//! This modules defines type to represent changes to the source code, that flow //! from the server to the client. //! //! It can be viewed as a dual for `AnalysisChange`. use ra_db::RelativePathBuf; use ra_text_edit::TextEdit; use crate::{FileId, FilePosition, SourceRootId, TextSize}; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SourceChange { pub label: String, pub source_file_edits: Vec<SourceFileEdit>, pub file_system_edits: Vec<FileSystemEdit>, pub cursor_position: Option<FilePosition>, } impl SourceChange { /// Creates a new SourceChange with the given label /// from the edits. pub(crate) fn from_edits<L: Into<String>>( label: L, source_file_edits: Vec<SourceFileEdit>, file_system_edits: Vec<FileSystemEdit>, ) -> Self { SourceChange { label: label.into(), source_file_edits, file_system_edits, cursor_position: None, } } /// Creates a new SourceChange with the given label, /// containing only the given `SourceFileEdits`. pub(crate) fn source_file_edits<L: Into<String>>(label: L, edits: Vec<SourceFileEdit>) -> Self { SourceChange { label: label.into(), source_file_edits: edits, file_system_edits: vec![], cursor_position: None, } } /// Creates a new SourceChange with the given label, /// containing only the given `FileSystemEdits`. pub(crate) fn file_system_edits<L: Into<String>>(label: L, edits: Vec<FileSystemEdit>) -> Self { SourceChange { label: label.into(), source_file_edits: vec![], file_system_edits: edits, cursor_position: None, } } /// Creates a new SourceChange with the given label, /// containing only a single `SourceFileEdit`. pub(crate) fn source_file_edit<L: Into<String>>(label: L, edit: SourceFileEdit) -> Self { SourceChange::source_file_edits(label, vec![edit]) } /// Creates a new SourceChange with the given label /// from the given `FileId` and `TextEdit` pub(crate) fn source_file_edit_from<L: Into<String>>( label: L, file_id: FileId, edit: TextEdit, ) -> Self { SourceChange::source_file_edit(label, SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit }) } /// Creates a new SourceChange with the given label /// from the given `FileId` and `TextEdit` pub(crate) fn file_system_edit<L: Into<String>>(label: L, edit: FileSystemEdit) -> Self { SourceChange::file_system_edits(label, vec![edit]) } /// Sets the cursor position to the given `FilePosition` pub(crate) fn with_cursor(mut self, cursor_position: FilePosition) -> Self { self.cursor_position = Some(cursor_position); self } /// Sets the cursor position to the given `FilePosition` pub(crate) fn with_cursor_opt(mut self, cursor_position: Option<FilePosition>) -> Self { self.cursor_position = cursor_position; self } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SourceFileEdit { pub file_id: FileId, pub edit: TextEdit, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum FileSystemEdit { CreateFile { source_root: SourceRootId, path: RelativePathBuf }, MoveFile { src: FileId, dst_source_root: SourceRootId, dst_path: RelativePathBuf }, } pub(crate) struct SingleFileChange { pub label: String, pub edit: TextEdit, pub cursor_position: Option<TextSize>, } impl SingleFileChange { pub(crate) fn into_source_change(self, file_id: FileId) -> SourceChange { SourceChange { label: self.label, source_file_edits: vec![SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit: self.edit }], file_system_edits: Vec::new(), cursor_position: self.cursor_position.map(|offset| FilePosition { file_id, offset }), } } }