//! Convenience macros. use std::{ fmt, mem, panic, sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering::SeqCst}, }; #[macro_export] macro_rules! eprintln { ($($tt:tt)*) => {{ if $crate::is_ci() { panic!("Forgot to remove debug-print?") } std::eprintln!($($tt)*) }} } /// Appends formatted string to a `String`. #[macro_export] macro_rules! format_to { ($buf:expr) => (); ($buf:expr, $lit:literal $($arg:tt)*) => { { use ::std::fmt::Write as _; let _ = ::std::write!($buf, $lit $($arg)*); } }; } /// Generates `From` impls for `Enum E { Foo(Foo), Bar(Bar) }` enums /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust /// impl_from!(Struct, Union, Enum for Adt); /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! impl_from { ($($variant:ident $(($($sub_variant:ident),*))?),* for $enum:ident) => { $( impl From<$variant> for $enum { fn from(it: $variant) -> $enum { $enum::$variant(it) } } $($( impl From<$sub_variant> for $enum { fn from(it: $sub_variant) -> $enum { $enum::$variant($variant::$sub_variant(it)) } } )*)? )* } } /// A version of `assert!` macro which allows to handle an assertion failure. /// /// In release mode, it returns the condition and logs an error. /// /// ``` /// if assert_never!(impossible) { /// // Heh, this shouldn't have happened, but lets try to soldier on... /// return None; /// } /// ``` /// /// Rust analyzer is a long-running process, and crashing really isn't an option. /// /// Shamelessly stolen from: https://www.sqlite.org/assert.html #[macro_export] macro_rules! assert_never { ($cond:expr) => { $crate::assert_never!($cond, "") }; ($cond:expr, $($fmt:tt)*) => {{ let value = $cond; if value { $crate::on_assert_failure( format_args!($($fmt)*) ); } value }}; } type AssertHook = fn(&panic::Location<'_>, fmt::Arguments<'_>); static HOOK: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); pub fn set_assert_hook(hook: AssertHook) { HOOK.store(hook as usize, SeqCst); } #[cold] #[track_caller] pub fn on_assert_failure(args: fmt::Arguments) { let hook: usize = HOOK.load(SeqCst); if hook == 0 { panic!("\n assertion failed: {}\n", args); } let hook: AssertHook = unsafe { mem::transmute::(hook) }; hook(panic::Location::caller(), args) }