//! FIXME: write short doc here

use std::{fmt::Write as _, io::Write as _};

use lsp_server::ErrorCode;
use lsp_types::{
    CodeAction, CodeActionResponse, CodeLens, Command, CompletionItem, Diagnostic,
    DocumentFormattingParams, DocumentHighlight, DocumentSymbol, FoldingRange, FoldingRangeParams,
    Hover, HoverContents, Location, MarkupContent, MarkupKind, Position, PrepareRenameResponse,
    Range, RenameParams, SymbolInformation, TextDocumentIdentifier, TextEdit, WorkspaceEdit,
use ra_ide_api::{
    AssistId, FileId, FilePosition, FileRange, Query, Runnable, RunnableKind, SearchScope,
use ra_prof::profile;
use ra_syntax::{AstNode, SyntaxKind, TextRange, TextUnit};
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::to_value;

use crate::{
    cargo_target_spec::{runnable_args, CargoTargetSpec},
    conv::{to_location, Conv, ConvWith, FoldConvCtx, MapConvWith, TryConvWith, TryConvWithToVec},
    req::{self, Decoration, InlayHint, InlayHintsParams, InlayKind},
    LspError, Result,

pub fn handle_analyzer_status(world: WorldSnapshot, _: ()) -> Result<String> {
    let _p = profile("handle_analyzer_status");
    let mut buf = world.status();
    writeln!(buf, "\n\nrequests:").unwrap();
    let requests = world.latest_requests.read();
    for (is_last, r) in requests.iter() {
        let mark = if is_last { "*" } else { " " };
        writeln!(buf, "{}{:4} {:<36}{}ms", mark, r.id, r.method, r.duration.as_millis()).unwrap();

pub fn handle_syntax_tree(world: WorldSnapshot, params: req::SyntaxTreeParams) -> Result<String> {
    let _p = profile("handle_syntax_tree");
    let id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(id)?;
    let text_range = params.range.map(|p| p.conv_with(&line_index));
    let res = world.analysis().syntax_tree(id, text_range)?;

pub fn handle_expand_macro(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::ExpandMacroParams,
) -> Result<Option<req::ExpandedMacro>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_expand_macro");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let offset = params.position.map(|p| p.conv_with(&line_index));

    match offset {
        None => Ok(None),
        Some(offset) => {
            let res = world.analysis().expand_macro(FilePosition { file_id, offset })?;
            Ok(res.map(|it| req::ExpandedMacro { name: it.name, expansion: it.expansion }))

pub fn handle_selection_range(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::SelectionRangeParams,
) -> Result<Vec<req::SelectionRange>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_selection_range");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
        .map(|position| {
            let mut ranges = Vec::new();
                let mut range = TextRange::from_to(position, position);
                loop {
                    let frange = FileRange { file_id, range };
                    let next = world.analysis().extend_selection(frange)?;
                    if next == range {
                    } else {
                        range = next
            let mut range = req::SelectionRange {
                range: ranges.last().unwrap().conv_with(&line_index),
                parent: None,
            for r in ranges.iter().rev().skip(1) {
                range = req::SelectionRange {
                    range: r.conv_with(&line_index),
                    parent: Some(Box::new(range)),

pub fn handle_find_matching_brace(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::FindMatchingBraceParams,
) -> Result<Vec<Position>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_find_matching_brace");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let res = params
        .map(|offset| {
            if let Ok(Some(matching_brace_offset)) =
                world.analysis().matching_brace(FilePosition { file_id, offset })
            } else {

pub fn handle_join_lines(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::JoinLinesParams,
) -> Result<req::SourceChange> {
    let _p = profile("handle_join_lines");
    let frange = (&params.text_document, params.range).try_conv_with(&world)?;

pub fn handle_on_enter(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::TextDocumentPositionParams,
) -> Result<Option<req::SourceChange>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_on_enter");
    let position = params.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    match world.analysis().on_enter(position)? {
        None => Ok(None),
        Some(edit) => Ok(Some(edit.try_conv_with(&world)?)),

// Don't forget to add new trigger characters to `ServerCapabilities` in `caps.rs`.
pub fn handle_on_type_formatting(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<TextEdit>>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_on_type_formatting");
    let mut position = params.text_document_position.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(position.file_id)?;
    let line_endings = world.file_line_endings(position.file_id);

    // in `ra_ide_api`, the `on_type` invariant is that
    // `text.char_at(position) == typed_char`.
    position.offset = position.offset - TextUnit::of_char('.');
    let char_typed = params.ch.chars().next().unwrap_or('\0');

