mod generated; use std::marker::PhantomData; use itertools::Itertools; pub use self::generated::*; use crate::{ yellow::{SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodeChildren, TreeArc, RaTypes}, SmolStr, SyntaxKind::*, }; /// The main trait to go from untyped `SyntaxNode` to a typed ast. The /// conversion itself has zero runtime cost: ast and syntax nodes have exactly /// the same representation: a pointer to the tree root and a pointer to the /// node itself. pub trait AstNode: rowan::TransparentNewType> { fn cast(syntax: &SyntaxNode) -> Option<&Self> where Self: Sized; fn syntax(&self) -> &SyntaxNode; fn to_owned(&self) -> TreeArc; } pub trait AstToken: AstNode { fn text(&self) -> &SmolStr { self.syntax().leaf_text().unwrap() } } pub trait NameOwner: AstNode { fn name(&self) -> Option<&Name> { child_opt(self) } } pub trait VisibilityOwner: AstNode { fn visibility(&self) -> Option<&Visibility> { child_opt(self) } } pub trait LoopBodyOwner: AstNode { fn loop_body(&self) -> Option<&Block> { child_opt(self) } } pub trait ArgListOwner: AstNode { fn arg_list(&self) -> Option<&ArgList> { child_opt(self) } } pub trait FnDefOwner: AstNode { fn functions(&self) -> AstChildren { children(self) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ItemOrMacro<'a> { Item(&'a ModuleItem), Macro(&'a MacroCall), } pub trait ModuleItemOwner: AstNode { fn items(&self) -> AstChildren { children(self) } fn items_with_macros(&self) -> ItemOrMacroIter { ItemOrMacroIter(self.syntax().children()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ItemOrMacroIter<'a>(SyntaxNodeChildren<'a>); impl<'a> Iterator for ItemOrMacroIter<'a> { type Item = ItemOrMacro<'a>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option> { loop { let n =; if let Some(item) = ModuleItem::cast(n) { return Some(ItemOrMacro::Item(item)); } if let Some(call) = MacroCall::cast(n) { return Some(ItemOrMacro::Macro(call)); } } } } pub trait TypeParamsOwner: AstNode { fn type_param_list(&self) -> Option<&TypeParamList> { child_opt(self) } fn where_clause(&self) -> Option<&WhereClause> { child_opt(self) } } pub trait AttrsOwner: AstNode { fn attrs(&self) -> AstChildren { children(self) } } pub trait DocCommentsOwner: AstNode { fn doc_comments(&self) -> AstChildren { children(self) } /// Returns the textual content of a doc comment block as a single string. /// That is, strips leading `///` and joins lines fn doc_comment_text(&self) -> std::string::String { self.doc_comments() .filter(|comment| comment.is_doc_comment()) .map(|comment| { let prefix = comment.prefix(); let trimmed = comment .text() .as_str() .trim() .trim_start_matches(prefix) .trim_start(); trimmed.to_owned() }) .join("\n") } } impl FnDef { pub fn has_atom_attr(&self, atom: &str) -> bool { self.attrs().filter_map(|x| x.as_atom()).any(|x| x == atom) } } impl Attr { pub fn as_atom(&self) -> Option { let tt = self.value()?; let (_bra, attr, _ket) = tt.syntax().children().collect_tuple()?; if attr.kind() == IDENT { Some(attr.leaf_text().unwrap().clone()) } else { None } } pub fn as_call(&self) -> Option<(SmolStr, &TokenTree)> { let tt = self.value()?; let (_bra, attr, args, _ket) = tt.syntax().children().collect_tuple()?; let args = TokenTree::cast(args)?; if attr.kind() == IDENT { Some((attr.leaf_text().unwrap().clone(), args)) } else { None } } } impl Comment { pub fn flavor(&self) -> CommentFlavor { let text = self.text(); if