//! Entry point for call-hierarchy use indexmap::IndexMap; use hir::Semantics; use ra_ide_db::RootDatabase; use ra_syntax::{ast, match_ast, AstNode, TextRange}; use crate::{ call_info::FnCallNode, display::ToNav, goto_definition, references, FilePosition, NavigationTarget, RangeInfo, }; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct CallItem { pub target: NavigationTarget, pub ranges: Vec<TextRange>, } impl CallItem { #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) fn assert_match(&self, expected: &str) { let actual = self.debug_render(); test_utils::assert_eq_text!(expected.trim(), actual.trim(),); } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) fn debug_render(&self) -> String { format!("{} : {:?}", self.target.debug_render(), self.ranges) } } pub(crate) fn call_hierarchy( db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition, ) -> Option<RangeInfo<Vec<NavigationTarget>>> { goto_definition::goto_definition(db, position) } pub(crate) fn incoming_calls(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<Vec<CallItem>> { let sema = Semantics::new(db); // 1. Find all refs // 2. Loop through refs and determine unique fndef. This will become our `from: CallHierarchyItem,` in the reply. // 3. Add ranges relative to the start of the fndef. let refs = references::find_all_refs(&sema, position, None)?; let mut calls = CallLocations::default(); for reference in refs.info.references() { let file_id = reference.file_range.file_id; let file = sema.parse(file_id); let file = file.syntax(); let token = file.token_at_offset(reference.file_range.range.start()).next()?; let token = sema.descend_into_macros(token); let syntax = token.parent(); // This target is the containing function if let Some(nav) = syntax.ancestors().find_map(|node| { match_ast! { match node { ast::FnDef(it) => { let def = sema.to_def(&it)?; Some(def.to_nav(sema.db)) }, _ => None, } } }) { let relative_range = reference.file_range.range; calls.add(&nav, relative_range); } } Some(calls.into_items()) } pub(crate) fn outgoing_calls(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<Vec<CallItem>> { let sema = Semantics::new(db); let file_id = position.file_id; let file = sema.parse(file_id); let file = file.syntax(); let token = file.token_at_offset(position.offset).next()?; let token = sema.descend_into_macros(token); let syntax = token.parent(); let mut calls = CallLocations::default(); syntax .descendants() .filter_map(|node| FnCallNode::with_node_exact(&node)) .filter_map(|call_node| { let name_ref = call_node.name_ref()?; if let Some(func_target) = match &call_node { FnCallNode::CallExpr(expr) => { //FIXME: Type::as_callable is broken let callable_def = sema.type_of_expr(&expr.expr()?)?.as_callable()?; match callable_def { hir::CallableDef::FunctionId(it) => { let fn_def: hir::Function = it.into(); let nav = fn_def.to_nav(db); Some(nav) } _ => None, } } FnCallNode::MethodCallExpr(expr) => { let function = sema.resolve_method_call(&expr)?; Some(function.to_nav(db)) } FnCallNode::MacroCallExpr(macro_call) => { let macro_def = sema.resolve_macro_call(¯o_call)?; Some(macro_def.to_nav(db)) } } { Some((func_target, name_ref.syntax().text_range())) } else { None } }) .for_each(|(nav, range)| calls.add(&nav, range)); Some(calls.into_items()) } #[derive(Default)] struct CallLocations { funcs: IndexMap<NavigationTarget, Vec<TextRange>>, } impl CallLocations { fn add(&mut self, target: &NavigationTarget, range: TextRange) { self.funcs.entry(target.clone()).or_default().push(range); } fn into_items(self) -> Vec<CallItem> { self.funcs.into_iter().map(|(target, ranges)| CallItem { target, ranges }).collect() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ra_db::FilePosition; use crate::mock_analysis::analysis_and_position; fn check_hierarchy( ra_fixture: &str, expected: &str, expected_incoming: &[&str], expected_outgoing: &[&str], ) { let (analysis, pos) = analysis_and_position(ra_fixture); let mut navs = analysis.call_hierarchy(pos).unwrap().unwrap().info; assert_eq!