//! FIXME: write short doc here use std::{convert::TryFrom, env, ops, path::Path, process::Command}; use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Result}; use paths::{AbsPath, AbsPathBuf}; use ra_arena::{Arena, Idx}; use crate::utf8_stdout; #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Sysroot { crates: Arena<SysrootCrateData>, } pub type SysrootCrate = Idx<SysrootCrateData>; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct SysrootCrateData { pub name: String, pub root: AbsPathBuf, pub deps: Vec<SysrootCrate>, } impl ops::Index<SysrootCrate> for Sysroot { type Output = SysrootCrateData; fn index(&self, index: SysrootCrate) -> &SysrootCrateData { &self.crates[index] } } impl Sysroot { pub fn core(&self) -> Option<SysrootCrate> { self.by_name("core") } pub fn alloc(&self) -> Option<SysrootCrate> { self.by_name("alloc") } pub fn std(&self) -> Option<SysrootCrate> { self.by_name("std") } pub fn proc_macro(&self) -> Option<SysrootCrate> { self.by_name("proc_macro") } pub fn crates<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = SysrootCrate> + ExactSizeIterator + 'a { self.crates.iter().map(|(id, _data)| id) } pub fn discover(cargo_toml: &AbsPath) -> Result<Sysroot> { let src = get_or_install_rust_src(cargo_toml)?; let mut sysroot = Sysroot { crates: Arena::default() }; for name in SYSROOT_CRATES.trim().lines() { // FIXME: remove this path when 1.47 comes out // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/73265 let root = src.join(format!("lib{}", name)).join("lib.rs"); if root.exists() { sysroot.crates.alloc(SysrootCrateData { name: name.into(), root, deps: Vec::new(), }); } else { let root = src.join(name).join("src/lib.rs"); if root.exists() { sysroot.crates.alloc(SysrootCrateData { name: name.into(), root, deps: Vec::new(), }); } } } if let Some(std) = sysroot.std() { for dep in STD_DEPS.trim().lines() { if let Some(dep) = sysroot.by_name(dep) { sysroot.crates[std].deps.push(dep) } } } if let Some(alloc) = sysroot.alloc() { if let Some(core) = sysroot.core() { sysroot.crates[alloc].deps.push(core); } } Ok(sysroot) } fn by_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option<SysrootCrate> { self.crates.iter().find(|(_id, data)| data.name == name).map(|(id, _data)| id) } } fn get_or_install_rust_src(cargo_toml: &AbsPath) -> Result<AbsPathBuf> { if let Ok(path) = env::var("RUST_SRC_PATH") { let path = AbsPathBuf::try_from(path.as_str()) .map_err(|path| format_err!("RUST_SRC_PATH must be absolute: {}", path.display()))?; return Ok(path); } let current_dir = cargo_toml.parent().unwrap(); let mut rustc = Command::new(ra_toolchain::rustc()); rustc.current_dir(current_dir).args(&["--print", "sysroot"]); let stdout = utf8_stdout(rustc)?; let sysroot_path = AbsPath::assert(Path::new(stdout.trim())); let mut src = get_rust_src(sysroot_path); if src.is_none() { let mut rustup = Command::new(ra_toolchain::rustup()); rustup.current_dir(current_dir).args(&["component", "add", "rust-src"]); utf8_stdout(rustup)?; src = get_rust_src(sysroot_path); } match src { Some(r) => Ok(r), None => bail!( "can't load standard library from sysroot\n\ {}\n\ (discovered via `rustc --print sysroot`)\n\ try running `rustup component add rust-src` or set `RUST_SRC_PATH`", sysroot_path.display(), ), } } fn get_rust_src(sysroot_path: &AbsPath) -> Option<AbsPathBuf> { // try the new path first since the old one still exists let mut src_path = sysroot_path.join("lib/rustlib/src/rust/library"); if !src_path.exists() { // FIXME: remove this path when 1.47 comes out // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/73265 src_path = sysroot_path.join("lib/rustlib/src/rust/src"); } if src_path.exists() { Some(src_path) } else { None } } impl SysrootCrateData { pub fn root_dir(&self) -> &AbsPath { self.root.parent().unwrap() } } const SYSROOT_CRATES: &str = " alloc core panic_abort panic_unwind proc_macro profiler_builtins rtstartup std stdarch term test unwind"; const STD_DEPS: &str = " alloc core panic_abort panic_unwind profiler_builtins rtstartup proc_macro stdarch term test unwind";