    // We have an assist that inserts ` ` after typing `->` in `fn foo() ->{`,
    // but it requires precise cursor positioning to work, and one can't
    // position the cursor with on_type formatting. So, let's just toggle this
    // feature off here, hoping that we'll enable it one day, 😿.
    if char_typed == '>' {
        return Ok(None);

    let edit = world.analysis().on_char_typed(position, char_typed)?;
    let mut edit = match edit {
        Some(it) => it,
        None => return Ok(None),

    // This should be a single-file edit
    let edit = edit.source_file_edits.pop().unwrap();

    let change: Vec<TextEdit> = edit.edit.conv_with((&line_index, line_endings));

pub fn handle_document_symbol(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::DocumentSymbolParams,
) -> Result<Option<req::DocumentSymbolResponse>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_document_symbol");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;

    let mut parents: Vec<(DocumentSymbol, Option<usize>)> = Vec::new();

    for symbol in world.analysis().file_structure(file_id)? {
        let doc_symbol = DocumentSymbol {
            name: symbol.label,
            detail: symbol.detail,
            kind: symbol.kind.conv(),
            deprecated: Some(symbol.deprecated),
            range: symbol.node_range.conv_with(&line_index),
            selection_range: symbol.navigation_range.conv_with(&line_index),
            children: None,
        parents.push((doc_symbol, symbol.parent));
    let mut res = Vec::new();
    while let Some((node, parent)) = parents.pop() {
        match parent {
            None => res.push(node),
            Some(i) => {
                let children = &mut parents[i].0.children;
                if children.is_none() {
                    *children = Some(Vec::new());


pub fn handle_workspace_symbol(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::WorkspaceSymbolParams,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<SymbolInformation>>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_workspace_symbol");
    let all_symbols = params.query.contains('#');
    let libs = params.query.contains('*');
    let query = {
        let query: String = params.query.chars().filter(|&c| c != '#' && c != '*').collect();
        let mut q = Query::new(query);
        if !all_symbols {
        if libs {
    let mut res = exec_query(&world, query)?;
    if res.is_empty() && !all_symbols {
        let mut query = Query::new(params.query);
        res = exec_query(&world, query)?;

    return Ok(Some(res));

    fn exec_query(world: &WorldSnapshot, query: Query) -> Result<Vec<SymbolInformation>> {
        let mut res = Vec::new();
        for nav in world.analysis().symbol_search(query)? {
            let info = SymbolInformation {
                name: nav.name().to_string(),
                kind: nav.kind().conv(),
                location: nav.try_conv_with(world)?,
                container_name: nav.container_name().map(|v| v.to_string()),
                deprecated: None,

pub fn handle_goto_definition(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::TextDocumentPositionParams,
) -> Result<Option<req::GotoDefinitionResponse>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_goto_definition");
    let position = params.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let nav_info = match world.analysis().goto_definition(position)? {
        None => return Ok(None),
        Some(it) => it,
    let res = (position.file_id, nav_info).try_conv_with(&world)?;

pub fn handle_goto_implementation(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::TextDocumentPositionParams,
) -> Result<Option<req::GotoImplementationResponse>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_goto_implementation");
    let position = params.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let nav_info = match world.analysis().goto_implementation(position)? {
        None => return Ok(None),
        Some(it) => it,
    let res = (position.file_id, nav_info).try_conv_with(&world)?;

pub fn handle_goto_type_definition(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::TextDocumentPositionParams,
) -> Result<Option<req::GotoTypeDefinitionResponse>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_goto_type_definition");
    let position = params.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let nav_info = match world.analysis().goto_type_definition(position)? {
        None => return Ok(None),
        Some(it) => it,
    let res = (position.file_id, nav_info).try_conv_with(&world)?;

pub fn handle_parent_module(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::TextDocumentPositionParams,
) -> Result<Vec<Location>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_parent_module");
    let position = params.try_conv_with(&world)?;

pub fn handle_runnables(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::RunnablesParams,
) -> Result<Vec<req::Runnable>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_runnables");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let offset = params.position.map(|it| it.conv_with(&line_index));
    let mut res = Vec::new();
    let workspace_root = world.workspace_root_for(file_id);
    for runnable in world.analysis().runnables(file_id)? {
        if let Some(offset) = offset {
            if !runnable.range.contains_inclusive(offset) {
        res.push(to_lsp_runnable(&world, file_id, runnable)?);
    let mut check_args = vec!["check".to_string()];
    let label;
    match CargoTargetSpec::for_file(&world, file_id)? {
        Some(spec) => {
            label = format!("cargo check -p {}", spec.package);
            spec.push_to(&mut check_args);
        None => {
            label = "cargo check --all".to_string();
    // Always add `cargo check`.
    res.push(req::Runnable {
        range: Default::default(),
        bin: "cargo".to_string(),
        args: check_args,
        env: FxHashMap::default(),
        cwd: workspace_root.map(|root| root.to_string_lossy().to_string()),

