//! Syntax Tree library used throughout the rust analyzer.
//! Properties:
//!   - easy and fast incremental re-parsing
//!   - graceful handling of errors
//!   - full-fidelity representation (*any* text can be precisely represented as
//!     a syntax tree)
//! For more information, see the [RFC]. Current implementation is inspired by
//! the [Swift] one.
//! The most interesting modules here are `syntax_node` (which defines concrete
//! syntax tree) and `ast` (which defines abstract syntax tree on top of the
//! CST). The actual parser live in a separate `parser` crate, though the
//! lexer lives in this crate.
//! See `api_walkthrough` test in this file for a quick API tour!
//! [RFC]: <https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2256>
//! [Swift]: <https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/13d593df6f359d0cb2fc81cfaac273297c539455/lib/Syntax/README.md>

macro_rules! eprintln {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => { stdx::eprintln!($($tt)*) };

mod syntax_node;
mod syntax_error;
mod parsing;
mod validation;
mod ptr;
mod tests;

pub mod algo;
pub mod ast;
pub mod fuzz;

use std::{marker::PhantomData, sync::Arc};

use stdx::format_to;
use text_edit::Indel;

pub use crate::{
    ast::{AstNode, AstToken},
    parsing::{lex_single_syntax_kind, lex_single_valid_syntax_kind, tokenize, Token},
    ptr::{AstPtr, SyntaxNodePtr},
        Direction, GreenNode, NodeOrToken, SyntaxElement, SyntaxElementChildren, SyntaxNode,
        SyntaxNodeChildren, SyntaxToken, SyntaxTreeBuilder,
pub use parser::{SyntaxKind, T};
pub use rowan::{SmolStr, SyntaxText, TextRange, TextSize, TokenAtOffset, WalkEvent};

/// `Parse` is the result of the parsing: a syntax tree and a collection of
/// errors.
/// Note that we always produce a syntax tree, even for completely invalid
/// files.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Parse<T> {
    green: GreenNode,
    errors: Arc<Vec<SyntaxError>>,
    _ty: PhantomData<fn() -> T>,

impl<T> Clone for Parse<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Parse<T> {
        Parse { green: self.green.clone(), errors: self.errors.clone(), _ty: PhantomData }

impl<T> Parse<T> {
    fn new(green: GreenNode, errors: Vec<SyntaxError>) -> Parse<T> {
        Parse { green, errors: Arc::new(errors), _ty: PhantomData }

    pub fn syntax_node(&self) -> SyntaxNode {

impl<T: AstNode> Parse<T> {
    pub fn to_syntax(self) -> Parse<SyntaxNode> {
        Parse { green: self.green, errors: self.errors, _ty: PhantomData }

    pub fn tree(&self) -> T {

    pub fn errors(&self) -> &[SyntaxError] {

    pub fn ok(self) -> Result<T, Arc<Vec<SyntaxError>>> {
        if self.errors.is_empty() {
        } else {

impl Parse<SyntaxNode> {
    pub fn cast<N: AstNode>(self) -> Option<Parse<N>> {
        if N::cast(self.syntax_node()).is_some() {
            Some(Parse { green: self.green, errors: self.errors, _ty: PhantomData })
        } else {

impl Parse<SourceFile> {
    pub fn debug_dump(&self) -> String {
        let mut buf = format!("{:#?}", self.tree().syntax());
        for err in self.errors.iter() {
            format_to!(buf, "error {:?}: {}\n", err.range(), err);

    pub fn reparse(&self, indel: &Indel) -> Parse<SourceFile> {
        self.incremental_reparse(indel).unwrap_or_else(|| self.full_reparse(indel))

    fn incremental_reparse(&self, indel: &Indel) -> Option<Parse<SourceFile>> {
        // FIXME: validation errors are not handled here
        parsing::incremental_reparse(self.tree().syntax(), indel, self.errors.to_vec()).map(
            |(green_node, errors, _reparsed_range)| Parse {
                green: green_node,
                errors: Arc::new(errors),
                _ty: PhantomData,

    fn full_reparse(&self, indel: &Indel) -> Parse<SourceFile> {
        let mut text = self.tree().syntax().text().to_string();
        indel.apply(&mut text);

/// `SourceFile` represents a parse tree for a single Rust file.
pub use crate::ast::SourceFile;

impl SourceFile {
    pub fn parse(text: &str) -> Parse<SourceFile> {
        let (green, mut errors) = parsing::parse_text(text);
        let root = SyntaxNode::new_root(green.clone());

        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {


        assert_eq!(root.kind(), SyntaxKind::SOURCE_FILE);
        Parse { green, errors: Arc::new(errors), _ty: PhantomData }

impl ast::Path {
    /// Returns `text`, parsed as a path, but only if it has no errors.
    pub fn parse(text: &str) -> Result<Self, ()> {
        parsing::parse_text_fragment(text, parser::FragmentKind::Path)

impl ast::Pat {
    /// Returns `text`, parsed as a pattern, but only if it has no errors.
    pub fn parse(text: &str) -> Result<Self, ()> {
        parsing::parse_text_fragment(text, parser::FragmentKind::Pattern)

impl ast::Expr {
    /// Returns `text`, parsed as an expression, but only if it has no errors.
    pub fn parse(text: &str) -> Result<Self, ()> {
        parsing::parse_text_fragment(text, parser::FragmentKind::Expr)

impl ast::Item {
    /// Returns `text`, parsed as an item, but only if it has no errors.
    pub fn parse(text: &str) -> Result<Self, ()> {
        parsing::parse_text_fragment(text, parser::FragmentKind::Item)

impl ast::Type {
    /// Returns `text`, parsed as an type reference, but only if it has no errors.
    pub fn parse(text: &str) -> Result<Self, ()> {
        parsing::parse_text_fragment(text, parser::FragmentKind::Type)

