use std::{ fmt::Write, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use expect::expect_file; use rayon::prelude::*; use test_utils::project_dir; use crate::{fuzz, tokenize, SourceFile, SyntaxError, TextRange, TextSize, Token}; #[test] fn lexer_tests() { // FIXME: // * Add tests for unicode escapes in byte-character and [raw]-byte-string literals // * Add tests for unescape errors dir_tests(&test_data_dir(), &["lexer/ok"], "txt", |text, path| { let (tokens, errors) = tokenize(text); assert_errors_are_absent(&errors, path); dump_tokens_and_errors(&tokens, &errors, text) }); dir_tests(&test_data_dir(), &["lexer/err"], "txt", |text, path| { let (tokens, errors) = tokenize(text); assert_errors_are_present(&errors, path); dump_tokens_and_errors(&tokens, &errors, text) }); } #[test] fn parse_smoke_test() { let code = r##" fn main() { println!("Hello, world!") } "##; let parse = SourceFile::parse(code); // eprintln!("{:#?}", parse.syntax_node()); assert!(parse.ok().is_ok()); } #[test] fn parser_tests() { dir_tests(&test_data_dir(), &["parser/inline/ok", "parser/ok"], "rast", |text, path| { let parse = SourceFile::parse(text); let errors = parse.errors(); assert_errors_are_absent(&errors, path); parse.debug_dump() }); dir_tests(&test_data_dir(), &["parser/err", "parser/inline/err"], "rast", |text, path| { let parse = SourceFile::parse(text); let errors = parse.errors(); assert_errors_are_present(&errors, path); parse.debug_dump() }); } #[test] fn expr_parser_tests() { fragment_parser_dir_test( &["parser/fragments/expr/ok"], &["parser/fragments/expr/err"], crate::ast::Expr::parse, ); } #[test] fn path_parser_tests() { fragment_parser_dir_test( &["parser/fragments/path/ok"], &["parser/fragments/path/err"], crate::ast::Path::parse, ); } #[test] fn pattern_parser_tests() { fragment_parser_dir_test( &["parser/fragments/pattern/ok"], &["parser/fragments/pattern/err"], crate::ast::Pat::parse, ); } #[test] fn item_parser_tests() { fragment_parser_dir_test( &["parser/fragments/item/ok"], &["parser/fragments/item/err"], crate::ast::Item::parse, ); } #[test] fn type_parser_tests() { fragment_parser_dir_test( &["parser/fragments/type/ok"], &["parser/fragments/type/err"], crate::ast::Type::parse, ); } #[test] fn parser_fuzz_tests() { for (_, text) in collect_rust_files(&test_data_dir(), &["parser/fuzz-failures"]) { fuzz::check_parser(&text) } } #[test] fn reparse_fuzz_tests() { for (_, text) in collect_rust_files(&test_data_dir(), &["reparse/fuzz-failures"]) { let check = fuzz::CheckReparse::from_data(text.as_bytes()).unwrap(); println!("{:?}", check);; } } /// Test that Rust-analyzer can parse and validate the rust-analyzer /// FIXME: Use this as a benchmark #[test] fn self_hosting_parsing() { let dir = project_dir().join("crates"); let files = walkdir::WalkDir::new(dir) .into_iter() .filter_entry(|entry| { // Get all files which are not in the crates/syntax/test_data folder !entry.path().components().any(|component| component.as_os_str() == "test_data") }) .map(|e| e.unwrap()) .filter(|entry| { // Get all `.rs ` files !entry.path().is_dir() && (entry.path().extension().unwrap_or_default() == "rs") }) .map(|entry| entry.into_path()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); assert!( files.len() > 100, "self_hosting_parsing found too few files - is it running in the right directory?" ); let errors = files .into_par_iter() .filter_map(|file| { let text = read_text(&file); match SourceFile::parse(&text).ok() { Ok(_) => None, Err(err) => Some((file, err)), } }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); if !errors.is_empty() { let errors = errors .into_iter() .map(|(path, err)| format!("{}: {:?}\n", path.display(), err)) .collect::<String>(); panic!("Parsing errors:\n{}\n", errors); } } fn test_data_dir() -> PathBuf { project_dir().join("crates/syntax/test_data") } fn assert_errors_are_present(errors: &[SyntaxError], path: &Path) { assert!(!errors.is_empty(), "There should be errors in the file {:?}", path.display()); } fn assert_errors_are_absent(errors: &[SyntaxError], path: &Path) { assert_eq!( errors, &[] as &[SyntaxError], "There should be no errors in the file {:?}", path.display(), ); } fn dump_tokens_and_errors(tokens: &[Token], errors: &[SyntaxError], text: &str) -> String { let mut acc = String::new(); let mut offset: TextSize = 0.into(); for token in tokens { let token_len = token.len; let token_text = &text[TextRange::at(offset, token.len)]; offset += token.len; writeln!(acc, "{:?} {:?} {:?}", token.kind, token_len, token_text).unwrap(); } for err in errors { writeln!(acc, "> error{:?} token({:?}) msg({})", err.range(), &text[err.range()], err) .unwrap(); } acc } fn fragment_parser_dir_test<T, F>(ok_paths: &[&str], err_paths: &[&str], f: F) where T: crate::AstNode, F: Fn(&str) -> Result<T, ()>, { dir_tests(&test_data_dir(), ok_paths, "rast", |text, path| { if let Ok(node) = f(text) { format!("{:#?}", crate::ast::AstNode::syntax(&node)) } else { panic!("Failed to parse '{:?}'", path); } }); dir_tests(&test_data_dir(), err_paths, "rast", |text, path| { if let Ok(_) = f(text) { panic!("'{:?}' successfully parsed when it should have errored", path); } else { "ERROR\n".to_owned() } }); } /// Calls callback `f` with input code and file paths for each `.rs` file in `test_data_dir` /// subdirectories defined by `paths`. /// /// If the content of the matching output file differs from the output of `f()` /// the test will fail. /// /// If there is no matching output file it will be created and filled with the /// output of `f()`, but the test will fail. fn dir_tests<F>(test_data_dir: &Path, paths: &[&str], outfile_extension: &str, f: F) where F: Fn(&str, &Path) -> String, { for (path, input_code) in collect_rust_files(test_data_dir, paths) { let actual = f(&input_code, &path); let path = path.with_extension(outfile_extension); expect_file![path].assert_eq(&actual) } } /// Collects all `.rs` files from `dir` subdirectories defined by `paths`. fn collect_rust_files(root_dir: &Path, paths: &[&str]) -> Vec<(PathBuf, String)> { paths .iter() .flat_map(|path| { let path = root_dir.to_owned().join(path); rust_files_in_dir(&path).into_iter() }) .map(|path| { let text = read_text(&path); (path, text) }) .collect() } /// Collects paths to all `.rs` files from `dir` in a sorted `Vec<PathBuf>`. fn rust_files_in_dir(dir: &Path) -> Vec<PathBuf> { let mut acc = Vec::new(); for file in fs::read_dir(&dir).unwrap() { let file = file.unwrap(); let path = file.path(); if path.extension().unwrap_or_default() == "rs" { acc.push(path); } } acc.sort(); acc } /// Read file and normalize newlines. /// /// `rustc` seems to always normalize `\r\n` newlines to `\n`: /// /// ``` /// let s = " /// "; /// assert_eq!(s.as_bytes(), &[10]); /// ``` /// /// so this should always be correct. fn read_text(path: &Path) -> String { fs::read_to_string(path) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("File at {:?} should be valid", path)) .replace("\r\n", "\n") }