use relative_path::{RelativePath, RelativePathBuf}; use hir::{ModuleSource, source_binder}; use ra_db::{FileId, SourceDatabase}; use ra_syntax::{ AstNode, SyntaxNode, TextRange, SourceFile, ast::{self, NameOwner}, algo::find_node_at_offset, }; use crate::{ db::RootDatabase, FilePosition, FileSystemEdit, SourceChange, SourceFileEdit, }; pub(crate) fn find_all_refs(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Vec<(FileId, TextRange)> { let file = db.parse(position.file_id); // Find the binding associated with the offset let (binding, descr) = match find_binding(db, &file, position) { None => return Vec::new(), Some(it) => it, }; let mut ret = binding .name() .into_iter() .map(|name| (position.file_id, name.syntax().range())) .collect::>(); ret.extend( descr .scopes(db) .find_all_refs(binding) .into_iter() .map(|ref_desc| (position.file_id, ref_desc.range)), ); return ret; fn find_binding<'a>( db: &RootDatabase, source_file: &'a SourceFile, position: FilePosition, ) -> Option<(&'a ast::BindPat, hir::Function)> { let syntax = source_file.syntax(); if let Some(binding) = find_node_at_offset::(syntax, position.offset) { let descr = source_binder::function_from_child_node(db, position.file_id, binding.syntax())?; return Some((binding, descr)); }; let name_ref = find_node_at_offset::(syntax, position.offset)?; let descr = source_binder::function_from_child_node(db, position.file_id, name_ref.syntax())?; let scope = descr.scopes(db); let resolved = scope.resolve_local_name(name_ref)?; let resolved = resolved.ptr().to_node(source_file); let binding = find_node_at_offset::(syntax, resolved.range().end())?; Some((binding, descr)) } } pub(crate) fn rename( db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition, new_name: &str, ) -> Option { let source_file = db.parse(position.file_id); let syntax = source_file.syntax(); if let Some((ast_name, ast_module)) = find_name_and_module_at_offset(syntax, position) { rename_mod(db, ast_name, ast_module, position, new_name) } else { rename_reference(db, position, new_name) } } fn find_name_and_module_at_offset( syntax: &SyntaxNode, position: FilePosition, ) -> Option<(&ast::Name, &ast::Module)> { let ast_name = find_node_at_offset::(syntax, position.offset); let ast_name_parent = ast::Module::cast(ast_name?.syntax().parent()?); if let (Some(ast_module), Some(name)) = (ast_name_parent, ast_name) { return Some((name, ast_module)); } None } fn rename_mod( db: &RootDatabase, ast_name: &ast::Name, ast_module: &ast::Module, position: FilePosition, new_name: &str, ) -> Option { let mut source_file_edits = Vec::new(); let mut file_system_edits = Vec::new(); if let Some(module) = source_binder::module_from_declaration(db, position.file_id, &ast_module) { let (file_id, module_source) = module.definition_source(db); match module_source { ModuleSource::SourceFile(..) => { let mod_path: RelativePathBuf = db.file_relative_path(file_id); // mod is defined in path/to/dir/ let dst_path = if mod_path.file_stem() == Some("mod") { mod_path .parent() .and_then(|p| p.parent()) .or_else(|| Some(RelativePath::new(""))) .map(|p| p.join(new_name).join("")) } else { Some(mod_path.with_file_name(new_name).with_extension("rs")) }; if let Some(path) = dst_path { let move_file = FileSystemEdit::MoveFile { src: file_id, dst_source_root: db.file_source_root(position.file_id), dst_path: path, }; file_system_edits.push(move_file); } } ModuleSource::Module(..) => {} } } let edit = SourceFileEdit { file_id: position.file_id, edit: { let mut builder = ra_text_edit::TextEditBuilder::default(); builder.replace(ast_name.syntax().range(), new_name.into()); builder.finish() }, }; source_file_edits.push(edit); Some(SourceChange { label: "rename".to_string(), source_file_edits, file_system_edits, cursor_position: None, }) } fn rename_reference( db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition, new_name: &str, ) -> Option { let edit = find_all_refs(db, position) .iter() .map(|(file_id, text_range)| SourceFileEdit { file_id: *file_id, edit: { let mut builder = ra_text_edit::TextEditBuilder::default(); builder.replace(*text_range, new_name.into()); builder.finish() }, }) .collect::>(); if edit.is_empty() { return None; } Some(SourceChange { label: "rename".to_string(), source_file_edits: edit, file_system_edits: Vec::new(), cursor_position: None, }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use insta::assert_debug_snapshot_matches; use test_utils::assert_eq_text; use crate::{ mock_analysis::single_file_with_position, mock_analysis::analysis_and_position, FileId }; #[test] fn test_rename_for_local() { test_rename( r#" fn main() { let mut i = 1; let j = 1; i = i<|> + j; { i = 0; } i = 5; }"#, "k", r#" fn main() { let mut k = 1; let j = 1; k = k + j; { k = 0; } k = 5; }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_for_param_inside() { test_rename( r#" fn foo(i : u32) -> u32 { i<|> }"#, "j", r#" fn foo(j : u32) -> u32 { j }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_refs_for_fn_param() { test_rename( r#" fn foo(i<|> : u32) -> u32 { i }"#, "new_name", r#" fn foo(new_name : u32) -> u32 { new_name }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_for_mut_param() { test_rename( r#" fn foo(mut i<|> : u32) -> u32 { i }"#, "new_name", r#" fn foo(mut new_name : u32) -> u32 { new_name }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_rename_mod() { let (analysis, position) = analysis_and_position( " //- / mod bar; //- / mod foo<|>; //- /bar/ // emtpy ", ); let new_name = "foo2"; let source_change = analysis.rename(position, new_name).unwrap(); assert_debug_snapshot_matches!("rename_mod", &source_change); } #[test] fn test_rename_mod_in_dir() { let (analysis, position) = analysis_and_position( " //- / mod fo<|>o; //- /foo/ // emtpy ", ); let new_name = "foo2"; let source_change = analysis.rename(position, new_name).unwrap(); assert_debug_snapshot_matches!("rename_mod_in_dir", &source_change); } fn test_rename(text: &str, new_name: &str, expected: &str) { let (analysis, position) = single_file_with_position(text); let source_change = analysis.rename(position, new_name).unwrap(); let mut text_edit_builder = ra_text_edit::TextEditBuilder::default(); let mut file_id: Option = None; if let Some(change) = source_change { for edit in change.source_file_edits { file_id = Some(edit.file_id); for atom in edit.edit.as_atoms() { text_edit_builder.replace(atom.delete, atom.insert.clone()); } } } let result = text_edit_builder.finish().apply(&*analysis.file_text(file_id.unwrap())); assert_eq_text!(expected, &*result); } }