//! Assorted testing utilities.
//! Most notable things are:
//! * Rich text comparison, which outputs a diff.
//! * Extracting markup (mainly, `<|>` markers) out of fixture strings.
//! * marks (see the eponymous module).

pub mod mark;
mod fixture;

use std::{
    convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
    env, fs,

use serde_json::Value;
use stdx::lines_with_ends;
use text_size::{TextRange, TextSize};

pub use difference::Changeset as __Changeset;
pub use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;

pub use crate::fixture::Fixture;

pub const CURSOR_MARKER: &str = "<|>";

/// Asserts that two strings are equal, otherwise displays a rich diff between them.
/// The diff shows changes from the "original" left string to the "actual" right string.
/// All arguments starting from and including the 3rd one are passed to
/// `eprintln!()` macro in case of text inequality.
macro_rules! assert_eq_text {
    ($left:expr, $right:expr) => {
        assert_eq_text!($left, $right,)
    ($left:expr, $right:expr, $($tt:tt)*) => {{
        let left = $left;
        let right = $right;
        if left != right {
            if left.trim() == right.trim() {
                std::eprintln!("Left:\n{:?}\n\nRight:\n{:?}\n\nWhitespace difference\n", left, right);
            } else {
                let changeset = $crate::__Changeset::new(left, right, "\n");
                std::eprintln!("Left:\n{}\n\nRight:\n{}\n\nDiff:\n{}\n", left, right, changeset);
            panic!("text differs");

/// Infallible version of `try_extract_offset()`.
pub fn extract_offset(text: &str) -> (TextSize, String) {
    match try_extract_offset(text) {
        None => panic!("text should contain cursor marker"),
        Some(result) => result,

/// Returns the offset of the first occurence of `<|>` marker and the copy of `text`
/// without the marker.
fn try_extract_offset(text: &str) -> Option<(TextSize, String)> {
    let cursor_pos = text.find(CURSOR_MARKER)?;
    let mut new_text = String::with_capacity(text.len() - CURSOR_MARKER.len());
    new_text.push_str(&text[cursor_pos + CURSOR_MARKER.len()..]);
    let cursor_pos = TextSize::from(cursor_pos as u32);
    Some((cursor_pos, new_text))

/// Infallible version of `try_extract_range()`.
pub fn extract_range(text: &str) -> (TextRange, String) {
    match try_extract_range(text) {
        None => panic!("text should contain cursor marker"),
        Some(result) => result,

/// Returns `TextRange` between the first two markers `<|>...<|>` and the copy
/// of `text` without both of these markers.
fn try_extract_range(text: &str) -> Option<(TextRange, String)> {
    let (start, text) = try_extract_offset(text)?;
    let (end, text) = try_extract_offset(&text)?;
    Some((TextRange::new(start, end), text))

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum RangeOrOffset {

impl From<RangeOrOffset> for TextRange {
    fn from(selection: RangeOrOffset) -> Self {
        match selection {
            RangeOrOffset::Range(it) => it,
            RangeOrOffset::Offset(it) => TextRange::empty(it),

/// Extracts `TextRange` or `TextSize` depending on the amount of `<|>` markers
/// found in `text`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if no `<|>` marker is present in the `text`.
pub fn extract_range_or_offset(text: &str) -> (RangeOrOffset, String) {
    if let Some((range, text)) = try_extract_range(text) {
        return (RangeOrOffset::Range(range), text);
    let (offset, text) = extract_offset(text);
    (RangeOrOffset::Offset(offset), text)

