FLOAT_NUMBER 2 "0e" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 2 "0E" WHITESPACE 2 "\n\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 4 "42e+" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 4 "42e-" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 4 "42E+" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 4 "42E-" WHITESPACE 2 "\n\n" INT_NUMBER 2 "42" DOT 1 "." IDENT 1 "e" PLUS 1 "+" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" INT_NUMBER 2 "42" DOT 1 "." IDENT 1 "e" MINUS 1 "-" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" INT_NUMBER 2 "42" DOT 1 "." IDENT 1 "E" PLUS 1 "+" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" INT_NUMBER 2 "42" DOT 1 "." IDENT 1 "E" MINUS 1 "-" WHITESPACE 2 "\n\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 6 "42.2e+" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 6 "42.2e-" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 6 "42.2E+" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 6 "42.2E-" WHITESPACE 2 "\n\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 9 "42.2e+f32" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 9 "42.2e-f32" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 9 "42.2E+f32" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" FLOAT_NUMBER 9 "42.2E-f32" WHITESPACE 1 "\n" > error0..2 token("0e") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error3..5 token("0E") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error7..11 token("42e+") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error12..16 token("42e-") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error17..21 token("42E+") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error22..26 token("42E-") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error53..59 token("42.2e+") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error60..66 token("42.2e-") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error67..73 token("42.2E+") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error74..80 token("42.2E-") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error82..91 token("42.2e+f32") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error92..101 token("42.2e-f32") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error102..111 token("42.2E+f32") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol) > error112..121 token("42.2E-f32") msg(Missing digits after the exponent symbol)