceRootId, SourceRoot}; use ra_syntax::{ SyntaxNode, TreeArc, algo::generate, ast::{self, AstNode, NameOwner}, }; use ra_arena::{Arena, RawId, impl_arena_id}; use crate::{Name, AsName, HirDatabase, SourceItemId, HirFileId, Problem, SourceFileItems, ModuleSource}; impl ModuleSource { pub(crate) fn from_source_item_id( db: &impl HirDatabase, source_item_id: SourceItemId, ) -> ModuleSource { let module_syntax = db.file_item(source_item_id); if let Some(source_file) = ast::SourceFile::cast(&module_syntax) { ModuleSource::SourceFile(source_file.to_owned()) } else if let Some(module) = ast::Module::cast(&module_syntax) { assert!(module.item_list().is_some(), "expected inline module"); ModuleSource::Module(module.to_owned()) } else { panic!("expected file or inline module") } } } #[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct Submodule { name: Name, is_declaration: bool, source: SourceItemId, } impl Submodule { pub(crate) fn submodules_query( db: &impl HirDatabase, source: SourceItemId, ) -> Arc<Vec<Submodule>> { db.check_canceled(); let file_id = source.file_id; let file_items = db.file_items(file_id); let module_source = ModuleSource::from_source_item_id(db, source); let submodules = match module_source { ModuleSource::SourceFile(source_file) => { collect_submodules(file_id, &file_items, &*source_file) } ModuleSource::Module(module) => { collect_submodules(file_id, &file_items, module.item_list().unwrap()) } }; return Arc::new(submodules); fn collect_submodules( file_id: HirFileId, file_items: &SourceFileItems, root: &impl ast::ModuleItemOwner, ) -> Vec<Submodule> { modules(root) .map(|(name, m)| Submodule { name, is_declaration: m.has_semi(), source: SourceItemId { file_id, item_id: Some(file_items.id_of(file_id, m.syntax())), }, }) .collect() } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct ModuleId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(ModuleId); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct LinkId(RawId); impl_arena_id!(LinkId); /// Physically, rust source is organized as a set of files, but logically it is /// organized as a tree of modules. Usually, a single file corresponds to a /// single module, but it is not neccessarily always the case. /// /// `ModuleTree` encapsulates the logic of transitioning from the fuzzy world of files /// (which can have multiple parents) to the precise world of modules (which /// always have one parent). #[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ModuleTree { mods: Arena<ModuleId, ModuleData>, links: Arena<LinkId, LinkData>, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct ModuleData { source: SourceItemId, parent: Option<LinkId>, children: Vec<LinkId>, } #[derive(Hash, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct LinkData { source: SourceItemId, owner: ModuleId, name: Name, points_to: Vec<ModuleId>, problem: Option<Problem>, } impl ModuleTree { pub(crate) fn module_tree_query( db: &impl HirDatabase, source_root: SourceRootId, ) -> Arc<ModuleTree> { db.check_canceled(); let res = create_module_tree(db, source_root); Arc::new(res) } pub(crate) fn modules<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ModuleId> + 'a { self.mods.iter().map(|(id, _)| id) } pub(crate) fn find_module_by_source(&self, source: SourceItemId) -> Option<ModuleId> { let (res, _) = self.mods.iter().find(|(_, m)| m.source == source)?; Some(res) } } impl ModuleId { pub(crate) fn source(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> SourceItemId { tree.mods[self].source } pub(crate) fn parent_link(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> Option<LinkId> { tree.mods[self].parent } pub(crate) fn parent(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> Option<ModuleId> { let link = self.parent_link(tree)?; Some(tree.links[link].owner) } pub(crate) fn crate_root(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> ModuleId { generate(Some(self), move |it| it.parent(tree)) .last() .unwrap() } pub(crate) fn child(self, tree: &ModuleTree, name: &Name) -> Option<ModuleId> { let link = tree.mods[self] .children .iter() .map(|&it| &tree.links[it]) .find(|it| == *name)?; Some(*link.points_to.first()?) } pub(crate) fn children<'a>( self, tree: &'a ModuleTree, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Name, ModuleId)> + 'a { tree.mods[self].children.iter().filter_map(move |&it| { let link = &tree.links[it]; let module = *link.points_to.first()?; Some((, module)) }) } pub(crate) fn