use ra_parser::{TokenSource, TreeSink, ParseError}; use ra_syntax::{ AstNode, SyntaxNode, TextRange, SyntaxKind, SmolStr, SyntaxTreeBuilder, TreeArc, SyntaxElement, ast, SyntaxKind::*, TextUnit, classify_literal }; /// Maps `tt::TokenId` to the relative range of the original token. #[derive(Default)] pub struct TokenMap { /// Maps `tt::TokenId` to the *relative* source range. tokens: Vec, } /// Convert the syntax tree (what user has written) to a `TokenTree` (what macro /// will consume). pub fn ast_to_token_tree(ast: &ast::TokenTree) -> Option<(tt::Subtree, TokenMap)> { let mut token_map = TokenMap::default(); let node = ast.syntax(); let tt = convert_tt(&mut token_map, node.range().start(), node)?; Some((tt, token_map)) } /// Parses the token tree (result of macro expansion) as a sequence of items pub fn token_tree_to_ast_item_list(tt: &tt::Subtree) -> TreeArc { let token_source = TtTokenSource::new(tt); let mut tree_sink = TtTreeSink::new(&token_source.tokens); ra_parser::parse(&token_source, &mut tree_sink); let syntax = tree_sink.inner.finish(); ast::SourceFile::cast(&syntax).unwrap().to_owned() } impl TokenMap { pub fn relative_range_of(&self, tt: tt::TokenId) -> Option { let idx = tt.0 as usize; self.tokens.get(idx).map(|&it| it) } fn alloc(&mut self, relative_range: TextRange) -> tt::TokenId { let id = self.tokens.len(); self.tokens.push(relative_range); tt::TokenId(id as u32) } } fn convert_tt( token_map: &mut TokenMap, global_offset: TextUnit, tt: &SyntaxNode, ) -> Option { let first_child = tt.first_child_or_token()?; let last_child = tt.last_child_or_token()?; let delimiter = match (first_child.kind(), last_child.kind()) { (L_PAREN, R_PAREN) => tt::Delimiter::Parenthesis, (L_CURLY, R_CURLY) => tt::Delimiter::Brace, (L_BRACK, R_BRACK) => tt::Delimiter::Bracket, _ => return None, }; let mut token_trees = Vec::new(); for child in tt.children_with_tokens().skip(1) { if child == first_child || child == last_child || child.kind().is_trivia() { continue; } match child { SyntaxElement::Token(token) => { if token.kind().is_punct() { let mut prev = None; for char in token.text().chars() { if let Some(char) = prev { token_trees.push( tt::Leaf::from(tt::Punct { char, spacing: tt::Spacing::Joint }) .into(), ); } prev = Some(char) } if let Some(char) = prev { token_trees.push( tt::Leaf::from(tt::Punct { char, spacing: tt::Spacing::Alone }).into(), ); } } else { let child = if token.kind().is_keyword() || token.kind() == IDENT { let relative_range = token.range() - global_offset; let id = token_map.alloc(relative_range); let text = token.text().clone(); tt::Leaf::from(tt::Ident { text, id }).into() } else if token.kind().is_literal() { tt::Leaf::from(tt::Literal { text: token.text().clone() }).into() } else { return None; }; token_trees.push(child); } } SyntaxElement::Node(node) => { let child = convert_tt(token_map, global_offset, node)?.into(); token_trees.push(child); } }; } let res = tt::Subtree { delimiter, token_trees }; Some(res) } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct TtTokenSource { pub tokens: Vec, } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct TtToken { pub kind: SyntaxKind, pub is_joint_to_next: bool, pub text: SmolStr, pub n_tokens: usize, } // Some helper functions fn to_punct(tt: &tt::TokenTree) -> Option<&tt::Punct> { if let tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(pp)) = tt { return Some(pp); } None } pub(crate) struct TokenPeek<'a, I> where I: Iterator, { iter: itertools::MultiPeek, } impl<'a, I> TokenPeek<'a, I> where I: Iterator, { pub fn new(iter: I) -> Self { TokenPeek { iter: itertools::multipeek(iter) } } pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&tt::TokenTree> { } fn current_punct2(&mut self, p: &tt::Punct) -> Option<((char, char), bool)> { if p.spacing != tt::Spacing::Joint { return None; } self.iter.reset_peek(); let p1 = to_punct(self.iter.peek()?)?; Some(((p.char, p1.char), p1.spacing == tt::Spacing::Joint)) } fn current_punct3(&mut self, p: &tt::Punct) -> Option<((char, char, char), bool)> { self.current_punct2(p).and_then(|((p0, p1), last_joint)| { if !last_joint { None } else { let p2 = to_punct(*self.iter.peek()?)?; Some(((p0, p1, p2.char), p2.spacing == tt::Spacing::Joint)) } }) } } impl TtTokenSource { pub fn new(tt: &tt::Subtree) -> TtTokenSource { let mut res = TtTokenSource { tokens: Vec::new() }; res.convert_subtree(tt); res } fn convert_subtree(&mut self, sub: &tt::Subtree) { self.push_delim(sub.delimiter, false); let mut peek = TokenPeek::new(sub.token_trees.iter()); while let Some(tt) = { self.convert_tt(tt, &mut peek); } self.push_delim(sub.delimiter, true) } fn convert_tt<'a, I>(&mut self, tt: &tt::TokenTree, iter: &mut TokenPeek<'a, I>) where I: Iterator, { match tt { tt::TokenTree::Leaf(token) => self.convert_token(token, iter), tt::TokenTree::Subtree(sub) => self.convert_subtree(sub), } } fn convert_token<'a, I>(&mut self, token: &tt::Leaf, iter: &mut TokenPeek<'a, I>) where I: Iterator, { let tok = match token { tt::Leaf::Literal(l) => TtToken { kind: classify_literal(&l.text).unwrap().kind, is_joint_to_next: false, text: l.text.clone(), n_tokens: 1, }, tt::Leaf::Punct(p) => { if let Some((kind, is_joint_to_next, text, size)) = Self::convert_multi_char_punct(p, iter) { for _ in 0..size - 1 {; } TtToken { kind, is_joint_to_next, text: text.into(), n_tokens: size } } else { let kind = match p.char { // lexer may produce combpund tokens for these ones '.' => DOT, ':' => COLON, '=' => EQ, '!' => EXCL, '-' => MINUS, c => SyntaxKind::from_char(c).unwrap(), }; let text = { let mut buf = [0u8; 4]; let s: &str = p.char.encode_utf8(&mut buf); SmolStr::new(s) }; TtToken { kind, is_joint_to_next: p.spacing == tt::Spacing::Joint, text, n_tokens: 1, } } } tt::Leaf::Ident(ident) => { let kind = SyntaxKind::from_keyword(ident.text.as_str()).unwrap_or(IDENT); TtToken { kind, is_joint_to_next: false, text: ident.text.clone(), n_tokens: 1 } } }; self.tokens.push(tok) } pub(crate) fn convert_multi_char_punct<'a, I>( p: &tt::Punct, iter: &mut TokenPeek<'a, I>, ) -> Option<(SyntaxKind, bool, &'static str, usize)> where I: Iterator, { if let Some((m, is_joint_to_next)) = iter.current_punct3(p) { if let Some((kind, text)) = match m { ('<', '<', '=') => Some((SHLEQ, "<<=")), ('>', '>', '=') => Some((SHREQ, ">>=")), ('.', '.', '.') => Some((DOTDOTDOT, "...")), ('.', '.', '=') => Some((DOTDOTEQ, "..