(navs.len(), 1); let nav = navs.pop().unwrap(); nav.assert_match(expected); let item_pos = FilePosition { file_id: nav.file_id(), offset: nav.range().start() }; let incoming_calls = analysis.incoming_calls(item_pos).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(incoming_calls.len(), expected_incoming.len()); for call in 0..incoming_calls.len() { incoming_calls[call].assert_match(expected_incoming[call]); } let outgoing_calls = analysis.outgoing_calls(item_pos).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(outgoing_calls.len(), expected_outgoing.len()); for call in 0..outgoing_calls.len() { outgoing_calls[call].assert_match(expected_outgoing[call]); } } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_on_ref() { check_hierarchy( r#" //- /lib.rs fn callee() {} fn caller() { call<|>ee(); } "#, "callee FN_DEF FileId(1) 0..14 3..9", &["caller FN_DEF FileId(1) 15..44 18..24 : [33..39]"], &[], ); } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_on_def() { check_hierarchy( r#" //- /lib.rs fn call<|>ee() {} fn caller() { callee(); } "#, "callee FN_DEF FileId(1) 0..14 3..9", &["caller FN_DEF FileId(1) 15..44 18..24 : [33..39]"], &[], ); } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_in_same_fn() { check_hierarchy( r#" //- /lib.rs fn callee() {} fn caller() { call<|>ee(); callee(); } "#, "callee FN_DEF FileId(1) 0..14 3..9", &["caller FN_DEF FileId(1) 15..58 18..24 : [33..39, 47..53]"], &[], ); } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_in_different_fn() { check_hierarchy( r#" //- /lib.rs fn callee() {} fn caller1() { call<|>ee(); } fn caller2() { callee(); } "#, "callee FN_DEF FileId(1) 0..14 3..9", &[ "caller1 FN_DEF FileId(1) 15..45 18..25 : [34..40]", "caller2 FN_DEF FileId(1) 47..77 50..57 : [66..72]", ], &[], ); } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_in_tests_mod() { check_hierarchy( r#" //- /lib.rs cfg:test fn callee() {} fn caller1() { call<|>ee(); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_caller() { callee(); } } "#, "callee FN_DEF FileId(1) 0..14 3..9", &[ "caller1 FN_DEF FileId(1) 15..45 18..25 : [34..40]", "test_caller FN_DEF FileId(1) 95..149 110..121 : [134..140]", ], &[], ); } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_in_different_files() { check_hierarchy( r#" //- /lib.rs mod foo; use foo::callee; fn caller() { call<|>ee(); } //- /foo/mod.rs pub fn callee() {} "#, "callee FN_DEF FileId(2) 0..18 7..13", &["caller FN_DEF FileId(1) 27..56 30..36 : [45..51]"], &[], ); } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_outgoing() { check_hierarchy( r#" //- /lib.rs fn callee() {} fn call<|>er() { callee(); callee(); } "#, "caller FN_DEF FileId(1) 15..58 18..24", &[], &["callee FN_DEF FileId(1) 0..14 3..9 : [33..39, 47..53]"], ); } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_outgoing_in_different_files() { check_hierarchy( r#" //- /lib.rs mod foo; use foo::callee; fn call<|>er() { callee(); } //- /foo/mod.rs pub fn callee() {} "#, "caller FN_DEF FileId(1) 27..56 30..36", &[], &["callee FN_DEF FileId(2) 0..18 7..13 : [45..51]"], ); } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_incoming_outgoing() { check_hierarchy( r#" //- /lib.rs fn caller1() { call<|>er2(); } fn caller2() { caller3(); } fn caller3() { } "#, "caller2 FN_DEF FileId(1) 33..64 36..43", &["caller1 FN_DEF FileId(1) 0..31 3..10 : [19..26]"], &["caller3 FN_DEF FileId(1) 66..83 69..76 : [52..59]"], ); } #[test] fn test_call_hierarchy_issue_5103() { check_hierarchy( r#" fn a() { b() } fn b() {} fn main() { a<|>() } "#, "a FN_DEF FileId(1) 0..18 3..4", &["main FN_DEF FileId(1) 31..52 34..38 : [47..48]"], &["b FN_DEF FileId(1) 20..29 23..24 : [13..14]"], ); check_hierarchy( r#" fn a() { b<|>() } fn b() {} fn main() { a() } "#, "b FN_DEF FileId(1) 20..29 23..24", &["a FN_DEF FileId(1) 0..18 3..4 : [13..14]"], &[], ); } }