//! See docs for `SyntaxError`.

use std::fmt;

use crate::{TextRange, TextUnit};

/// Represents the result of unsuccessful tokenization, parsing
/// or tree validation.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct SyntaxError(String, TextRange);

// FIXME: there was an unused SyntaxErrorKind previously (before this enum was removed)
// It was introduced in this PR: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/pull/846/files#diff-827da9b03b8f9faa1bade5cdd44d5dafR95
// but it was not removed by a mistake.
// So, we need to find a place where to stick validation for attributes in match clauses.
// Code before refactor:
// InvalidMatchInnerAttr => {
//    write!(f, "Inner attributes are only allowed directly after the opening brace of the match expression")
// }

impl SyntaxError {
    pub fn new(message: impl Into<String>, range: TextRange) -> Self {
        Self(message.into(), range)
    pub fn new_at_offset(message: impl Into<String>, offset: TextUnit) -> Self {
        Self(message.into(), TextRange::offset_len(offset, 0.into()))

    pub fn range(&self) -> TextRange {

    pub fn with_range(mut self, range: TextRange) -> Self {
        self.1 = range;

impl fmt::Display for SyntaxError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {