use std::{ path::PathBuf, sync::Arc, }; use lsp_types::Url; use ra_ide_api::{ Analysis, AnalysisChange, AnalysisHost, CrateGraph, FileId, LibraryData, SourceRootId }; use ra_vfs::{Vfs, VfsChange, VfsFile, VfsRoot}; use relative_path::RelativePathBuf; use parking_lot::RwLock; use failure::format_err; use crate::{ project_model::ProjectWorkspace, vfs_filter::IncludeRustFiles, Result, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ServerWorldState { pub roots_to_scan: usize, pub root: PathBuf, pub workspaces: Arc<Vec<ProjectWorkspace>>, pub analysis_host: AnalysisHost, pub vfs: Arc<RwLock<Vfs>>, } pub struct ServerWorld { pub workspaces: Arc<Vec<ProjectWorkspace>>, pub analysis: Analysis, pub vfs: Arc<RwLock<Vfs>>, } impl ServerWorldState { pub fn new(root: PathBuf, workspaces: Vec<ProjectWorkspace>) -> ServerWorldState { let mut change = AnalysisChange::new(); let mut roots = Vec::new(); roots.push(IncludeRustFiles::member(root.clone())); for ws in workspaces.iter() { roots.extend(IncludeRustFiles::from_roots(ws.to_roots())); } let (mut vfs, roots) = Vfs::new(roots); let roots_to_scan = roots.len(); for r in roots { let is_local = vfs.root2path(r).starts_with(&root); change.add_root(SourceRootId(r.0.into()), is_local); } // Create crate graph from all the workspaces let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default(); let mut load = |path: &std::path::Path| { let vfs_file = vfs.load(path);|f| FileId(f.0.into())) }; for ws in workspaces.iter() { crate_graph.extend(ws.to_crate_graph(&mut load)); } change.set_crate_graph(crate_graph); let mut analysis_host = AnalysisHost::default(); analysis_host.apply_change(change); ServerWorldState { roots_to_scan, root, workspaces: Arc::new(workspaces), analysis_host, vfs: Arc::new(RwLock::new(vfs)), } } /// Returns a vec of libraries /// FIXME: better API here pub fn process_changes( &mut self, ) -> Vec<(SourceRootId, Vec<(FileId, RelativePathBuf, Arc<String>)>)> { let changes = self.vfs.write().commit_changes(); if changes.is_empty() { return Vec::new(); } let mut libs = Vec::new(); let mut change = AnalysisChange::new(); for c in changes { match c { VfsChange::AddRoot { root, files } => { let root_path =; if root_path.starts_with(&self.root) { self.roots_to_scan -= 1; for (file, path, text) in files { change.add_file( SourceRootId(root.0.into()), FileId(file.0.into()), path, text, ); } } else { let files = files .into_iter() .map(|(vfsfile, path, text)| (FileId(vfsfile.0.into()), path, text)) .collect(); libs.push((SourceRootId(root.0.into()), files)); } } VfsChange::AddFile { root, file, path, text } => { change.add_file(SourceRootId(root.0.into()), FileId(file.0.into()), path, text); } VfsChange::RemoveFile { root, file, path } => { change.remove_file(SourceRootId(root.0.into()), FileId(file.0.into()), path) } VfsChange::ChangeFile { file, text } => { change.change_file(FileId(file.0.into()), text); } } } self.analysis_host.apply_change(change); libs } pub fn add_lib(&mut self, data: LibraryData) { self.roots_to_scan -= 1; let mut change = AnalysisChange::new(); change.add_library(data); self.analysis_host.apply_change(change); } pub fn snapshot(&self) -> ServerWorld { ServerWorld { workspaces: Arc::clone(&self.workspaces), analysis: self.analysis_host.analysis(), vfs: Arc::clone(&self.vfs), } } pub fn maybe_collect_garbage(&mut self) { self.analysis_host.maybe_collect_garbage() } pub fn collect_garbage(&mut self) { self.analysis_host.collect_garbage() } } impl ServerWorld { pub fn analysis(&self) -> &Analysis { &self.analysis } pub fn uri_to_file_id(&self, uri: &Url) -> Result<FileId> { let path = uri.to_file_path().map_err(|()| format_err!("invalid uri: {}", uri))?; let file = self .vfs .read() .path2file(&path) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("unknown file: {}", path.display()))?; Ok(FileId(file.0.into())) } pub fn file_id_to_uri(&self, id: FileId) -> Result<Url> { let path =; let url = Url::from_file_path(&path) .map_err(|_| format_err!("can't convert path to url: {}", path.display()))?; Ok(url) } pub fn path_to_uri(&self, root: SourceRootId, path: &RelativePathBuf) -> Result<Url> { let base =; let path = path.to_path(base); let url = Url::from_file_path(&path) .map_err(|_| format_err!("can't convert path to url: {}", path.display()))?; Ok(url) } pub fn status(&self) -> String { let mut res = String::new(); if self.workspaces.is_empty() { res.push_str("no workspaces\n") } else { res.push_str("workspaces:\n"); for w in self.workspaces.iter() { res += &format!("{} packages loaded\n", w.count()); } } res.push_str("\nanalysis:\n"); res.push_str(&self.analysis.status()); res } }