/// Extracts ranges, marked with `<tag> </tag>` pairs from the `text`
pub fn extract_tags(mut text: &str, tag: &str) -> (Vec<(TextRange, Option<String>)>, String) {
    let open = format!("<{}", tag);
    let close = format!("</{}>", tag);
    let mut ranges = Vec::new();
    let mut res = String::new();
    let mut stack = Vec::new();
    loop {
        match text.find('<') {
            None => {
            Some(i) => {
                text = &text[i..];
                if text.starts_with(&open) {
                    let close_open = text.find('>').unwrap();
                    let attr = text[open.len()..close_open].trim();
                    let attr = if attr.is_empty() { None } else { Some(attr.to_string()) };
                    text = &text[close_open + '>'.len_utf8()..];
                    let from = TextSize::of(&res);
                    stack.push((from, attr));
                } else if text.starts_with(&close) {
                    text = &text[close.len()..];
                    let (from, attr) =
                        stack.pop().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("unmatched </{}>", tag));
                    let to = TextSize::of(&res);
                    ranges.push((TextRange::new(from, to), attr));
                } else {
                    text = &text['<'.len_utf8()..];
    assert!(stack.is_empty(), "unmatched <{}>", tag);
    ranges.sort_by_key(|r| (r.0.start(), r.0.end()));
    (ranges, res)
fn test_extract_tags() {
    let (tags, text) = extract_tags(r#"<tag fn>fn <tag>main</tag>() {}</tag>"#, "tag");
    let actual = tags.into_iter().map(|(range, attr)| (&text[range], attr)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    assert_eq!(actual, vec![("fn main() {}", Some("fn".into())), ("main", None),]);

/// Inserts `<|>` marker into the `text` at `offset`.
pub fn add_cursor(text: &str, offset: TextSize) -> String {
    let offset: usize = offset.into();
    let mut res = String::new();

/// Extracts `//^ some text` annotations
pub fn extract_annotations(text: &str) -> Vec<(TextRange, String)> {
    let mut res = Vec::new();
    let mut prev_line_start: Option<TextSize> = None;
    let mut line_start: TextSize = 0.into();
    let mut prev_line_annotations: Vec<(TextSize, usize)> = Vec::new();
    for line in lines_with_ends(text) {
        let mut this_line_annotations = Vec::new();
        if let Some(idx) = line.find("//") {
            let annotation_offset = TextSize::of(&line[..idx + "//".len()]);
            for annotation in extract_line_annotations(&line[idx + "//".len()..]) {
                match annotation {
                    LineAnnotation::Annotation { mut range, content } => {
                        range += annotation_offset;
                        this_line_annotations.push((range.end(), res.len()));
                        res.push((range + prev_line_start.unwrap(), content))
                    LineAnnotation::Continuation { mut offset, content } => {
                        offset += annotation_offset;
                        let &(_, idx) = prev_line_annotations
                            .find(|&&(off, _idx)| off == offset)

        prev_line_start = Some(line_start);
        line_start += TextSize::of(line);

        prev_line_annotations = this_line_annotations;

enum LineAnnotation {
    Annotation { range: TextRange, content: String },
    Continuation { offset: TextSize, content: String },

fn extract_line_annotations(mut line: &str) -> Vec<LineAnnotation> {
    let mut res = Vec::new();
    let mut offset: TextSize = 0.into();
    let marker: fn(char) -> bool = if line.contains('^') { |c| c == '^' } else { |c| c == '|' };
    loop {
        match line.find(marker) {
            Some(idx) => {
                offset += TextSize::try_from(idx).unwrap();
                line = &line[idx..];
            None => break,

        let mut len = line.chars().take_while(|&it| it == '^').count();
        let mut continuation = false;
        if len == 0 {
            continuation = true;
            len = 1;
        let range = TextRange::at(offset, len.try_into().unwrap());
        let next = line[len..].find(marker).map_or(line.len(), |it| it + len);
        let content = line[len..][..next - len].trim().to_string();

        let annotation = if continuation {
            LineAnnotation::Continuation { offset: range.end(), content }
        } else {
            LineAnnotation::Annotation { range, content }

        line = &line[next..];
        offset += TextSize::try_from(next).unwrap();


fn test_extract_annotations() {
    let text = stdx::trim_indent(
fn main() {
    let (x,     y) = (9, 2);
       //^ def  ^ def
    zoo + 1
} //^^^ type:
  //  | i32
    let res = extract_annotations(&text)
        .map(|(range, ann)| (&text[range], ann))
        vec![("x", "def".into()), ("y", "def".into()), ("zoo", "type:\ni32\n".into()),]

