//! Adapted from a `rustc` test, which can be found at //! https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/6d34ec18c7d7e574553f6347ecf08e1e1c45c13d/src/test/run-pass/weird-exprs.rs. //! //! Reported to rust-analyzer in https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/issues/290 #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] #![allow(dead_code)] #![allow(unreachable_code)] #![allow(unused_parens)] #![recursion_limit = "128"] use std::cell::Cell; use std::mem::swap; // Just a grab bag of stuff that you wouldn't want to actually write. fn strange() -> bool { let _x: bool = return true; } fn funny() { fn f(_x: ()) { } f(return); } fn what() { fn the(x: &Cell<bool>) { return while !x.get() { x.set(true); }; } let i = &Cell::new(false); let dont = {||the(i)}; dont(); assert!((i.get())); } fn zombiejesus() { loop { while (return) { if (return) { match (return) { 1 => { if (return) { return } else { return } } _ => { return } }; } else if (return) { return; } } if (return) { break; } } } fn notsure() { let mut _x: isize; let mut _y = (_x = 0) == (_x = 0); let mut _z = (_x = 0) < (_x = 0); let _a = (_x += 0) == (_x = 0); let _b = swap(&mut _y, &mut _z) == swap(&mut _y, &mut _z); } fn canttouchthis() -> usize { fn p() -> bool { true } let _a = (assert!((true)) == (assert!(p()))); let _c = (assert!((p())) == ()); let _b: bool = (println!("{}", 0) == (return 0)); } fn angrydome() { loop { if break { } } let mut i = 0; loop { i += 1; if i == 1 { match (continue) { 1 => { }, _ => panic!("wat") } } break; } } fn evil_lincoln() { let _evil = println!("lincoln"); } fn dots() { assert_eq!(String::from(".................................................."), format!("{:?}", .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..)); } fn u8(u8: u8) { if u8 != 0u8 { assert_eq!(8u8, { macro_rules! u8 { (u8) => { mod u8 { pub fn u8<'u8: 'u8 + 'u8>(u8: &'u8 u8) -> &'u8 u8 { "u8"; u8 } } }; } u8!(u8); let &u8: &u8 = u8::u8(&8u8); crate::u8(0u8); u8 }); } } fn fishy() { assert_eq!(String::from("><>"), String::<>::from::<>("><>").chars::<>().rev::<>().collect::<String>()); } fn union() { union union<'union> { union: &'union union<'union>, } } fn special_characters() { let val = !((|(..):(_,_),__@_|__)((&*"\\",'🤔')/**/,{})=={&[..=..][..];})// ; assert!(!val); } fn punch_card() -> impl std::fmt::Debug { ..=..=.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..=.. .. ..=.. ..=.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..=..=..=.. ..=.. ..=.. ..=.. ..=.. .. ..=..=.. .. ..=.. .. ..=..=.. .. ..=.. ..=.. ..=.. .. .. .. ..=.. .. ..=.. ..=.. ..=.. ..=.. .. ..=.. .. .. ..=.. .. ..=.. ..=.. ..=.. ..=.. .. .. ..=.. .. ..=.. .. ..=.. ..=.. .. ..=..=.. ..=..=.. .. .. ..=.. .. } fn ktulhu() { ;;;();;;;;;;;;() } pub fn main() { strange(); funny(); what(); zombiejesus(); notsure(); canttouchthis(); angrydome(); evil_lincoln(); dots(); u8(8u8); fishy(); union(); special_characters(); punch_card(); ktulhu(); }