pub fn handle_decorations(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: TextDocumentIdentifier,
) -> Result<Vec<Decoration>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_decorations");
    let file_id = params.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    highlight(&world, file_id)

pub fn handle_completion(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::CompletionParams,
) -> Result<Option<req::CompletionResponse>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_completion");
    let position = params.text_document_position.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let completion_triggered_after_single_colon = {
        let mut res = false;
        if let Some(ctx) = params.context {
            if ctx.trigger_character.unwrap_or_default() == ":" {
                let source_file = world.analysis().parse(position.file_id)?;
                let syntax = source_file.syntax();
                let text = syntax.text();
                if let Some(next_char) = text.char_at(position.offset) {
                    let diff = TextUnit::of_char(next_char) + TextUnit::of_char(':');
                    let prev_char = position.offset - diff;
                    if text.char_at(prev_char) != Some(':') {
                        res = true;
    if completion_triggered_after_single_colon {
        return Ok(None);

    let items = match world.analysis().completions(position)? {
        None => return Ok(None),
        Some(items) => items,
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(position.file_id)?;
    let line_endings = world.file_line_endings(position.file_id);
    let items: Vec<CompletionItem> =
        items.into_iter().map(|item| item.conv_with((&line_index, line_endings))).collect();


pub fn handle_folding_range(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: FoldingRangeParams,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<FoldingRange>>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_folding_range");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let folds = world.analysis().folding_ranges(file_id)?;
    let text = world.analysis().file_text(file_id)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let ctx = FoldConvCtx {
        text: &text,
        line_index: &line_index,
        line_folding_only: world.options.line_folding_only,
    let res = Some(folds.into_iter().map_conv_with(&ctx).collect());

pub fn handle_signature_help(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::TextDocumentPositionParams,
) -> Result<Option<req::SignatureHelp>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_signature_help");
    let position = params.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    if let Some(call_info) = world.analysis().call_info(position)? {
        let active_parameter = call_info.active_parameter.map(|it| it as i64);
        let sig_info = call_info.signature.conv();

        Ok(Some(req::SignatureHelp {
            signatures: vec![sig_info],
            active_signature: Some(0),
    } else {

pub fn handle_hover(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::TextDocumentPositionParams,
) -> Result<Option<Hover>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_hover");
    let position = params.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let info = match world.analysis().hover(position)? {
        None => return Ok(None),
        Some(info) => info,
    let line_index = world.analysis.file_line_index(position.file_id)?;
    let range = info.range.conv_with(&line_index);
    let res = Hover {
        contents: HoverContents::Markup(MarkupContent {
            kind: MarkupKind::Markdown,
            value: crate::markdown::format_docs(&info.info.to_markup()),
        range: Some(range),

pub fn handle_prepare_rename(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::TextDocumentPositionParams,
) -> Result<Option<PrepareRenameResponse>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_prepare_rename");
    let position = params.try_conv_with(&world)?;

    // We support renaming references like handle_rename does.
    // In the future we may want to reject the renaming of things like keywords here too.
    let optional_change = world.analysis().rename(position, "dummy")?;
    let range = match optional_change {
        None => return Ok(None),
        Some(it) => it.range,

    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let range = range.conv_with(&line_index);

pub fn handle_rename(world: WorldSnapshot, params: RenameParams) -> Result<Option<WorkspaceEdit>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_rename");
    let position = params.text_document_position.try_conv_with(&world)?;

    if params.new_name.is_empty() {
        return Err(LspError::new(
            ErrorCode::InvalidParams as i32,
            "New Name cannot be empty".into(),

    let optional_change = world.analysis().rename(position, &*params.new_name)?;
    let change = match optional_change {
        None => return Ok(None),
        Some(it) => it.info,

    let source_change_req = change.try_conv_with(&world)?;


pub fn handle_references(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::ReferenceParams,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<Location>>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_references");
    let position = params.text_document_position.try_conv_with(&world)?;

    let refs = match world.analysis().find_all_refs(position, None)? {
        None => return Ok(None),
        Some(refs) => refs,