text.starts_with("///") { CommentFlavor::Doc } else if text.starts_with("//!") { CommentFlavor::ModuleDoc } else if text.starts_with("//") { CommentFlavor::Line } else { CommentFlavor::Multiline } } pub fn is_doc_comment(&self) -> bool { self.flavor().is_doc_comment() } pub fn prefix(&self) -> &'static str { self.flavor().prefix() } pub fn count_newlines_lazy(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.text().chars().filter(|&c| c == '\n').map(|_| &()) } pub fn has_newlines(&self) -> bool { self.count_newlines_lazy().count() > 0 } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum CommentFlavor { Line, Doc, ModuleDoc, Multiline, } impl CommentFlavor { pub fn prefix(&self) -> &'static str { use self::CommentFlavor::*; match *self { Line => "//", Doc => "///", ModuleDoc => "//!", Multiline => "/*", } } pub fn is_doc_comment(&self) -> bool { match self { CommentFlavor::Doc | CommentFlavor::ModuleDoc => true, _ => false, } } } impl Whitespace { pub fn count_newlines_lazy(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.text().chars().filter(|&c| c == '\n').map(|_| &()) } pub fn has_newlines(&self) -> bool { self.text().contains('\n') } } impl Name { pub fn text(&self) -> &SmolStr { let ident = self.syntax().first_child().unwrap(); ident.leaf_text().unwrap() } } impl NameRef { pub fn text(&self) -> &SmolStr { let ident = self.syntax().first_child().unwrap(); ident.leaf_text().unwrap() } } impl ImplBlock { pub fn target_type(&self) -> Option<&TypeRef> { match { (Some(t), None) | (_, Some(t)) => Some(t), _ => None, } } pub fn target_trait(&self) -> Option<&TypeRef> { match { (Some(t), Some(_)) => Some(t), _ => None, } } fn target(&self) -> (Option<&TypeRef>, Option<&TypeRef>) { let mut types = children(self); let first =; let second =; (first, second) } } impl Module { pub fn has_semi(&self) -> bool { match self.syntax().last_child() { None => false, Some(node) => node.kind() == SEMI, } } } impl LetStmt { pub fn has_semi(&self) -> bool { match self.syntax().last_child() { None => false, Some(node) => node.kind() == SEMI, } } } impl IfExpr { pub fn then_branch(&self) -> Option<&Block> { self.blocks().nth(0) } pub fn else_branch(&self) -> Option<&Block> { self.blocks().nth(1) } fn blocks(&self) -> AstChildren { children(self) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum PathSegmentKind<'a> { Name(&'a NameRef), SelfKw, SuperKw, CrateKw, } impl PathSegment { pub fn parent_path(&self) -> &Path { self.syntax() .parent() .and_then(Path::cast) .expect("segments are always nested in paths") } pub fn kind(&self) -> Option { let res = if let Some(name_ref) = self.name_ref() { PathSegmentKind::Name(name_ref) } else { match self.syntax().first_child()?.kind() { SELF_KW => PathSegmentKind::SelfKw, SUPER_KW => PathSegmentKind::SuperKw, CRATE_KW => PathSegmentKind::CrateKw, _ => return None, } }; Some(res) } } impl Path { pub fn parent_path(&self) -> Option<&Path> { self.syntax().parent().and_then(Path::cast) } } impl UseTree { pub fn has_star(&self) -> bool { self.syntax().children().any(|it| it.kind() == STAR) } } impl UseTreeList { pub fn parent_use_tree(&self) -> &UseTree { self.syntax() .parent() .and_then(UseTree::cast) .expect("UseTreeLists are always nested in UseTrees") } } impl RefPat { pub fn is_mut(&self) -> bool { self.syntax().children().any(|n| n.kind() == MUT_KW) } } fn child_opt(parent: &P) -> Option<&C> { children(parent).next() } fn children(parent: &P) -> AstChildren { AstChildren::new(parent.syntax()) } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct AstChildren<'a, N> { inner: SyntaxNodeChildren<'a>, ph: PhantomData, } impl<'a, N> AstChildren<'a, N> { fn new(parent: &'a SyntaxNode) -> Self { AstChildren { inner: parent.children(), ph: PhantomData, } } } impl<'a, N: AstNode + 'a> Iterator for AstChildren<'a, N> { type Item = &'a N; fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a N> { loop { if let Some(n) = N::cast( { return Some(n); } } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum StructFlavor<'a> { Tuple(&'a PosFieldList), Named(&'a NamedFieldDefList), Unit, } impl StructFlavor<'_> { fn from_node(node: &N) -> StructFlavor { if let Some(nfdl) = child_opt::<_, NamedFieldDefList>(node) { StructFlavor::Named(nfdl) } else if let Some(pfl) = child_opt::<_, PosFieldList>(node) { StructFlavor::Tuple(pfl) } else { StructFlavor::Unit } } } impl StructDef { pub fn flavor(&self) -> StructFlavor { StructFlavor::from_node(self) } } impl EnumVariant { pub fn flavor(&self) -> StructFlavor { StructFlavor::from_node(self) } } impl PointerType { pub fn is_mut(&self) -> bool { self.syntax().children().any(|n| n.kind() == MUT_KW) } } impl ReferenceType { pub fn is_mut(&self) -> bool { self.syntax().children().any(|n| n.kind() == MUT_KW) } } impl RefExpr { pub fn is_mut(&self) -> bool { self.syntax().children().any(|n| n.kind() == MUT_KW) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum PrefixOp { /// The `*` operator for dereferencing Deref, /// The `!` operator for logical inversion Not, /// The `-` operator for negation Neg, } impl PrefixExpr { pub fn op(&self) -> Option { match self.syntax().first_child()?.kind() { STAR => Some(PrefixOp::Deref), EXCL => Some(PrefixOp::Not), MINUS => Some(PrefixOp::Neg), _ => None, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum BinOp { /// The `||` operator for boolean OR BooleanOr, /// The `&&` operator for boolean AND BooleanAnd, /// The `==` operator for equality testing EqualityTest, /// The `<=` operator for lesser-equal testing LesserEqualTest, /// The `>=` operator for greater-equal testing GreaterEqualTest, /// The `<` operator for comparison LesserTest, /// The `>` operator for comparison GreaterTest, /// The `+` operator for addition Addition, /// The `*` operator for multiplication Multiplication, /// The `-` operator for subtraction Subtraction, /// The `/` operator for division Division, /// The `%` operator for remainder after division Remainder, /// The `<<` operator for left shift LeftShift, /// The `>>` operator for right shift RightShift, /// The `^` operator for bitwise XOR BitwiseXor, /// The `|` operator for bitwise OR BitwiseOr, /// The `&` operator for bitwise AND BitwiseAnd, /// The `..` operator for right-open ranges RangeRightOpen, /// The `..=` operator for right-closed ranges RangeRightClosed, /// The `=` operator for assignment Assignment, /// The `+=` operator for assignment after additon AddAssign, /// The `/=` operator for assignment after division DivAssign, /// The `*=` operator for assignment after multiplication MulAssign, /// The `%=` operator for assignment after remainders RemAssign, /// The `>>=` operator for assignment after shifting right ShrAssign, /// The `<<=` operator for assignment after shifting left ShlAssign, /// The `-=` operator for assignment after subtraction SubAssign, /// The `|=` operator for assignment after bitwise OR BitOrAssign, /// The `&=` operator for assignment after bitwise AND BitAndAssign, /// The `^=` operator for assignment after bitwise XOR BitXorAssign, } impl BinExpr { pub fn op(&self) -> Option { self.syntax() .children() .filter_map(|c| match c.kind() { PIPEPIPE => Some(BinOp::BooleanOr), AMPAMP => Some(BinOp::BooleanAnd), EQEQ => Some(BinOp::EqualityTest), LTEQ => Some(BinOp::LesserEqualTest), GTEQ => Some(BinOp::GreaterEqualTest), L_ANGLE => Some(BinOp::LesserTest), R_ANGLE => Some(BinOp::GreaterTest), PLUS => Some(BinOp::Addition), STAR => Some(BinOp::Multiplication), MINUS => Some(BinOp::Subtraction), SLASH => Some(BinOp::Division), PERCENT => Some(BinOp::Remainder), SHL => Some(BinOp::LeftShift), SHR => Some(BinOp::RightShift), CARET => Some(BinOp::BitwiseXor), PIPE => Some(BinOp::BitwiseOr), AMP => Some(BinOp::BitwiseAnd), DOTDOT => Some(BinOp::RangeRightOpen), DOTDOTEQ => Some(BinOp::RangeRightClosed), EQ => Some(BinOp::Assignment), PLUSEQ => Some(BinOp::AddAssign), SLASHEQ => Some(BinOp::DivAssign), STAREQ => Some(BinOp::MulAssign), PERCENTEQ => Some(BinOp::RemAssign), SHREQ => Some(BinOp::ShrAssign), SHLEQ => Some(BinOp::ShlAssign), MINUSEQ => Some(BinOp::SubAssign), PIPEEQ => Some(BinOp::BitOrAssign), AMPEQ => Some(BinOp::BitAndAssign), CARETEQ => Some(BinOp::BitXorAssign), _ => None, }) .next() } pub fn lhs(&self) -> Option<&Expr> { children(self).nth(0) } pub fn rhs(&self) -> Option<&Expr> { children(self).nth(1) } pub fn sub_exprs(&self) -> (Option<&Expr>, Option<&Expr>) { let mut children = children(self); let first =; let second =; (first, second) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum SelfParamFlavor { /// self Owned, /// &self Ref, /// &mut self MutRef, } impl SelfParam { pub fn flavor(&self) -> SelfParamFlavor { let borrowed = self.syntax().children().any(|n| n.kind() == AMP); if borrowed { // check for a `mut` coming after the & -- `mut &self` != `&mut self` if self .syntax() .children() .skip_while(|n| n.kind() != AMP) .any(|n| n.kind() == MUT_KW) { SelfParamFlavor::MutRef } else { SelfParamFlavor::Ref } } else { SelfParamFlavor::Owned } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum LiteralFlavor { String, ByteString, Char, Byte, IntNumber { suffix: Option }, FloatNumber { suffix: Option }, Bool, } impl LiteralExpr { pub fn flavor(&self) -> LiteralFlavor { let syntax = self.syntax(); match syntax.kind() { INT_NUMBER => { let allowed_suffix_list = [ "isize", "i128", "i64", "i32", "i16", "i8", "usize", "u128", "u64", "u32", "u16", "u8", ]; let text = syntax.text().to_string(); let suffix = allowed_suffix_list .iter() .find(|&s| text.ends_with(s)) .map(|&suf| SmolStr::new(suf)); LiteralFlavor::IntNumber { suffix: suffix } } FLOAT_NUMBER => { let allowed_suffix_list = ["f64", "f32"]; let text = syntax.text().to_string(); let suffix = allowed_suffix_list .iter() .find(|&s| text.ends_with(s)) .map(|&suf| SmolStr::new(suf)); LiteralFlavor::FloatNumber { suffix: suffix } } STRING | RAW_STRING => LiteralFlavor::String, TRUE_KW | FALSE_KW => LiteralFlavor::Bool, BYTE_STRING | RAW_BYTE_STRING => LiteralFlavor::ByteString, CHAR => LiteralFlavor::Char, BYTE => LiteralFlavor::Byte, _ => unreachable!(), } } } #[test] fn test_doc_comment_of_items() { let file = SourceFile::parse( r#" //! doc // non-doc mod foo {} "#, ); let module = file.syntax().descendants().find_map(Module::cast).unwrap(); assert_eq!("doc", module.doc_comment_text()); }