//! An implementation of `loader::Handle`, based on `walkdir` and `notify`. //! //! The file watching bits here are untested and quite probably buggy. For this //! reason, by default we don't watch files and rely on editor's file watching //! capabilities. //! //! Hopefully, one day a reliable file watching/walking crate appears on //! crates.io, and we can reduce this to trivial glue code. use std::convert::TryFrom; use crossbeam_channel::{never, select, unbounded, Receiver, Sender}; use notify::{RecommendedWatcher, RecursiveMode, Watcher}; use paths::{AbsPath, AbsPathBuf}; use vfs::loader; use walkdir::WalkDir; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct NotifyHandle { // Relative order of fields below is significant. sender: Sender<Message>, thread: jod_thread::JoinHandle, } #[derive(Debug)] enum Message { Config(loader::Config), Invalidate(AbsPathBuf), } impl loader::Handle for NotifyHandle { fn spawn(sender: loader::Sender) -> NotifyHandle { let actor = NotifyActor::new(sender); let (sender, receiver) = unbounded::<Message>(); let thread = jod_thread::spawn(move || actor.run(receiver)); NotifyHandle { sender, thread } } fn set_config(&mut self, config: loader::Config) { self.sender.send(Message::Config(config)).unwrap() } fn invalidate(&mut self, path: AbsPathBuf) { self.sender.send(Message::Invalidate(path)).unwrap(); } fn load_sync(&mut self, path: &AbsPath) -> Option<Vec<u8>> { read(path) } } type NotifyEvent = notify::Result<notify::Event>; struct NotifyActor { sender: loader::Sender, watched_entries: Vec<loader::Entry>, // Drop order is significant. watcher: Option<(RecommendedWatcher, Receiver<NotifyEvent>)>, } #[derive(Debug)] enum Event { Message(Message), NotifyEvent(NotifyEvent), } impl NotifyActor { fn new(sender: loader::Sender) -> NotifyActor { NotifyActor { sender, watched_entries: Vec::new(), watcher: None } } fn next_event(&self, receiver: &Receiver<Message>) -> Option<Event> { let watcher_receiver = self.watcher.as_ref().map(|(_, receiver)| receiver); select! { recv(receiver) -> it => it.ok().map(Event::Message), recv(watcher_receiver.unwrap_or(&never())) -> it => Some(Event::NotifyEvent(it.unwrap())), } } fn run(mut self, inbox: Receiver<Message>) { while let Some(event) = self.next_event(&inbox) { log::debug!("vfs-notify event: {:?}", event); match event { Event::Message(msg) => match msg { Message::Config(config) => { self.watcher = None; if !config.watch.is_empty() { let (watcher_sender, watcher_receiver) = unbounded(); let watcher = log_notify_error(Watcher::new_immediate(move |event| { watcher_sender.send(event).unwrap() })); self.watcher = watcher.map(|it| (it, watcher_receiver)); } let n_total = config.load.len(); self.send(loader::Message::Progress { n_total, n_done: 0 }); self.watched_entries.clear(); for (i, entry) in config.load.into_iter().enumerate() { let watch = config.watch.contains(&i); if watch { self.watched_entries.push(entry.clone()) } let files = self.load_entry(entry, watch); self.send(loader::Message::Loaded { files }); self.send(loader::Message::Progress { n_total, n_done: i + 1 }); } } Message::Invalidate(path) => { let contents = read(path.as_path()); let files = vec![(path, contents)]; self.send(loader::Message::Loaded { files }); } }, Event::NotifyEvent(event) => { if let Some(event) = log_notify_error(event) { let files = event .paths .into_iter() .map(|path| AbsPathBuf::try_from(path).unwrap()) .filter_map(|path| { if path.is_dir() && self .watched_entries .iter() .any(|entry| entry.contains_dir(&path)) { self.watch(path); return None; } if !path.is_file() { return None; } if !self .watched_entries .iter() .any(|entry| entry.contains_file(&path)) { return None; } let contents = read(&path); Some((path, contents)) }) .collect(); self.send(loader::Message::Loaded { files }) } } } } } fn load_entry( &mut self, entry: loader::Entry, watch: bool, ) -> Vec<(AbsPathBuf, Option<Vec<u8>>)> { match entry { loader::Entry::Files(files) => files .into_iter() .map(|file| { if watch { self.watch(file.clone()) } let contents = read(file.as_path()); (file, contents) }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(), loader::Entry::Directories(dirs) => { let mut res = Vec::new(); for root in dirs.include.iter() { let walkdir = WalkDir::new(root).follow_links(true).into_iter().filter_entry(|entry| { if !entry.file_type().is_dir() { return true; } let path = AbsPath::assert(entry.path()); root == path || dirs.exclude.iter().chain(&dirs.include).all(|it| it != path) }); let files = walkdir.filter_map(|it| it.ok()).filter_map(|entry| { let is_dir = entry.file_type().is_dir(); let is_file = entry.file_type().is_file(); let abs_path = AbsPathBuf::assert(entry.into_path()); if is_dir && watch { self.watch(abs_path.clone()); } if !is_file { return None; } let ext = abs_path.extension().unwrap_or_default(); if dirs.extensions.iter().all(|it| it.as_str() != ext) { return None; } Some(abs_path) }); res.extend(files.map(|file| { let contents = read(file.as_path()); (file, contents) })); } res } } } fn watch(&mut self, path: AbsPathBuf) { if let Some((watcher, _)) = &mut self.watcher { log_notify_error(watcher.watch(&path, RecursiveMode::NonRecursive)); } } fn send(&mut self, msg: loader::Message) { (self.sender)(msg) } } fn read(path: &AbsPath) -> Option<Vec<u8>> { std::fs::read(path).ok() } fn log_notify_error<T>(res: notify::Result<T>) -> Option<T> { res.map_err(|err| log::warn!("notify error: {}", err)).ok() }