//! A desugared representation of paths like `crate::foo` or `<Type as Trait>::bar`.
mod lower;

use std::{iter, sync::Arc};

use hir_expand::{
    name::{AsName, Name},
use ra_db::CrateId;
use ra_syntax::ast;

use crate::{type_ref::TypeRef, InFile};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ModPath {
    pub kind: PathKind,
    pub segments: Vec<Name>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum PathKind {
    /// `self::` is `Super(0)`
    /// Absolute path (::foo)
    /// `$crate` from macro expansion

impl ModPath {
    pub fn from_src(path: ast::Path, hygiene: &Hygiene) -> Option<ModPath> {
        lower::lower_path(path, hygiene).map(|it| it.mod_path)

    pub fn from_simple_segments(
        kind: PathKind,
        segments: impl IntoIterator<Item = Name>,
    ) -> ModPath {
        let segments = segments.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        ModPath { kind, segments }

    pub(crate) fn from_name_ref(name_ref: &ast::NameRef) -> ModPath {

    /// Converts an `tt::Ident` into a single-identifier `Path`.
    pub(crate) fn from_tt_ident(ident: &tt::Ident) -> ModPath {

    /// Calls `cb` with all paths, represented by this use item.
    pub(crate) fn expand_use_item(
        item_src: InFile<ast::UseItem>,
        hygiene: &Hygiene,
        mut cb: impl FnMut(ModPath, &ast::UseTree, /* is_glob */ bool, Option<Name>),
    ) {
        if let Some(tree) = item_src.value.use_tree() {
            lower::lower_use_tree(None, tree, hygiene, &mut cb);

    pub fn is_ident(&self) -> bool {
        self.kind == PathKind::Plain && self.segments.len() == 1

    pub fn is_self(&self) -> bool {
        self.kind == PathKind::Super(0) && self.segments.is_empty()

    /// If this path is a single identifier, like `foo`, return its name.
    pub fn as_ident(&self) -> Option<&Name> {
        if self.kind != PathKind::Plain || self.segments.len() > 1 {
            return None;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Path {
    /// Type based path like `<T>::foo`.
    /// Note that paths like `<Type as Trait>::foo` are desugard to `Trait::<Self=Type>::foo`.
    type_anchor: Option<Box<TypeRef>>,
    mod_path: ModPath,
    /// Invariant: the same len as self.path.segments
    generic_args: Vec<Option<Arc<GenericArgs>>>,

/// Generic arguments to a path segment (e.g. the `i32` in `Option<i32>`). This
/// also includes bindings of associated types, like in `Iterator<Item = Foo>`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct GenericArgs {
    pub args: Vec<GenericArg>,
    /// This specifies whether the args contain a Self type as the first
    /// element. This is the case for path segments like `<T as Trait>`, where
    /// `T` is actually a type parameter for the path `Trait` specifying the
    /// Self type. Otherwise, when we have a path `Trait<X, Y>`, the Self type
    /// is left out.
    pub has_self_type: bool,
    /// Associated type bindings like in `Iterator<Item = T>`.
    pub bindings: Vec<(Name, TypeRef)>,

/// A single generic argument.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum GenericArg {
    // or lifetime...

impl Path {
    /// Converts an `ast::Path` to `Path`. Works with use trees.
    /// DEPRECATED: It does not handle `$crate` from macro call.
    pub fn from_ast(path: ast::Path) -> Option<Path> {
        lower::lower_path(path, &Hygiene::new_unhygienic())

    /// Converts an `ast::Path` to `Path`. Works with use trees.
    /// It correctly handles `$crate` based path from macro call.
    pub fn from_src(path: ast::Path, hygiene: &Hygiene) -> Option<Path> {
        lower::lower_path(path, hygiene)

    /// Converts an `ast::NameRef` into a single-identifier `Path`.
    pub(crate) fn from_name_ref(name_ref: &ast::NameRef) -> Path {
        Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: name_ref.as_name().into(), generic_args: vec![None] }