problems( self, tree: &ModuleTree, db: &impl HirDatabase, ) -> Vec<(TreeArc<SyntaxNode>, Problem)> { tree.mods[self] .children .iter() .filter_map(|&link| { let p = tree.links[link].problem.clone()?; let s = link.source(tree, db); let s =; Some((s, p)) }) .collect() } } impl LinkId { pub(crate) fn owner(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> ModuleId { tree.links[self].owner } pub(crate) fn name(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> &Name { &tree.links[self].name } pub(crate) fn source(self, tree: &ModuleTree, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> TreeArc<ast::Module> { let syntax_node = db.file_item(tree.links[self].source); ast::Module::cast(&syntax_node).unwrap().to_owned() } } impl ModuleTree { fn push_mod(&mut self, data: ModuleData) -> ModuleId { self.mods.alloc(data) } fn push_link(&mut self, data: LinkData) -> LinkId { let owner = data.owner; let id = self.links.alloc(data); self.mods[owner].children.push(id); id } } fn modules(root: &impl ast::ModuleItemOwner) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Name, &ast::Module)> { root.items() .filter_map(|item| match item.kind() { ast::ModuleItemKind::Module(m) => Some(m), _ => None, }) .filter_map(|module| { let name =; if !module.has_semi() && module.item_list().is_none() { tested_by!(name_res_works_for_broken_modules); return None; } Some((name, module)) }) } fn create_module_tree<'a>(db: &impl HirDatabase, source_root: SourceRootId) -> ModuleTree { let mut tree = ModuleTree::default(); let mut roots = FxHashMap::default(); let mut visited = FxHashSet::default(); let source_root = db.source_root(source_root); for &file_id in source_root.files.values() { let source = SourceItemId { file_id: file_id.into(), item_id: None, }; if visited.contains(&source) { continue; // TODO: use explicit crate_roots here } assert!(!roots.contains_key(&file_id)); let module_id = build_subtree( db, &source_root, &mut tree, &mut visited, &mut roots, None, source, ); roots.insert(file_id, module_id); } tree } fn build_subtree( db: &impl HirDatabase, source_root: &SourceRoot, tree: &mut ModuleTree, visited: &mut FxHashSet<SourceItemId>, roots: &mut FxHashMap<FileId, ModuleId>, parent: Option<LinkId>, source: SourceItemId, ) -> ModuleId { visited.insert(source); let id = tree.push_mod(ModuleData { source, parent, children: Vec::new(), }); for sub in db.submodules(source).iter() { let link = tree.push_link(LinkData { source: sub.source, name:, owner: id, points_to: Vec::new(), problem: None, }); let (points_to, problem) = if sub.is_declaration { let (points_to, problem) = resolve_submodule(db, source.file_id, &; let points_to = points_to .into_iter() .map(|file_id| match roots.remove(&file_id) { Some(module_id) => { tree.mods[module_id].parent = Some(link); module_id } None => build_subtree( db, source_root, tree, visited, roots, Some(link), SourceItemId { file_id: file_id.into(), item_id: None, }, ), }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); (points_to, problem) } else { let points_to = build_subtree( db, source_root, tree, visited, roots, Some(link), sub.source, ); (vec![points_to], None) }; tree.links[link].points_to = points_to; tree.links[link].problem = problem; } id } fn resolve_submodule( db: &impl HirDatabase, file_id: HirFileId, name: &Name, ) -> (Vec<FileId>, Option<Problem>) { // FIXME: handle submodules of inline modules properly let file_id = file_id.original_file(db); let source_root_id = db.file_source_root(file_id); let path = db.file_relative_path(file_id); let root = RelativePathBuf::default(); let dir_path = path.parent().unwrap_or(&root); let mod_name = path.file_stem().unwrap_or("unknown"); let is_dir_owner = mod_name == "mod" || mod_name == "lib" || mod_name == "main"; let file_mod = dir_path.join(format!("{}.rs", name)); let dir_mod = dir_path.join(format!("{}/", name)); let file_dir_mod = dir_path.join(format!("{}/{}.rs", mod_name, name)); let mut candidates = ArrayVec::<[_; 2]>::new(); if is_dir_owner { candidates.push(file_mod.clone()); candidates.push(dir_mod); } else { candidates.push(file_dir_mod.clone()); }; let sr = db.source_root(source_root_id); let points_to = candidates .into_iter() .filter_map(|path| sr.files.get(&path)) .map(|&it| it) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let problem = if points_to.is_empty() { Some(Problem::UnresolvedModule { candidate: if is_dir_owner { file_mod } else { file_dir_mod }, }) } else { None }; (points_to, problem) }