// Comparison functionality borrowed from cargo:

/// Compare a line with an expected pattern.
/// - Use `[..]` as a wildcard to match 0 or more characters on the same line
///   (similar to `.*` in a regex).
pub fn lines_match(expected: &str, actual: &str) -> bool {
    // Let's not deal with / vs \ (windows...)
    // First replace backslash-escaped backslashes with forward slashes
    // which can occur in, for example, JSON output
    let expected = expected.replace(r"\\", "/").replace(r"\", "/");
    let mut actual: &str = &actual.replace(r"\\", "/").replace(r"\", "/");
    for (i, part) in expected.split("[..]").enumerate() {
        match actual.find(part) {
            Some(j) => {
                if i == 0 && j != 0 {
                    return false;
                actual = &actual[j + part.len()..];
            None => return false,
    actual.is_empty() || expected.ends_with("[..]")

fn lines_match_works() {
    assert!(lines_match("a b", "a b"));
    assert!(lines_match("a[..]b", "a b"));
    assert!(lines_match("a[..]", "a b"));
    assert!(lines_match("[..]", "a b"));
    assert!(lines_match("[..]b", "a b"));

    assert!(!lines_match("[..]b", "c"));
    assert!(!lines_match("b", "c"));
    assert!(!lines_match("b", "cb"));

/// Compares JSON object for approximate equality.
/// You can use `[..]` wildcard in strings (useful for OS dependent things such
/// as paths). You can use a `"{...}"` string literal as a wildcard for
/// arbitrary nested JSON. Arrays are sorted before comparison.
pub fn find_mismatch<'a>(expected: &'a Value, actual: &'a Value) -> Option<(&'a Value, &'a Value)> {
    use serde_json::Value::*;
    match (expected, actual) {
        (&Number(ref l), &Number(ref r)) if l == r => None,
        (&Bool(l), &Bool(r)) if l == r => None,
        (&String(ref l), &String(ref r)) if lines_match(l, r) => None,
        (&Array(ref l), &Array(ref r)) => {
            if l.len() != r.len() {
                return Some((expected, actual));

            let mut l = l.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
            let mut r = r.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();

            l.retain(|l| match r.iter().position(|r| find_mismatch(l, r).is_none()) {
                Some(i) => {
                None => true,

            if !l.is_empty() {
                Some((&l[0], &r[0]))
            } else {
                assert_eq!(r.len(), 0);
        (&Object(ref l), &Object(ref r)) => {
            let same_keys = l.len() == r.len() && l.keys().all(|k| r.contains_key(k));
            if !same_keys {
                return Some((expected, actual));

            l.values().zip(r.values()).filter_map(|(l, r)| find_mismatch(l, r)).next()
        (&Null, &Null) => None,
        // magic string literal "{...}" acts as wildcard for any sub-JSON
        (&String(ref l), _) if l == "{...}" => None,
        _ => Some((expected, actual)),

/// Returns `false` if slow tests should not run, otherwise returns `true` and
/// also creates a file at `./target/.slow_tests_cookie` which serves as a flag
/// that slow tests did run.
pub fn skip_slow_tests() -> bool {
    let should_skip = std::env::var("CI").is_err() && std::env::var("RUN_SLOW_TESTS").is_err();
    if should_skip {
        eprintln!("ignoring slow test")
    } else {
        let path = project_dir().join("./target/.slow_tests_cookie");
        fs::write(&path, ".").unwrap();

/// Returns the path to the root directory of `rust-analyzer` project.
pub fn project_dir() -> PathBuf {
    let dir = env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR");