use ra_syntax::{ Direction, SyntaxNode, TextRange, TextUnit, algo::{find_covering_node, find_leaf_at_offset, LeafAtOffset}, SyntaxKind::*, }; pub fn extend_selection(root: &SyntaxNode, range: TextRange) -> Option { let string_kinds = [COMMENT, STRING, RAW_STRING, BYTE_STRING, RAW_BYTE_STRING]; let list_kinds = [ FIELD_PAT_LIST, MATCH_ARM_LIST, NAMED_FIELD_DEF_LIST, POS_FIELD_DEF_LIST, NAMED_FIELD_LIST, ENUM_VARIANT_LIST, USE_TREE_LIST, TYPE_PARAM_LIST, TYPE_ARG_LIST, PARAM_LIST, ARG_LIST, ARRAY_EXPR, ]; if range.is_empty() { let offset = range.start(); let mut leaves = find_leaf_at_offset(root, offset); if leaves.clone().all(|it| it.kind() == WHITESPACE) { return Some(extend_ws(root,, offset)); } let leaf_range = match leaves { LeafAtOffset::None => return None, LeafAtOffset::Single(l) => { if string_kinds.contains(&l.kind()) { extend_single_word_in_comment_or_string(l, offset).unwrap_or_else(|| l.range()) } else { l.range() } } LeafAtOffset::Between(l, r) => pick_best(l, r).range(), }; return Some(leaf_range); }; let node = find_covering_node(root, range); // Using shallowest node with same range allows us to traverse siblings. let node = node.ancestors().take_while(|n| n.range() == node.range()).last().unwrap(); if range == node.range() { if string_kinds.contains(&node.kind()) { if let Some(range) = extend_comments(node) { return Some(range); } } if node.parent().map(|n| list_kinds.contains(&n.kind())) == Some(true) { if let Some(range) = extend_list_item(node) { return Some(range); } } } match node.ancestors().skip_while(|n| n.range() == range).next() { None => None, Some(parent) => Some(parent.range()), } } fn extend_single_word_in_comment_or_string( leaf: &SyntaxNode, offset: TextUnit, ) -> Option { let text: &str = leaf.leaf_text()?; let cursor_position: u32 = (offset - leaf.range().start()).into(); let (before, after) = text.split_at(cursor_position as usize); fn non_word_char(c: char) -> bool { !(c.is_alphanumeric() || c == '_') } let start_idx = before.rfind(non_word_char)? as u32; let end_idx = after.find(non_word_char).unwrap_or(after.len()) as u32; let from: TextUnit = (start_idx + 1).into(); let to: TextUnit = (cursor_position + end_idx).into(); let range = TextRange::from_to(from, to); if range.is_empty() { None } else { Some(range + leaf.range().start()) } } fn extend_ws(root: &SyntaxNode, ws: &SyntaxNode, offset: TextUnit) -> TextRange { let ws_text = ws.leaf_text().unwrap(); let suffix = TextRange::from_to(offset, ws.range().end()) - ws.range().start(); let prefix = TextRange::from_to(ws.range().start(), offset) - ws.range().start(); let ws_suffix = &ws_text.as_str()[suffix]; let ws_prefix = &ws_text.as_str()[prefix]; if ws_text.contains('\n') && !ws_suffix.contains('\n') { if let Some(node) = ws.next_sibling() { let start = match ws_prefix.rfind('\n') { Some(idx) => ws.range().start() + TextUnit::from((idx + 1) as u32), None => node.range().start(), }; let end = if root.text().char_at(node.range().end()) == Some('\n') { node.range().end() + TextUnit::of_char('\n') } else { node.range().end() }; return TextRange::from_to(start, end); } } ws.range() } fn pick_best<'a>(l: &'a SyntaxNode, r: &'a SyntaxNode) -> &'a SyntaxNode { return if priority(r) > priority(l) { r } else { l }; fn priority(n: &SyntaxNode) -> usize { match n.kind() { WHITESPACE => 0, IDENT | SELF_KW | SUPER_KW | CRATE_KW | LIFETIME => 2, _ => 1, } } } /// Extend list item selection to include nearby comma and whitespace. fn extend_list_item(node: &SyntaxNode) -> Option { fn is_single_line_ws(node: &SyntaxNode) -> bool { node.kind() == WHITESPACE && !node.leaf_text().unwrap().contains('\n') } fn nearby_comma(node: &SyntaxNode, dir: Direction) -> Option<&SyntaxNode> { node.siblings(dir) .skip(1) .skip_while(|node| is_single_line_ws(node)) .next() .filter(|node| node.kind() == COMMA) } if let Some(comma_node) = nearby_comma(node, Direction::Prev) { return Some(TextRange::from_to(comma_node.range().start(), node.range().end())); } if let Some(comma_node) = nearby_comma(node, Direction::Next) { // Include any following whitespace when comma if after list item. let final_node = comma_node .siblings(Direction::Next) .skip(1) .next() .filter(|node| is_single_line_ws(node)) .unwrap_or(comma_node); return Some(TextRange::from_to(node.range().start(), final_node.range().end())); } return None; } fn extend_comments(node: &SyntaxNode) -> Option { let prev = adj_comments(node, Direction::Prev); let next = adj_comments(node, Direction::Next); if prev != next { Some(TextRange::from_to(prev.range().start(), next.range().end())) } else { None } } fn adj_comments(node: &SyntaxNode, dir: Direction) -> &SyntaxNode { let mut res = node; for node in node.siblings(dir) { match node.kind() { COMMENT => res = node, WHITESPACE if !node.leaf_text().unwrap().as_str().contains("\n\n") => (), _ => break, } } res } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use ra_syntax::{SourceFile, AstNode}; use test_utils::extract_offset; use super::*; fn do_check(before: &str, afters: &[&str]) { let (cursor, before) = extract_offset(before); let file = SourceFile::parse(&before); let mut range = TextRange::offset_len(cursor, 0.into()); for &after in afters { range = extend_selection(file.syntax(), range).unwrap(); let actual = &before[range]; assert_eq!(after, actual); } } #[test] fn test_extend_selection_arith() { do_check(r#"fn foo() { <|>1 + 1 }"#, &["1", "1 + 1", "{ 1 + 1 }"]); } #[test] fn test_extend_selection_list() { do_check(r#"fn foo(<|>x: i32) {}"#, &["x", "x: i32"]); do_check(r#"fn foo(<|>x: i32, y: i32) {}"#, &["x", "x: i32", "x: i32, "]); do_check(r#"fn foo(<|>x: i32,y: i32) {}"#, &["x", "x: i32", "x: i32,"]); do_check(r#"fn foo(x: i32, <|>y: i32) {}"#, &["y", "y: i32", ", y: i32"]); do_check(r#"fn foo(x: i32, <|>y: i32, ) {}"#, &["y", "y: i32", ", y: i32"]); do_check(r#"fn foo(x: i32,<|>y: i32) {}"#, &["y", "y: i32", ",y: i32"]); do_check(r#"const FOO: [usize; 2] = [ 22<|> , 33];"#, &["22", "22 , "]); do_check(r#"const FOO: [usize; 2] = [ 22 , 33<|>];"#, &["33", ", 33"]); do_check(r#"const FOO: [usize; 2] = [ 22 , 33<|> ,];"#, &["33", ", 33"]); do_check( r#" const FOO: [usize; 2] = [ 22, <|>33, ]"#, &["33", "33,"], ); do_check( r#" const FOO: [usize; 2] = [ 22 , 33<|>, ]"#, &["33", ", 33"], ); } #[test] fn test_extend_selection_start_of_the_line() { do_check( r#" impl S { <|> fn foo() { } }"#, &[" fn foo() {\n\n }\n"], ); } #[test] fn test_extend_selection_doc_comments() { do_check( r#" struct A; /// bla /// bla struct B { <|> } "#, &["\n \n", "{\n \n}", "/// bla\n/// bla\nstruct B {\n \n}"], ) } #[test] fn test_extend_selection_comments() { do_check( r#" fn bar(){} // fn foo() { // 1 + <|>1 // } // fn foo(){} "#, &["1", "// 1 + 1", "// fn foo() {\n// 1 + 1\n// }"], ); do_check( r#" // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] // pub enum Direction { // <|> Next, // Prev // } "#, &[ "// Next,", "// #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]\n// pub enum Direction {\n// Next,\n// Prev\n// }", ], ); do_check( r#" /* foo _bar1<|>*/ "#, &["_bar1", "/*\nfoo\n_bar1*/"], ); do_check( r#" //!<|>foo_2 bar "#, &["foo_2", "//!foo_2 bar"], ); do_check( r#" /<|>/foo bar "#, &["//foo bar"], ); } #[test] fn test_extend_selection_prefer_idents() { do_check( r#" fn main() { foo<|>+bar;} "#, &["foo", "foo+bar"], ); do_check( r#" fn main() { foo+<|>bar;} "#, &["bar", "foo+bar"], ); } #[test] fn test_extend_selection_prefer_lifetimes() { do_check(r#"fn foo<<|>'a>() {}"#, &["'a", "<'a>"]); do_check(r#"fn foo<'a<|>>() {}"#, &["'a", "<'a>"]); } #[test] fn test_extend_selection_select_first_word() { do_check(r#"// foo bar b<|>az quxx"#, &["baz", "// foo bar baz quxx"]); do_check( r#" impl S { fn foo() { // hel<|>lo world } } "#, &["hello", "// hello world"], ); } #[test] fn test_extend_selection_string() { do_check( r#" fn bar(){} " fn f<|>oo() {" "#, &["foo", "\" fn foo() {\""], ); } }