    /// Converts a known mod path to `Path`.
    pub(crate) fn from_known_path(
        path: ModPath,
        generic_args: Vec<Option<Arc<GenericArgs>>>,
    ) -> Path {
        Path { type_anchor: None, mod_path: path, generic_args }

    pub fn kind(&self) -> &PathKind {

    pub fn type_anchor(&self) -> Option<&TypeRef> {

    pub fn segments(&self) -> PathSegments<'_> {
        PathSegments {
            segments: self.mod_path.segments.as_slice(),
            generic_args: self.generic_args.as_slice(),

    pub fn mod_path(&self) -> &ModPath {

    pub fn qualifier(&self) -> Option<Path> {
        if self.mod_path.is_ident() {
            return None;
        let res = Path {
            type_anchor: self.type_anchor.clone(),
            mod_path: ModPath {
                kind: self.mod_path.kind.clone(),
                segments: self.mod_path.segments[..self.mod_path.segments.len() - 1].to_vec(),
            generic_args: self.generic_args[..self.generic_args.len() - 1].to_vec(),

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct PathSegment<'a> {
    pub name: &'a Name,
    pub args_and_bindings: Option<&'a GenericArgs>,

pub struct PathSegments<'a> {
    segments: &'a [Name],
    generic_args: &'a [Option<Arc<GenericArgs>>],

impl<'a> PathSegments<'a> {
    pub const EMPTY: PathSegments<'static> = PathSegments { segments: &[], generic_args: &[] };
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.len() == 0
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
    pub fn first(&self) -> Option<PathSegment<'a>> {
    pub fn last(&self) -> Option<PathSegment<'a>> {
    pub fn get(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<PathSegment<'a>> {
        assert_eq!(self.segments.len(), self.generic_args.len());
        let res = PathSegment {
            name: self.segments.get(idx)?,
            args_and_bindings: self.generic_args.get(idx).unwrap().as_ref().map(|it| &**it),
    pub fn skip(&self, len: usize) -> PathSegments<'a> {
        assert_eq!(self.segments.len(), self.generic_args.len());
        PathSegments { segments: &self.segments[len..], generic_args: &self.generic_args[len..] }
    pub fn take(&self, len: usize) -> PathSegments<'a> {
        assert_eq!(self.segments.len(), self.generic_args.len());
        PathSegments { segments: &self.segments[..len], generic_args: &self.generic_args[..len] }
    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = PathSegment<'a>> {
        self.segments.iter().zip(self.generic_args.iter()).map(|(name, args)| PathSegment {
            args_and_bindings: args.as_ref().map(|it| &**it),

impl GenericArgs {
    pub(crate) fn from_ast(node: ast::TypeArgList) -> Option<GenericArgs> {

    pub(crate) fn empty() -> GenericArgs {
        GenericArgs { args: Vec::new(), has_self_type: false, bindings: Vec::new() }

impl From<Name> for Path {
    fn from(name: Name) -> Path {
        Path {
            type_anchor: None,
            mod_path: ModPath::from_simple_segments(PathKind::Plain, iter::once(name)),
            generic_args: vec![None],

impl From<Name> for ModPath {
    fn from(name: Name) -> ModPath {
        ModPath::from_simple_segments(PathKind::Plain, iter::once(name))

pub use hir_expand::name as __name;

macro_rules! __known_path {
    (std::iter::IntoIterator) => {};
    (std::result::Result) => {};
    (std::ops::Range) => {};
    (std::ops::RangeFrom) => {};
    (std::ops::RangeFull) => {};
    (std::ops::RangeTo) => {};
    (std::ops::RangeToInclusive) => {};
    (std::ops::RangeInclusive) => {};
    (std::future::Future) => {};
    (std::ops::Try) => {};
    ($path:path) => {
        compile_error!("Please register your known path in the path module")

macro_rules! __path {
    ($start:ident $(:: $seg:ident)*) => ({
        $crate::__known_path!($start $(:: $seg)*);
        $crate::path::ModPath::from_simple_segments($crate::path::PathKind::Abs, vec![
            $crate::path::__name![$start], $($crate::path::__name![$seg],)*

pub use crate::__path as path;