/// Matches a `SyntaxNode` against an `ast` type.
/// # Example:
/// ```ignore
/// match_ast! {
///     match node {
///         ast::CallExpr(it) => { ... },
///         ast::MethodCallExpr(it) => { ... },
///         ast::MacroCall(it) => { ... },
///         _ => None,
///     }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! match_ast {
    (match $node:ident { $($tt:tt)* }) => { match_ast!(match ($node) { $($tt)* }) };

    (match ($node:expr) {
        $( ast::$ast:ident($it:ident) => $res:expr, )*
        _ => $catch_all:expr $(,)?
    }) => {{
        $( if let Some($it) = ast::$ast::cast($node.clone()) { $res } else )*
        { $catch_all }

/// This test does not assert anything and instead just shows off the crate's
/// API.
fn api_walkthrough() {
    use ast::{ModuleItemOwner, NameOwner};

    let source_code = "
        fn foo() {
            1 + 1
    // `SourceFile` is the main entry point.
    // The `parse` method returns a `Parse` -- a pair of syntax tree and a list
    // of errors. That is, syntax tree is constructed even in presence of errors.
    let parse = SourceFile::parse(source_code);

    // The `tree` method returns an owned syntax node of type `SourceFile`.
    // Owned nodes are cheap: inside, they are `Rc` handles to the underling data.
    let file: SourceFile = parse.tree();

    // `SourceFile` is the root of the syntax tree. We can iterate file's items.
    // Let's fetch the `foo` function.
    let mut func = None;
    for item in file.items() {
        match item {
            ast::Item::Fn(f) => func = Some(f),
            _ => unreachable!(),
    let func: ast::Fn = func.unwrap();

    // Each AST node has a bunch of getters for children. All getters return
    // `Option`s though, to account for incomplete code. Some getters are common
    // for several kinds of node. In this case, a trait like `ast::NameOwner`
    // usually exists. By convention, all ast types should be used with `ast::`
    // qualifier.
    let name: Option<ast::Name> = func.name();
    let name = name.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(name.text(), "foo");

    // Let's get the `1 + 1` expression!
    let body: ast::BlockExpr = func.body().unwrap();
    let expr: ast::Expr = body.expr().unwrap();

    // Enums are used to group related ast nodes together, and can be used for
    // matching. However, because there are no public fields, it's possible to
    // match only the top level enum: that is the price we pay for increased API
    // flexibility
    let bin_expr: &ast::BinExpr = match &expr {
        ast::Expr::BinExpr(e) => e,
        _ => unreachable!(),

    // Besides the "typed" AST API, there's an untyped CST one as well.
    // To switch from AST to CST, call `.syntax()` method:
    let expr_syntax: &SyntaxNode = expr.syntax();

    // Note how `expr` and `bin_expr` are in fact the same node underneath:
    assert!(expr_syntax == bin_expr.syntax());

    // To go from CST to AST, `AstNode::cast` function is used:
    let _expr: ast::Expr = match ast::Expr::cast(expr_syntax.clone()) {
        Some(e) => e,
        None => unreachable!(),

    // The two properties each syntax node has is a `SyntaxKind`:
    assert_eq!(expr_syntax.kind(), SyntaxKind::BIN_EXPR);

    // And text range:
    assert_eq!(expr_syntax.text_range(), TextRange::new(32.into(), 37.into()));

    // You can get node's text as a `SyntaxText` object, which will traverse the
    // tree collecting token's text:
    let text: SyntaxText = expr_syntax.text();
    assert_eq!(text.to_string(), "1 + 1");

    // There's a bunch of traversal methods on `SyntaxNode`:
    assert_eq!(expr_syntax.parent().as_ref(), Some(body.syntax()));
    assert_eq!(body.syntax().first_child_or_token().map(|it| it.kind()), Some(T!['{']));
        expr_syntax.next_sibling_or_token().map(|it| it.kind()),

    // As well as some iterator helpers:
    let f = expr_syntax.ancestors().find_map(ast::Fn::cast);
    assert_eq!(f, Some(func));
    assert!(expr_syntax.siblings_with_tokens(Direction::Next).any(|it| it.kind() == T!['}']));
        8, // 5 tokens `1`, ` `, `+`, ` `, `!`
           // 2 child literal expressions: `1`, `1`
           // 1 the node itself: `1 + 1`

    // There's also a `preorder` method with a more fine-grained iteration control:
    let mut buf = String::new();
    let mut indent = 0;
    for event in expr_syntax.preorder_with_tokens() {
        match event {
            WalkEvent::Enter(node) => {
                let text = match &node {
                    NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it.text().to_string(),
                    NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.text().to_string(),
                format_to!(buf, "{:indent$}{:?} {:?}\n", " ", text, node.kind(), indent = indent);
                indent += 2;
            WalkEvent::Leave(_) => indent -= 2,
    assert_eq!(indent, 0);
"1 + 1" BIN_EXPR
    "1" INT_NUMBER
  "+" PLUS
    "1" INT_NUMBER

    // To recursively process the tree, there are three approaches:
    // 1. explicitly call getter methods on AST nodes.
    // 2. use descendants and `AstNode::cast`.
    // 3. use descendants and `match_ast!`.
    // Here's how the first one looks like:
    let exprs_cast: Vec<String> = file
        .map(|expr| expr.syntax().text().to_string())

    // An alternative is to use a macro.
    let mut exprs_visit = Vec::new();
    for node in file.syntax().descendants() {
        match_ast! {
            match node {
                ast::Expr(it) => {
                    let res = it.syntax().text().to_string();
                _ => (),
    assert_eq!(exprs_cast, exprs_visit);