    let locations = if params.context.include_declaration {
            .filter_map(|r| {
                let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(r.file_id).ok()?;
                to_location(r.file_id, r.range, &world, &line_index).ok()
    } else {
        // Only iterate over the references if include_declaration was false
            .filter_map(|r| {
                let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(r.file_id).ok()?;
                to_location(r.file_id, r.range, &world, &line_index).ok()


pub fn handle_formatting(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: DocumentFormattingParams,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<TextEdit>>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_formatting");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let file = world.analysis().file_text(file_id)?;

    let file_line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let end_position = TextUnit::of_str(&file).conv_with(&file_line_index);

    use std::process;
    let mut rustfmt = process::Command::new("rustfmt");

    if let Ok(path) = params.text_document.uri.to_file_path() {
        if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
    let mut rustfmt = rustfmt.spawn()?;


    let output = rustfmt.wait_with_output()?;
    let captured_stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?;

    if !output.status.success() {
        match output.status.code() {
            Some(1) => {
                // While `rustfmt` doesn't have a specific exit code for parse errors this is the
                // likely cause exiting with 1. Most Language Servers swallow parse errors on
                // formatting because otherwise an error is surfaced to the user on top of the
                // syntax error diagnostics they're already receiving. This is especially jarring
                // if they have format on save enabled.
                log::info!("rustfmt exited with status 1, assuming parse error and ignoring");
                return Ok(None);
            _ => {
                // Something else happened - e.g. `rustfmt` is missing or caught a signal
                return Err(LspError::new(
                        r#"rustfmt exited with:
                           Status: {}
                           stdout: {}"#,
                        output.status, captured_stdout,

    Ok(Some(vec![TextEdit {
        range: Range::new(Position::new(0, 0), end_position),
        new_text: captured_stdout,

pub fn handle_code_action(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::CodeActionParams,
) -> Result<Option<CodeActionResponse>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_code_action");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let range = params.range.conv_with(&line_index);

    let assists = world.analysis().assists(FileRange { file_id, range })?.into_iter();
    let diagnostics = world.analysis().diagnostics(file_id)?;
    let mut res = CodeActionResponse::default();

    let fixes_from_diagnostics = diagnostics
        .filter_map(|d| Some((d.range, d.fix?)))
        .filter(|(diag_range, _fix)| diag_range.intersection(&range).is_some())
        .map(|(_range, fix)| fix);

    for source_edit in fixes_from_diagnostics {
        let title = source_edit.label.clone();
        let edit = source_edit.try_conv_with(&world)?;

        let command = Command {
            command: "rust-analyzer.applySourceChange".to_string(),
            arguments: Some(vec![to_value(edit).unwrap()]),
        let action = CodeAction {
            title: command.title.clone(),
            kind: None,
            diagnostics: None,
            edit: None,
            command: Some(command),

    for assist in assists {
        let title = assist.change.label.clone();
        let edit = assist.change.try_conv_with(&world)?;

        let command = Command {
            command: "rust-analyzer.applySourceChange".to_string(),
            arguments: Some(vec![to_value(edit).unwrap()]),
        let action = CodeAction {
            title: command.title.clone(),
            kind: match assist.id {
                AssistId("introduce_variable") => Some("refactor.extract.variable".to_string()),
                _ => None,
            diagnostics: None,
            edit: None,
            command: Some(command),


pub fn handle_code_lens(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::CodeLensParams,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<CodeLens>>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_code_lens");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;

    let mut lenses: Vec<CodeLens> = Default::default();

    // Gather runnables
    for runnable in world.analysis().runnables(file_id)? {
        let title = match &runnable.kind {
            RunnableKind::Test { .. } | RunnableKind::TestMod { .. } => "▶️Run Test",
            RunnableKind::Bench { .. } => "Run Bench",
            RunnableKind::Bin => "Run",
        let r = to_lsp_runnable(&world, file_id, runnable)?;
        let lens = CodeLens {
            range: r.range,
            command: Some(Command {
                command: "rust-analyzer.runSingle".into(),
                arguments: Some(vec![to_value(r).unwrap()]),
            data: None,


    // Handle impls
            .filter(|it| match it.kind {
                SyntaxKind::TRAIT_DEF | SyntaxKind::STRUCT_DEF | SyntaxKind::ENUM_DEF => true,
                _ => false,
            .map(|it| {
                let range = it.node_range.conv_with(&line_index);
                let pos = range.start;
                let lens_params =
                    req::TextDocumentPositionParams::new(params.text_document.clone(), pos);
                CodeLens {
                    command: None,
                    data: Some(to_value(CodeLensResolveData::Impls(lens_params)).unwrap()),


