//! This module handles auto-magic editing actions applied together with users //! edits. For example, if the user typed //! //! ```text //! foo //! .bar() //! .baz() //! | // <- cursor is here //! ``` //! //! and types `.` next, we want to indent the dot. //! //! Language server executes such typing assists synchronously. That is, they //! block user's typing and should be pretty fast for this reason! use ra_db::{FilePosition, SourceDatabase}; use ra_fmt::leading_indent; use ra_ide_db::RootDatabase; use ra_syntax::{ algo::find_node_at_offset, ast::{self, AstToken}, AstNode, SmolStr, SourceFile, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TextRange, TextUnit, TokenAtOffset, }; use ra_text_edit::TextEdit; use crate::{source_change::SingleFileChange, SourceChange, SourceFileEdit}; pub(crate) fn on_enter(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<SourceChange> { let parse = db.parse(position.file_id); let file = parse.tree(); let comment = file .syntax() .token_at_offset(position.offset) .left_biased() .and_then(ast::Comment::cast)?; if comment.kind().shape.is_block() { return None; } let prefix = comment.prefix(); let comment_range = comment.syntax().text_range(); if position.offset < comment_range.start() + TextUnit::of_str(prefix) { return None; } // Continuing non-doc line comments (like this one :) ) is annoying if prefix == "//" && comment_range.end() == position.offset { return None; } let indent = node_indent(&file, comment.syntax())?; let inserted = format!("\n{}{} ", indent, prefix); let cursor_position = position.offset + TextUnit::of_str(&inserted); let edit = TextEdit::insert(position.offset, inserted); Some( SourceChange::source_file_edit( "on enter", SourceFileEdit { edit, file_id: position.file_id }, ) .with_cursor(FilePosition { offset: cursor_position, file_id: position.file_id }), ) } fn node_indent(file: &SourceFile, token: &SyntaxToken) -> Option<SmolStr> { let ws = match file.syntax().token_at_offset(token.text_range().start()) { TokenAtOffset::Between(l, r) => { assert!(r == *token); l } TokenAtOffset::Single(n) => { assert!(n == *token); return Some("".into()); } TokenAtOffset::None => unreachable!(), }; if ws.kind() != WHITESPACE { return None; } let text = ws.text(); let pos = text.rfind('\n').map(|it| it + 1).unwrap_or(0); Some(text[pos..].into()) } pub(crate) const TRIGGER_CHARS: &str = ".=>"; pub(crate) fn on_char_typed( db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition, char_typed: char, ) -> Option<SourceChange> { assert!(TRIGGER_CHARS.contains(char_typed)); let file = &db.parse(position.file_id).tree(); assert_eq!(file.syntax().text().char_at(position.offset), Some(char_typed)); let single_file_change = on_char_typed_inner(file, position.offset, char_typed)?; Some(single_file_change.into_source_change(position.file_id)) } fn on_char_typed_inner( file: &SourceFile, offset: TextUnit, char_typed: char, ) -> Option<SingleFileChange> { assert!(TRIGGER_CHARS.contains(char_typed)); match char_typed { '.' => on_dot_typed(file, offset), '=' => on_eq_typed(file, offset), '>' => on_arrow_typed(file, offset), _ => unreachable!(), } } /// Returns an edit which should be applied after `=` was typed. Primarily, /// this works when adding `let =`. // FIXME: use a snippet completion instead of this hack here. fn on_eq_typed(file: &SourceFile, offset: TextUnit) -> Option<SingleFileChange> { assert_eq!(file.syntax().text().char_at(offset), Some('=')); let let_stmt: ast::LetStmt = find_node_at_offset(file.syntax(), offset)?; if let_stmt.has_semi() { return None; } if let Some(expr) = let_stmt.initializer() { let expr_range = expr.syntax().text_range(); if expr_range.contains(offset) && offset != expr_range.start() { return None; } if file.syntax().text().slice(offset..expr_range.start()).contains_char('\n') { return None; } } else { return None; } let offset = let_stmt.syntax().text_range().end(); Some(SingleFileChange { label: "add semicolon".to_string(), edit: TextEdit::insert(offset, ";".to_string()), cursor_position: None, }) } /// Returns an edit which should be applied when a dot ('.') is typed on a blank line, indenting the line appropriately. fn on_dot_typed(file: &SourceFile, offset: TextUnit) -> Option<SingleFileChange> { assert_eq!(file.syntax().text().char_at(offset), Some('.')); let whitespace = file.syntax().token_at_offset(offset).left_biased().and_then(ast::Whitespace::cast)?; let current_indent = { let text = whitespace.text(); let newline = text.rfind('\n')?; &text[newline + 1..] }; let current_indent_len = TextUnit::of_str(current_indent); // Make sure dot is a part of call chain let field_expr = ast::FieldExpr::cast(whitespace.syntax().parent())?; let prev_indent = leading_indent(field_expr.syntax())?; let target_indent = format!(" {}", prev_indent); let target_indent_len = TextUnit::of_str(&target_indent); if current_indent_len == target_indent_len { return None; } Some(SingleFileChange { label: "reindent dot".to_string(), edit: TextEdit::replace( TextRange::from_to(offset - current_indent_len, offset), target_indent, ), cursor_position: Some( offset + target_indent_len - current_indent_len + TextUnit::of_char('.'), ), }) } /// Adds a space after an arrow when `fn foo() { ... }` is turned into `fn foo() -> { ... }` fn on_arrow_typed(file: &SourceFile, offset: TextUnit) -> Option<SingleFileChange> { let file_text = file.syntax().text(); assert_eq!