use std::sync::Arc; use std::fmt::Write; use ra_db::{SourceDatabase, salsa::Database, FilePosition}; use ra_syntax::{algo, ast::{self, AstNode}}; use test_utils::covers; use crate::{ source_binder, mock::MockDatabase, }; // These tests compare the inference results for all expressions in a file // against snapshots of the expected results using insta. Run the tests with // INSTA_UPDATE=1 to update the snapshots. #[test] fn infer_basics() { check_inference( "infer_basics", r#" fn test(a: u32, b: isize, c: !, d: &str) { a; b; c; d; 1usize; 1isize; "test"; 1.0f32; }"#, ); } #[test] fn infer_let() { check_inference( "infer_let", r#" fn test() { let a = 1isize; let b: usize = 1; let c = b; } }"#, ); } #[test] fn infer_paths() { check_inference( "infer_paths", r#" fn a() -> u32 { 1 } mod b { fn c() -> u32 { 1 } } fn test() { a(); b::c(); } }"#, ); } #[test] fn infer_struct() { check_inference( "infer_struct", r#" struct A { b: B, c: C, } struct B; struct C(usize); fn test() { let c = C(1); B; let a: A = A { b: B, c: C(1) }; a.b; a.c; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_enum() { check_inference( "infer_enum", r#" enum E { V1 { field: u32 }, V2 } fn test() { E::V1 { field: 1 }; E::V2; }"#, ); } #[test] fn infer_refs() { check_inference( "infer_refs", r#" fn test(a: &u32, b: &mut u32, c: *const u32, d: *mut u32) { a; *a; &a; &mut a; b; *b; &b; c; *c; d; *d; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_literals() { check_inference( "infer_literals", r##" fn test() { 5i32; "hello"; b"bytes"; 'c'; b'b'; 3.14; 5000; false; true; r#" //! doc // non-doc mod foo {} "#; br#"yolo"#; } "##, ); } #[test] fn infer_unary_op() { check_inference( "infer_unary_op", r#" enum SomeType {} fn test(x: SomeType) { let b = false; let c = !b; let a = 100; let d: i128 = -a; let e = -100; let f = !!!true; let g = !42; let h = !10u32; let j = !a; -3.14; !3; -x; !x; -"hello"; !"hello"; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_backwards() { check_inference( "infer_backwards", r#" fn takes_u32(x: u32) {} struct S { i32_field: i32 } fn test() -> &mut &f64 { let a = unknown_function(); takes_u32(a); let b = unknown_function(); S { i32_field: b }; let c = unknown_function(); &mut &c } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_self() { check_inference( "infer_self", r#" struct S; impl S { fn test(&self) { self; } fn test2(self: &Self) { self; } fn test3() -> Self { S {} } fn test4() -> Self { Self {} } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_binary_op() { check_inference( "infer_binary_op", r#" fn f(x: bool) -> i32 { 0i32 } fn test() -> bool { let x = a && b; let y = true || false; let z = x == y; let t = x != y; let minus_forty: isize = -40isize; let h = minus_forty <= CONST_2; let c = f(z || y) + 5; let d = b; let g = minus_forty ^= i; let ten: usize = 10; let ten_is_eleven = ten == some_num; ten < 3 } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_field_autoderef() { check_inference( "infer_field_autoderef", r#" struct A { b: B, } struct B; fn test1(a: A) { let a1 = a; a1.b; let a2 = &a; a2.b; let a3 = &mut a; a3.b; let a4 = &&&&&&&a; a4.b; let a5 = &mut &&mut &&mut a; a5.b; } fn test2(a1: *const A, a2: *mut A) { a1.b; a2.b; } "#, ); } #[test] fn bug_484() { check_inference( "bug_484", r#" fn test() { let x = if true {}; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_in_elseif() { check_inference( "infer_in_elseif", r#" struct Foo { field: i32 } fn main(foo: Foo) { if true { } else if false { foo.field } } "#, ) } #[test] fn infer_inherent_method() { check_inference( "infer_inherent_method", r#" struct A; impl A { fn foo(self, x: u32) -> i32 {} } mod b { impl super::A { fn bar(&self, x: u64) -> i64 {} } } fn test(a: A) {; (&a).bar(1);; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_tuple() { check_inference( "infer_tuple", r#" fn test(x: &str, y: isize) { let a: (u32, &str) = (1, "a"); let b = (a, x); let c = (y, x); let d = (c, x); let e = (1, "e"); let f = (e, "d"); } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_array() { check_inference( "infer_array", r#" fn test(x: &str, y: isize) { let a = [x]; let b = [a, a]; let c = [b, b]; let d = [y, 1, 2, 3]; let d = [1, y, 2, 3]; let e = [y]; let f = [d, d]; let g = [e, e]; let h = [1, 2]; let i = ["a", "b"]; let b = [a, ["b"]]; let x: [u8; 0] = []; let z: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3]; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_pattern() { check_inference( "infer_pattern", r#" fn test(x: &i32) { let y = x; let &z = x; let a = z; let (c, d) = (1, "hello"); for (e, f) in some_iter { let g = e; } if let [val] = opt { let h = val; } let lambda = |a: u64, b, c: i32| { a + b; c }; let ref ref_to_x = x; let mut mut_x = x; let ref mut mut_ref_to_x = x; let k = mut_ref_to_x; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_adt_pattern() { check_inference( "infer_adt_pattern", r#" enum E { A { x: usize }, B } struct S(u32, E); fn test() { let e = E::A { x: 3 }; let S(y, z) = foo; let E::A { x: new_var } = e; match e { E::A { x } => x, E::B if foo => 1, E::B => 10, }; let ref d @ E::A { .. } = e; d; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_struct_generics() { check_inference( "infer_struct_generics", r#" struct A { x: T, } fn test(a1: A, i: i32) { a1.x; let a2 = A { x: i }; a2.x; let a3 = A:: { x: 1 }; a3.x; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_tuple_struct_generics() { check_inference( "infer_tuple_struct_generics", r#" struct A(T); enum Option { Some(T), None }; use Option::*; fn test() { A(42); A(42u128); Some("x"); Option::Some("x"); None; let x: Option = None; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_generics_in_patterns() { check_inference( "infer_generics_in_patterns", r#" struct A { x: T, } enum Option { Some(T), None, } fn test(a1: A, o: Option) { let A { x: x2 } = a1; let A:: { x: x3 } = A { x: 1 }; match o { Option::Some(t) => t, _ => 1, }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_function_generics() { check_inference( "infer_function_generics", r#" fn id(t: T) -> T { t } fn test() { id(1u32); id::(1); let x: u64 = id(1); } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_impl_generics() { check_inference( "infer_impl_generics", r#" struct A { x: T1, y: T2, } impl A { fn x(self) -> X { self.x } fn y(self) -> Y { self.y } fn z(self, t: T) -> (X, Y, T) { (self.x, self.y, t) } } fn test() -> i128 { let a = A { x: 1u64, y: 1i64 }; a.x(); a.y(); a.z(1i128); a.z::(1); } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_impl_generics_with_autoderef() { check_inference( "infer_impl_generics_with_autoderef", r#" enum Option { Some(T), None, } impl Option { fn as_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> {} } fn test(o: Option) { (&o).as_ref(); o.as_ref(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_generic_chain() { check_inference( "infer_generic_chain", r#" struct A { x: T, } impl A { fn x(self) -> T2 { self.x } } fn id(t: T) -> T { t } fn test() -> i128 { let x = 1; let y = id(x); let a = A { x: id(y) }; let z = id(a.x); let b = A { x: z }; b.x() } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_associated_const() { check_inference( "infer_associated_const", r#" struct Struct; impl Struct { const FOO: u32 = 1; } enum Enum; impl Enum { const BAR: u32 = 2; } trait Trait { const ID: u32; } struct TraitTest; impl Trait for TraitTest { const ID: u32 = 5; } fn test() { let x = Struct::FOO; let y = Enum::BAR; let z = TraitTest::ID; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_associated_method_struct() { check_inference( "infer_associated_method_struct", r#" struct A { x: u32 }; impl A { fn new() -> A { A { x: 0 } } } fn test() { let a = A::new(); a.x; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_associated_method_enum() { check_inference( "infer_associated_method_enum", r#" enum A { B, C }; impl A { pub fn b() -> A { A::B } pub fn c() -> A { A::C } } fn test() { let a = A::b(); a; let c = A::c(); c; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_associated_method_with_modules() { check_inference( "infer_associated_method_with_modules", r#" mod a { struct A; impl A { pub fn thing() -> A { A {} }} } mod b { struct B; impl B { pub fn thing() -> u32 { 99 }} mod c { struct C; impl C { pub fn thing() -> C { C {} }} } } use b::c; fn test() { let x = a::A::thing(); let y = b::B::thing(); let z = c::C::thing(); } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_associated_method_generics() { check_inference( "infer_associated_method_generics", r#" struct Gen { val: T } impl Gen { pub fn make(val: T) -> Gen { Gen { val } } } fn test() { let a = Gen::make(0u32); } "#, ); } #[test] fn no_panic_on_field_of_enum() { check_inference( "no_panic_on_field_of_enum", r#" enum X {} fn test(x: X) { x.some_field; } "#, ); } #[test] fn bug_585() { check_inference( "bug_585", r#" fn test() { X {}; match x { A::B {} => (), A::Y() => (), } } "#, ); } #[test] fn bug_651() { check_inference( "bug_651", r#" fn quux() { let y = 92; 1 + y; } "#, ); } #[test] fn recursive_vars() { covers!(type_var_cycles_resolve_completely); covers!(type_var_cycles_resolve_as_possible); check_inference( "recursive_vars", r#" fn test() { let y = unknown; [y, &y]; } "#, ); } #[test] fn recursive_vars_2() { covers!(type_var_cycles_resolve_completely); covers!