#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
enum CodeLensResolveData {

pub fn handle_code_lens_resolve(world: WorldSnapshot, code_lens: CodeLens) -> Result<CodeLens> {
    let _p = profile("handle_code_lens_resolve");
    let data = code_lens.data.unwrap();
    let resolve = serde_json::from_value(data)?;
    match resolve {
        Some(CodeLensResolveData::Impls(lens_params)) => {
            let locations: Vec<Location> =
                match handle_goto_implementation(world, lens_params.clone())? {
                    Some(req::GotoDefinitionResponse::Scalar(loc)) => vec![loc],
                    Some(req::GotoDefinitionResponse::Array(locs)) => locs,
                    Some(req::GotoDefinitionResponse::Link(links)) => links
                        .map(|link| Location::new(link.target_uri, link.target_selection_range))
                    _ => vec![],

            let title = if locations.len() == 1 {
                "1 implementation".into()
            } else {
                format!("{} implementations", locations.len())

            // We cannot use the 'editor.action.showReferences' command directly
            // because that command requires vscode types which we convert in the handler
            // on the client side.
            let cmd = Command {
                command: "rust-analyzer.showReferences".into(),
                arguments: Some(vec![
            Ok(CodeLens { range: code_lens.range, command: Some(cmd), data: None })
        None => Ok(CodeLens {
            range: code_lens.range,
            command: Some(Command { title: "Error".into(), ..Default::default() }),
            data: None,

pub fn handle_document_highlight(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: req::TextDocumentPositionParams,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<DocumentHighlight>>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_document_highlight");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;

    let refs = match world
        .find_all_refs(params.try_conv_with(&world)?, Some(SearchScope::single_file(file_id)))?
        None => return Ok(None),
        Some(refs) => refs,

            .filter(|r| r.file_id == file_id)
            .map(|r| DocumentHighlight { range: r.range.conv_with(&line_index), kind: None })

pub fn publish_diagnostics(
    world: &WorldSnapshot,
    file_id: FileId,
) -> Result<req::PublishDiagnosticsParams> {
    let _p = profile("publish_diagnostics");
    let uri = world.file_id_to_uri(file_id)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let diagnostics = world
        .map(|d| Diagnostic {
            range: d.range.conv_with(&line_index),
            severity: Some(d.severity.conv()),
            code: None,
            source: Some("rust-analyzer".to_string()),
            message: d.message,
            related_information: None,
    Ok(req::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri, diagnostics })

pub fn publish_decorations(
    world: &WorldSnapshot,
    file_id: FileId,
) -> Result<req::PublishDecorationsParams> {
    let _p = profile("publish_decorations");
    let uri = world.file_id_to_uri(file_id)?;
    Ok(req::PublishDecorationsParams { uri, decorations: highlight(&world, file_id)? })

fn to_lsp_runnable(
    world: &WorldSnapshot,
    file_id: FileId,
    runnable: Runnable,
) -> Result<req::Runnable> {
    let args = runnable_args(world, file_id, &runnable.kind)?;
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let label = match &runnable.kind {
        RunnableKind::Test { name } => format!("test {}", name),
        RunnableKind::TestMod { path } => format!("test-mod {}", path),
        RunnableKind::Bench { name } => format!("bench {}", name),
        RunnableKind::Bin => "run binary".to_string(),
    Ok(req::Runnable {
        range: runnable.range.conv_with(&line_index),
        bin: "cargo".to_string(),
        env: {
            let mut m = FxHashMap::default();
            m.insert("RUST_BACKTRACE".to_string(), "short".to_string());
        cwd: world.workspace_root_for(file_id).map(|root| root.to_string_lossy().to_string()),
fn highlight(world: &WorldSnapshot, file_id: FileId) -> Result<Vec<Decoration>> {
    let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
    let res = world
        .map(|h| Decoration {
            range: h.range.conv_with(&line_index),
            tag: h.tag,
            binding_hash: h.binding_hash.map(|x| x.to_string()),

pub fn handle_inlay_hints(
    world: WorldSnapshot,
    params: InlayHintsParams,
) -> Result<Vec<InlayHint>> {
    let _p = profile("handle_inlay_hints");
    let file_id = params.text_document.try_conv_with(&world)?;
    let analysis = world.analysis();
    let line_index = analysis.file_line_index(file_id)?;
        .inlay_hints(file_id, world.options.max_inlay_hint_length)?
        .map(|api_type| InlayHint {
            label: api_type.label.to_string(),
            range: api_type.range.conv_with(&line_index),
            kind: match api_type.kind {
                ra_ide_api::InlayKind::TypeHint => InlayKind::TypeHint,