{# THIS File is not automatically generated: the below applies to the result of this template #}// This file is automatically generated based on the file `./generated.rs.tera` when `cargo gen-syntax` is run // Do not edit manually //! This module contains auto-generated Rust AST. Like `SyntaxNode`s, AST nodes //! are generic over ownership: `X<'a>` things are `Copy` references, `XNode` //! are Arc-based. You can switch between the two variants using `.owned` and //! `.borrowed` functions. Most of the code works with borowed mode, and only //! this mode has all AST accessors. #![cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)] use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use crate::{ ast, SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodeRef, AstNode, yellow::{TreeRoot, RaTypes, OwnedRoot, RefRoot}, SyntaxKind::*, }; {% for node, methods in ast %} // {{ node }} {%- if methods.enum %} #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum {{ node }}<'a> { {%- for kind in methods.enum %} {{ kind }}({{ kind }}<'a>), {%- endfor %} } impl<'a> AstNode<'a> for {{ node }}<'a> { fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>) -> Option { match syntax.kind() { {%- for kind in methods.enum %} {{ kind | SCREAM }} => Some({{ node }}::{{ kind }}({{ kind }} { syntax })), {%- endfor %} _ => None, } } fn syntax(self) -> SyntaxNodeRef<'a> { match self { {%- for kind in methods.enum %} {{ node }}::{{ kind }}(inner) => inner.syntax(), {%- endfor %} } } } {% else %} #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy,)] pub struct {{ node }}Node = OwnedRoot> { pub(crate) syntax: SyntaxNode, } pub type {{ node }}<'a> = {{ node }}Node>; impl, R2: TreeRoot> PartialEq<{{node}}Node> for {{node}}Node { fn eq(&self, other: &{{node}}Node) -> bool { self.syntax == other.syntax } } impl> Eq for {{node}}Node {} impl> Hash for {{node}}Node { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.syntax.hash(state) } } impl<'a> AstNode<'a> for {{ node }}<'a> { fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>) -> Option { match syntax.kind() { {{ node | SCREAM }} => Some({{ node }} { syntax }), _ => None, } } fn syntax(self) -> SyntaxNodeRef<'a> { self.syntax } } impl> {{ node }}Node { pub fn borrowed(&self) -> {{ node }} { {{ node }}Node { syntax: self.syntax.borrowed() } } pub fn owned(&self) -> {{ node }}Node { {{ node }}Node { syntax: self.syntax.owned() } } } {% endif %} {% if methods.traits -%} {%- for t in methods.traits -%} impl<'a> ast::{{ t }}<'a> for {{ node }}<'a> {} {% endfor -%} {%- endif -%} impl<'a> {{ node }}<'a> { {%- if methods.collections -%} {%- for m in methods.collections -%} {%- set method_name = m.0 -%} {%- set ChildName = m.1 %} pub fn {{ method_name }}(self) -> impl Iterator> + 'a { super::children(self) } {% endfor -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if methods.options -%} {%- for m in methods.options -%} {%- if m is string -%} {%- set method_name = m | snake -%} {%- set ChildName = m %} {%- else -%} {%- set method_name = m.0 -%} {%- set ChildName = m.1 %} {%- endif %} pub fn {{ method_name }}(self) -> Option<{{ ChildName }}<'a>> { super::child_opt(self) } {% endfor -%} {%- endif -%} } {% endfor %}