(type_var_cycles_resolve_as_possible); check_inference( "recursive_vars_2", r#" fn test() { let x = unknown; let y = unknown; [(x, y), (&y, &x)]; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_type_param() { check_inference( "infer_type_param", r#" fn id(x: T) -> T { x } fn clone(x: &T) -> T { x } fn test() { let y = 10u32; id(y); let x: bool = clone(z); id::(1); } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_std_crash_1() { // caused stack overflow, taken from std check_inference( "infer_std_crash_1", r#" enum Maybe { Real(T), Fake, } fn write() { match something_unknown { Maybe::Real(ref mut something) => (), } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_std_crash_2() { covers!(type_var_resolves_to_int_var); // caused "equating two type variables, ...", taken from std check_inference( "infer_std_crash_2", r#" fn test_line_buffer() { &[0, b'\n', 1, b'\n']; } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_std_crash_3() { // taken from rustc check_inference( "infer_std_crash_3", r#" pub fn compute() { match _ { SizeSkeleton::Pointer { non_zero: true, tail } => {} } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_std_crash_4() { // taken from rustc check_inference( "infer_std_crash_4", r#" pub fn primitive_type() { match *self { BorrowedRef { type_: box Primitive(p), ..} => {}, } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_std_crash_5() { // taken from rustc check_inference( "infer_std_crash_5", r#" fn extra_compiler_flags() { for content in doesnt_matter { let name = if doesnt_matter { first } else { &content }; let content = if ICE_REPORT_COMPILER_FLAGS_STRIP_VALUE.contains(&name) { name } else { content }; } } "#, ); } #[test] fn infer_nested_generics_crash() { // another crash found typechecking rustc check_inference( "infer_nested_generics_crash", r#" struct Canonical { value: V, } struct QueryResponse { value: V, } fn test(query_response: Canonical>) { &query_response.value; } "#, ); } #[test] fn cross_crate_associated_method_call() { let (mut db, pos) = MockDatabase::with_position( r#" //- / fn test() { let x = other_crate::foo::S::thing(); x<|>; } //- / mod foo { struct S; impl S { fn thing() -> i128 {} } } "#, ); db.set_crate_graph_from_fixture(crate_graph! { "main": ("/", ["other_crate"]), "other_crate": ("/", []), }); assert_eq!("i128", type_at_pos(&db, pos)); } fn type_at_pos(db: &MockDatabase, pos: FilePosition) -> String { let func = source_binder::function_from_position(db, pos).unwrap(); let body_syntax_mapping = func.body_syntax_mapping(db); let inference_result = func.infer(db); let (_, syntax) = func.source(db); let node = algo::find_node_at_offset::(syntax.syntax(), pos.offset).unwrap(); let expr = body_syntax_mapping.node_expr(node).unwrap(); let ty = &inference_result[expr]; ty.to_string() } fn infer(content: &str) -> String { let (db, _, file_id) = MockDatabase::with_single_file(content); let source_file = db.parse(file_id); let mut acc = String::new(); for fn_def in source_file.syntax().descendants().filter_map(ast::FnDef::cast) { let func = source_binder::function_from_source(&db, file_id, fn_def).unwrap(); let inference_result = func.infer(&db); let body_syntax_mapping = func.body_syntax_mapping(&db); let mut types = Vec::new(); for (pat, ty) in inference_result.type_of_pat.iter() { let syntax_ptr = match body_syntax_mapping.pat_syntax(pat) { Some(sp) => sp, None => continue, }; types.push((syntax_ptr, ty)); } for (expr, ty) in inference_result.type_of_expr.iter() { let syntax_ptr = match body_syntax_mapping.expr_syntax(expr) { Some(sp) => sp, None => continue, }; types.push((syntax_ptr, ty)); } // sort ranges for consistency types.sort_by_key(|(ptr, _)| (ptr.range().start(), ptr.range().end())); for (syntax_ptr, ty) in &types { let node = syntax_ptr.to_node(&source_file); write!( acc, "{} '{}': {}\n", syntax_ptr.range(), ellipsize(node.text().to_string().replace("\n", " "), 15), ty ) .unwrap(); } } acc } fn check_inference(name: &str, content: &str) { let result = infer(content); insta::assert_snapshot_matches!(&name, &result); } fn ellipsize(mut text: String, max_len: usize) -> String { if text.len() <= max_len { return text; } let ellipsis = "..."; let e_len = ellipsis.len(); let mut prefix_len = (max_len - e_len) / 2; while !text.is_char_boundary(prefix_len) { prefix_len += 1; } let mut suffix_len = max_len - e_len - prefix_len; while !text.is_char_boundary(text.len() - suffix_len) { suffix_len += 1; } text.replace_range(prefix_len..text.len() - suffix_len, ellipsis); text } #[test] fn typing_whitespace_inside_a_function_should_not_invalidate_types() { let (mut db, pos) = MockDatabase::with_position( " //- / fn foo() -> i32 { <|>1 + 1 } ", ); let func = source_binder::function_from_position(&db, pos).unwrap(); { let events = db.log_executed(|| { func.infer(&db); }); assert!(format!("{:?}", events).contains("infer")) } let new_text = " fn foo() -> i32 { 1 + 1 } " .to_string(); db.query_mut(ra_db::FileTextQuery).set(pos.file_id, Arc::new(new_text)); { let events = db.log_executed(|| { func.infer(&db); }); assert!(!format!("{:?}", events).contains("infer"), "{:#?}", events) } }