=")), _ => None, } { return Some((kind, is_joint_to_next, text, 3)); } } if let Some((m, is_joint_to_next)) = iter.current_punct2(p) { if let Some((kind, text)) = match m { ('<', '<') => Some((SHL, "<<")), ('>', '>') => Some((SHR, ">>")), ('|', '|') => Some((PIPEPIPE, "||")), ('&', '&') => Some((AMPAMP, "&&")), ('%', '=') => Some((PERCENTEQ, "%=")), ('*', '=') => Some((STAREQ, "*=")), ('/', '=') => Some((SLASHEQ, "/=")), ('^', '=') => Some((CARETEQ, "^=")), ('&', '=') => Some((AMPEQ, "&=")), ('|', '=') => Some((PIPEEQ, "|=")), ('-', '=') => Some((MINUSEQ, "-=")), ('+', '=') => Some((PLUSEQ, "+=")), ('>', '=') => Some((GTEQ, ">=")), ('<', '=') => Some((LTEQ, "<=")), ('-', '>') => Some((THIN_ARROW, "->")), ('!', '=') => Some((NEQ, "!=")), ('=', '>') => Some((FAT_ARROW, "=>")), ('=', '=') => Some((EQEQ, "==")), ('.', '.') => Some((DOTDOT, "..")), (':', ':') => Some((COLONCOLON, "::")), _ => None, } { return Some((kind, is_joint_to_next, text, 2)); } } None } fn push_delim(&mut self, d: tt::Delimiter, closing: bool) { let (kinds, texts) = match d { tt::Delimiter::Parenthesis => ([L_PAREN, R_PAREN], "()"), tt::Delimiter::Brace => ([L_CURLY, R_CURLY], "{}"), tt::Delimiter::Bracket => ([L_BRACK, R_BRACK], "[]"), tt::Delimiter::None => return, }; let idx = closing as usize; let kind = kinds[idx]; let text = &texts[idx..texts.len() - (1 - idx)]; let tok = TtToken { kind, is_joint_to_next: false, text: SmolStr::new(text), n_tokens: 1 }; self.tokens.push(tok) } } impl TokenSource for TtTokenSource { fn token_kind(&self, pos: usize) -> SyntaxKind { if let Some(tok) = self.tokens.get(pos) { tok.kind } else { SyntaxKind::EOF } } fn is_token_joint_to_next(&self, pos: usize) -> bool { self.tokens[pos].is_joint_to_next } fn is_keyword(&self, pos: usize, kw: &str) -> bool { self.tokens[pos].text == *kw } } #[derive(Default)] struct TtTreeSink<'a> { buf: String, tokens: &'a [TtToken], text_pos: TextUnit, token_pos: usize, inner: SyntaxTreeBuilder, } impl<'a> TtTreeSink<'a> { fn new(tokens: &'a [TtToken]) -> TtTreeSink { TtTreeSink { buf: String::new(), tokens, text_pos: 0.into(), token_pos: 0, inner: SyntaxTreeBuilder::default(), } } } impl<'a> TreeSink for TtTreeSink<'a> { fn token(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, n_tokens: u8) { for _ in 0..n_tokens { self.buf += self.tokens[self.token_pos].text.as_str(); self.token_pos += 1; } self.text_pos += TextUnit::of_str(&self.buf); let text = SmolStr::new(self.buf.as_str()); self.buf.clear(); self.inner.token(kind, text) } fn start_node(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind) { self.inner.start_node(kind); } fn finish_node(&mut self) { self.inner.finish_node(); } fn error(&mut self, error: ParseError) { self.inner.error(error, self.text_pos) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::tests::{expand, create_rules}; #[test] fn convert_tt_token_source() { let rules = create_rules( r#" macro_rules! literals { ($i:ident) => { { let a = 'c'; let c = 1000; let f = 12E+99_f64; let s = "rust1"; } } } "#, ); let expansion = expand(&rules, "literals!(foo)"); let tt_src = TtTokenSource::new(&expansion); // [{] // [let] [a] [=] ['c'] [;] assert_eq!(tt_src.tokens[1 + 3].text, "'c'"); assert_eq!(tt_src.tokens[1 + 3].kind, CHAR); // [let] [c] [=] [1000] [;] assert_eq!(tt_src.tokens[1 + 5 + 3].text, "1000"); assert_eq!(tt_src.tokens[1 + 5 + 3].kind, INT_NUMBER); // [let] [f] [=] [12E+99_f64] [;] assert_eq!(tt_src.tokens[1 + 10 + 3].text, "12E+99_f64"); assert_eq!(tt_src.tokens[1 + 10 + 3].kind, FLOAT_NUMBER); // [let] [s] [=] ["rust1"] [;] assert_eq!(tt_src.tokens[1 + 15 + 3].text, "\"rust1\""); assert_eq!(tt_src.tokens[1 + 15 + 3].kind, STRING); } }