//! This module handles fuzzy-searching of functions, structs and other symbols //! by name across the whole workspace and dependencies. //! //! It works by building an incrementally-updated text-search index of all //! symbols. The backbone of the index is the **awesome** `fst` crate by //! @BurntSushi. //! //! In a nutshell, you give a set of strings to `fst`, and it builds a //! finite state machine describing this set of strings. The strings which //! could fuzzy-match a pattern can also be described by a finite state machine. //! What is freaking cool is that you can now traverse both state machines in //! lock-step to enumerate the strings which are both in the input set and //! fuzz-match the query. Or, more formally, given two languages described by //! FSTs, one can build a product FST which describes the intersection of the //! languages. //! //! `fst` does not support cheap updating of the index, but it supports unioning //! of state machines. So, to account for changing source code, we build an FST //! for each library (which is assumed to never change) and an FST for each Rust //! file in the current workspace, and run a query against the union of all //! those FSTs. use std::{ cmp::Ordering, fmt, hash::{Hash, Hasher}, mem, sync::Arc, }; use fst::{self, Streamer}; use ra_db::{ salsa::{self, ParallelDatabase}, FileId, SourceDatabaseExt, SourceRootId, }; use ra_syntax::{ ast::{self, NameOwner}, match_ast, AstNode, Parse, SmolStr, SourceFile, SyntaxKind::{self, *}, SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodePtr, TextRange, WalkEvent, }; #[cfg(not(feature = "wasm"))] use rayon::prelude::*; use crate::RootDatabase; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Query { query: String, lowercased: String, only_types: bool, libs: bool, exact: bool, limit: usize, } impl Query { pub fn new(query: String) -> Query { let lowercased = query.to_lowercase(); Query { query, lowercased, only_types: false, libs: false, exact: false, limit: usize::max_value(), } } pub fn only_types(&mut self) { self.only_types = true; } pub fn libs(&mut self) { self.libs = true; } pub fn exact(&mut self) { self.exact = true; } pub fn limit(&mut self, limit: usize) { self.limit = limit } } #[salsa::query_group(SymbolsDatabaseStorage)] pub trait SymbolsDatabase: hir::db::HirDatabase { fn file_symbols(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<SymbolIndex>; #[salsa::input] fn library_symbols(&self, id: SourceRootId) -> Arc<SymbolIndex>; /// The set of "local" (that is, from the current workspace) roots. /// Files in local roots are assumed to change frequently. #[salsa::input] fn local_roots(&self) -> Arc<Vec<SourceRootId>>; /// The set of roots for crates.io libraries. /// Files in libraries are assumed to never change. #[salsa::input] fn library_roots(&self) -> Arc<Vec<SourceRootId>>; } fn file_symbols(db: &impl SymbolsDatabase, file_id: FileId) -> Arc<SymbolIndex> { db.check_canceled(); let parse = db.parse(file_id); let symbols = source_file_to_file_symbols(&parse.tree(), file_id); // FIXME: add macros here Arc::new(SymbolIndex::new(symbols)) } pub fn world_symbols(db: &RootDatabase, query: Query) -> Vec<FileSymbol> { /// Need to wrap Snapshot to provide `Clone` impl for `map_with` struct Snap(salsa::Snapshot<RootDatabase>); impl Clone for Snap { fn clone(&self) -> Snap { Snap(self.0.snapshot()) } } let buf: Vec<Arc<SymbolIndex>> = if query.libs { let snap = Snap(db.snapshot()); #[cfg(not(feature = "wasm"))] let buf = db .library_roots() .par_iter() .map_with(snap, |db, &lib_id| db.0.library_symbols(lib_id)) .collect(); #[cfg(feature = "wasm")] let buf = db.library_roots().iter().map(|&lib_id| snap.0.library_symbols(lib_id)).collect(); buf } else { let mut files = Vec::new(); for &root in db.local_roots().iter() { let sr = db.source_root(root); files.extend(sr.walk()) } let snap = Snap(db.snapshot()); #[cfg(not(feature = "wasm"))] let buf = files.par_iter().map_with(snap, |db, &file_id| db.0.file_symbols(file_id)).collect(); #[cfg(feature = "wasm")] let buf = files.iter().map(|&file_id| snap.0.file_symbols(file_id)).collect(); buf }; query.search(&buf) } pub fn index_resolve(db: &RootDatabase, name_ref: &ast::NameRef) -> Vec<FileSymbol> { let name = name_ref.text(); let mut query = Query::new(name.to_string()); query.exact(); query.limit(4); world_symbols(db, query) } #[derive(Default)] pub struct SymbolIndex { symbols: Vec<FileSymbol>, map: fst::Map, } impl fmt::Debug for SymbolIndex { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("SymbolIndex").field("n_symbols", &self.symbols.len()).finish() } } impl PartialEq for SymbolIndex { fn eq(&self, other: &SymbolIndex) -> bool { self.symbols == other.symbols } } impl Eq for SymbolIndex {} impl Hash for SymbolIndex { fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) { self.symbols.hash(hasher) } } impl SymbolIndex { fn new(mut symbols: Vec<FileSymbol>) -> SymbolIndex { fn cmp(lhs: &FileSymbol, rhs: &FileSymbol) -> Ordering { let lhs_chars = lhs.name.chars().map(|c| c.to_ascii_lowercase()); let rhs_chars = rhs.name.chars().map(|c| c.to_ascii_lowercase()); lhs_chars.cmp(rhs_chars) } #[cfg(not(feature = "wasm"))] symbols.par_sort_by(cmp); #[cfg(feature = "wasm")] symbols.sort_by(cmp); let mut builder = fst::MapBuilder::memory(); let mut last_batch_start = 0; for idx in 0..symbols.len() { if let Some(next_symbol) = symbols.get(idx + 1) { if cmp(&symbols[last_batch_start], next_symbol) == Ordering::Equal { continue; } } let start = last_batch_start; let end = idx + 1; last_batch_start = end; let key = symbols[start].name.as_str().to_ascii_lowercase(); let value = SymbolIndex::range_to_map_value(start, end); builder.insert(key, value).unwrap(); } let map = fst::Map::from_bytes(builder.into_inner().unwrap()).unwrap(); SymbolIndex { symbols, map } } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.symbols.len() } pub fn memory_size(&self) -> usize { self.map.as_fst().size() + self.symbols.len() * mem::size_of::<FileSymbol>() } #[cfg(not(feature = "wasm"))] pub(crate) fn for_files( files: impl ParallelIterator<Item = (FileId, Parse<ast::SourceFile>)>, ) -> SymbolIndex { let symbols = files .flat_map(|(file_id, file)| source_file_to_file_symbols(&file.tree(), file_id)) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); SymbolIndex::new(symbols) } #[cfg(feature = "wasm")] pub(crate) fn for_files( files: impl Iterator<Item = (FileId, Parse<ast::SourceFile>)>, ) -> SymbolIndex { let symbols = files .flat_map(|(file_id, file)| source_file_to_file_symbols(&file.tree(), file_id)) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); SymbolIndex::new(symbols) } fn range_to_map_value(start: usize, end: usize) -> u64 { debug_assert![start <= (std::u32::MAX as usize)]; debug_assert![end <= (std::u32::MAX as usize)]; ((start as u64) << 32) | end as u64 } fn map_value_to_range(value: u64) -> (usize, usize) { let end = value as u32 as usize; let start = (value >> 32) as usize; (start, end) } } impl Query { pub(crate) fn search(self, indices: &[Arc<SymbolIndex>]) -> Vec<FileSymbol> { let mut op = fst::map::OpBuilder::new(); for file_symbols in indices.iter() { let automaton = fst::automaton::Subsequence::new(&self.lowercased); op = op.add(file_symbols.map.search(automaton)) } let mut stream = op.union(); let mut res = Vec::new(); while let Some((_, indexed_values)) = stream.next() { if res.len() >= self.limit { break; } for indexed_value in indexed_values { let symbol_index = &indices[indexed_value.index]; let (start, end) = SymbolIndex::map_value_to_range(indexed_value.value); for symbol in &symbol_index.symbols[start..end] { if self.only_types && !is_type(symbol.ptr.kind()) { continue; } if self.exact && symbol.name != self.query { continue; } res.push(symbol.clone()); } } } res } } fn is_type(kind: SyntaxKind) -> bool { match kind { STRUCT_DEF | ENUM_DEF | TRAIT_DEF | TYPE_ALIAS_DEF => true, _ => false, } } /// The actual data that is stored in the index. It should be as compact as /// possible. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct FileSymbol { pub file_id: FileId, pub name: SmolStr, pub ptr: SyntaxNodePtr, pub name_range: Option<TextRange>, pub container_name: Option<SmolStr>, } fn source_file_to_file_symbols(source_file: &SourceFile, file_id: FileId) -> Vec<FileSymbol> { let mut symbols = Vec::new(); let mut stack = Vec::new(); for event in source_file.syntax().preorder() { match event { WalkEvent::Enter(node) => { if let Some(mut symbol) = to_file_symbol(&node, file_id) { symbol.container_name = stack.last().cloned(); stack.push(symbol.name.clone()); symbols.push(symbol); } } WalkEvent::Leave(node) => { if to_symbol(&node).is_some() { stack.pop(); } } } } symbols } fn to_symbol(node: &SyntaxNode) -> Option<(SmolStr, SyntaxNodePtr, TextRange)> { fn decl<N: NameOwner>(node: N) -> Option<(SmolStr, SyntaxNodePtr, TextRange)> { let name = node.name()?; let name_range = name.syntax().text_range(); let name = name.text().clone(); let ptr = SyntaxNodePtr::new(node.syntax()); Some((name, ptr, name_range)) } match_ast! { match node { ast::FnDef(it) => { decl(it) }, ast::StructDef(it) => { decl(it) }, ast::EnumDef(it) => { decl(it) }, ast::TraitDef(it) => { decl(it) }, ast::Module(it) => { decl(it) }, ast::TypeAliasDef(it) => { decl(it) }, ast::ConstDef(it) => { decl(it) }, ast::StaticDef(it) => { decl(it) }, _ => None, } } } fn to_file_symbol(node: &SyntaxNode, file_id: FileId) -> Option<FileSymbol> { to_symbol(node).map(move |(name, ptr, name_range)| FileSymbol { name, ptr, file_id, name_range: Some(name_range), container_name: None, }) }