(file_text.char_at(offset), Some('>')); let after_arrow = offset + TextUnit::of_char('>'); if file_text.char_at(after_arrow) != Some('{') { return None; } if find_node_at_offset::<ast::RetType>(file.syntax(), offset).is_none() { return None; } Some(SingleFileChange { label: "add space after return type".to_string(), edit: TextEdit::insert(after_arrow, " ".to_string()), cursor_position: Some(after_arrow), }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use test_utils::{add_cursor, assert_eq_text, extract_offset}; use crate::mock_analysis::single_file; use super::*; #[test] fn test_on_enter() { fn apply_on_enter(before: &str) -> Option<String> { let (offset, before) = extract_offset(before); let (analysis, file_id) = single_file(&before); let result = analysis.on_enter(FilePosition { offset, file_id }).unwrap()?; assert_eq!(result.source_file_edits.len(), 1); let actual = result.source_file_edits[0].edit.apply(&before); let actual = add_cursor(&actual, result.cursor_position.unwrap().offset); Some(actual) } fn do_check(before: &str, after: &str) { let actual = apply_on_enter(before).unwrap(); assert_eq_text!(after, &actual); } fn do_check_noop(text: &str) { assert!(apply_on_enter(text).is_none()) } do_check( r" /// Some docs<|> fn foo() { } ", r" /// Some docs /// <|> fn foo() { } ", ); do_check( r" impl S { /// Some<|> docs. fn foo() {} } ", r" impl S { /// Some /// <|> docs. fn foo() {} } ", ); do_check( r" fn main() { // Fix<|> me let x = 1 + 1; } ", r" fn main() { // Fix // <|> me let x = 1 + 1; } ", ); do_check( r" ///<|> Some docs fn foo() { } ", r" /// /// <|> Some docs fn foo() { } ", ); do_check_noop( r" fn main() { // Fix me<|> let x = 1 + 1; } ", ); do_check_noop(r"<|>//! docz"); } fn do_type_char(char_typed: char, before: &str) -> Option<(String, SingleFileChange)> { let (offset, before) = extract_offset(before); let edit = TextEdit::insert(offset, char_typed.to_string()); let before = edit.apply(&before); let parse = SourceFile::parse(&before); on_char_typed_inner(&parse.tree(), offset, char_typed) .map(|it| (it.edit.apply(&before), it)) } fn type_char(char_typed: char, before: &str, after: &str) { let (actual, file_change) = do_type_char(char_typed, before) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("typing `{}` did nothing", char_typed)); if after.contains("<|>") { let (offset, after) = extract_offset(after); assert_eq_text!(&after, &actual); assert_eq!(file_change.cursor_position, Some(offset)) } else { assert_eq_text!(after, &actual); } } fn type_char_noop(char_typed: char, before: &str) { let file_change = do_type_char(char_typed, before); assert!(file_change.is_none()) } #[test] fn test_on_eq_typed() { // do_check(r" // fn foo() { // let foo =<|> // } // ", r" // fn foo() { // let foo =; // } // "); type_char( '=', r" fn foo() { let foo <|> 1 + 1 } ", r" fn foo() { let foo = 1 + 1; } ", ); // do_check(r" // fn foo() { // let foo =<|> // let bar = 1; // } // ", r" // fn foo() { // let foo =; // let bar = 1; // } // "); } #[test] fn indents_new_chain_call() { type_char( '.', r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { self.child_impl(db, name) <|> } ", r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { self.child_impl(db, name) . } ", ); type_char_noop( '.', r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { self.child_impl(db, name) <|> } ", ) } #[test] fn indents_new_chain_call_with_semi() { type_char( '.', r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { self.child_impl(db, name) <|>; } ", r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { self.child_impl(db, name) .; } ", ); type_char_noop( '.', r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { self.child_impl(db, name) <|>; } ", ) } #[test] fn indents_continued_chain_call() { type_char( '.', r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { self.child_impl(db, name) .first() <|> } ", r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { self.child_impl(db, name) .first() . } ", ); type_char_noop( '.', r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { self.child_impl(db, name) .first() <|> } ", ); } #[test] fn indents_middle_of_chain_call() { type_char( '.', r" fn source_impl() { let var = enum_defvariant_list().unwrap() <|> .nth(92) .unwrap(); } ", r" fn source_impl() { let var = enum_defvariant_list().unwrap() . .nth(92) .unwrap(); } ", ); type_char_noop( '.', r" fn source_impl() { let var = enum_defvariant_list().unwrap() <|> .nth(92) .unwrap(); } ", ); } #[test] fn dont_indent_freestanding_dot() { type_char_noop( '.', r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { <|> } ", ); type_char_noop( '.', r" pub fn child(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, name: &Name) -> Cancelable<Option<Module>> { <|> } ", ); } #[test] fn adds_space_after_return_type() { type_char('>', "fn foo() -<|>{ 92 }", "fn foo() -><|> { 92 }") } }