use std::cell::RefCell; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use std::mem; use std::io::{stderr, Write}; use std::iter::repeat; use std::collections::{HashSet}; use std::default::Default; use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::sync::{RwLock, atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; /// Set profiling filter. It specifies descriptions allowed to profile. /// This is helpful when call stack has too many nested profiling scopes. /// Additionally filter can specify maximum depth of profiling scopes nesting. /// /// #Example /// ``` /// use ra_prof::set_filter; /// use ra_prof::Filter; /// let max_depth = 2; /// let allowed = vec!["profile1".to_string(), "profile2".to_string()]; /// let f = Filter::new( max_depth, allowed ); /// set_filter(f); /// ``` /// pub fn set_filter(f: Filter) { > 0, Ordering::SeqCst); let set = HashSet::from_iter(f.allowed.iter().cloned()); let mut old = FILTER.write().unwrap(); let filter_data = FilterData { depth: f.depth, allowed: set, longer_than: f.longer_than, version: old.version + 1, }; *old = filter_data; } /// This function starts a profiling scope in the current execution stack with a given description. /// It returns a Profile structure and measure elapsed time between this method invocation and Profile structure drop. /// It supports nested profiling scopes in case when this function invoked multiple times at the execution stack. In this case the profiling information will be nested at the output. /// Profiling information is being printed in the stderr. /// /// #Example /// ``` /// use ra_prof::profile; /// use ra_prof::set_filter; /// use ra_prof::Filter; /// /// let allowed = vec!["profile1".to_string(), "profile2".to_string()]; /// let f = Filter::new(2, allowed); /// set_filter(f); /// profiling_function1(); /// /// fn profiling_function1() { /// let _p = profile("profile1"); /// profiling_function2(); /// } /// /// fn profiling_function2() { /// let _p = profile("profile2"); /// } /// ``` /// This will print in the stderr the following: /// ```text /// 0ms - profile /// 0ms - profile2 /// ``` /// pub fn profile(desc: &str) -> Profiler { assert!(!desc.is_empty()); if !PROFILING_ENABLED.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { return Profiler { desc: None }; } PROFILE_STACK.with(|stack| { let mut stack = stack.borrow_mut(); if stack.starts.len() == 0 { match FILTER.try_read() { Ok(f) => { if f.version > stack.filter_data.version { stack.filter_data = f.clone(); } } Err(_) => (), }; } if stack.starts.len() > stack.filter_data.depth { return Profiler { desc: None }; } if stack.filter_data.allowed.is_empty() || stack.filter_data.allowed.contains(desc) { stack.starts.push(Instant::now()); Profiler { desc: Some(desc.to_string()) } } else { Profiler { desc: None } } }) } pub struct Profiler { desc: Option, } pub struct Filter { depth: usize, allowed: Vec, longer_than: Duration, } impl Filter { // Filtering syntax // env RA_PROFILE=* // dump everything // env RA_PROFILE=foo|bar|baz // enabled only selected entries // env RA_PROFILE=*@3>10 // dump everything, up to depth 3, if it takes more than 10 ms pub fn from_spec(mut spec: &str) -> Filter { let longer_than = if let Some(idx) = spec.rfind(">") { let longer_than = spec[idx + 1..].parse().expect("invalid profile longer_than"); spec = &spec[..idx]; Duration::from_millis(longer_than) } else { Duration::new(0, 0) }; let depth = if let Some(idx) = spec.rfind("@") { let depth: usize = spec[idx + 1..].parse().expect("invalid profile depth"); spec = &spec[..idx]; depth } else { 999 }; let allowed = if spec == "*" { Vec::new() } else { spec.split("|").map(String::from).collect() }; Filter::new(depth, allowed, longer_than) } pub fn disabled() -> Filter { Filter::new(0, Vec::new(), Duration::new(0, 0)) } pub fn new(depth: usize, allowed: Vec, longer_than: Duration) -> Filter { Filter { depth, allowed, longer_than } } } struct ProfileStack { starts: Vec, messages: Vec, filter_data: FilterData, } struct Message { level: usize, duration: Duration, message: String, } impl ProfileStack { fn new() -> ProfileStack { ProfileStack { starts: Vec::new(), messages: Vec::new(), filter_data: Default::default() } } } #[derive(Default, Clone)] struct FilterData { depth: usize, version: usize, allowed: HashSet, longer_than: Duration, } static PROFILING_ENABLED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); lazy_static! { static ref FILTER: RwLock = RwLock::new(Default::default()); } thread_local!(static PROFILE_STACK: RefCell = RefCell::new(ProfileStack::new())); impl Drop for Profiler { fn drop(&mut self) { match self { Profiler { desc: Some(desc) } => { PROFILE_STACK.with(|stack| { let mut stack = stack.borrow_mut(); let start = stack.starts.pop().unwrap(); let duration = start.elapsed(); let level = stack.starts.len(); let message = mem::replace(desc, String::new()); stack.messages.push(Message { level, duration, message }); if level == 0 { let stdout = stderr(); if duration >= stack.filter_data.longer_than { print(0, &stack.messages, &mut stdout.lock()); } stack.messages.clear(); } }); } Profiler { desc: None } => (), } } } fn print(lvl: usize, msgs: &[Message], out: &mut impl Write) { let mut last = 0; let indent = repeat(" ").take(lvl + 1).collect::(); for (i, &Message { level: l, duration: dur, message: ref msg }) in msgs.iter().enumerate() { if l != lvl { continue; } writeln!(out, "{} {:6}ms - {}", indent, dur.as_millis(), msg) .expect("printing profiling info to stdout"); print(lvl + 1, &msgs[last..i], out); last = i; } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::profile; use super::set_filter; use super::Filter; #[test] fn test_basic_profile() { let s = vec!["profile1".to_string(), "profile2".to_string()]; let f = Filter::new(2, s); set_filter(f); profiling_function1(); } fn profiling_function1() { let _p = profile("profile1"); profiling_function2(); } fn profiling_function2() { let _p = profile("profile2"); } }