//! Partitions a list of files into disjoint subsets. //! //! Files which do not belong to any explicitly configured `FileSet` belong to //! the default `FileSet`. use std::{fmt, iter}; use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; use crate::{FileId, Vfs, VfsPath}; #[derive(Default, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct FileSet { files: FxHashMap<VfsPath, FileId>, paths: FxHashMap<FileId, VfsPath>, } impl FileSet { pub fn resolve_path(&self, anchor: FileId, path: &str) -> Option<FileId> { let mut base = self.paths[&anchor].clone(); base.pop(); let path = base.join(path); let res = self.files.get(&path).copied(); res } pub fn insert(&mut self, file_id: FileId, path: VfsPath) { self.files.insert(path.clone(), file_id); self.paths.insert(file_id, path); } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = FileId> + '_ { self.paths.keys().copied() } } impl fmt::Debug for FileSet { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("FileSet").field("n_files", &self.files.len()).finish() } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct FileSetConfig { n_file_sets: usize, roots: Vec<(VfsPath, usize)>, } impl Default for FileSetConfig { fn default() -> Self { FileSetConfig::builder().build() } } impl FileSetConfig { pub fn builder() -> FileSetConfigBuilder { FileSetConfigBuilder::default() } pub fn partition(&self, vfs: &Vfs) -> Vec<FileSet> { let mut res = vec![FileSet::default(); self.len()]; for (file_id, path) in vfs.iter() { let root = self.classify(&path); res[root].insert(file_id, path) } res } fn len(&self) -> usize { self.n_file_sets } fn classify(&self, path: &VfsPath) -> usize { let idx = match self.roots.binary_search_by(|(p, _)| p.cmp(path)) { Ok(it) => it, Err(it) => it.saturating_sub(1), }; if path.starts_with(&self.roots[idx].0) { self.roots[idx].1 } else { self.len() - 1 } } } pub struct FileSetConfigBuilder { roots: Vec<Vec<VfsPath>>, } impl Default for FileSetConfigBuilder { fn default() -> Self { FileSetConfigBuilder { roots: Vec::new() } } } impl FileSetConfigBuilder { pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.roots.len() } pub fn add_file_set(&mut self, roots: Vec<VfsPath>) { self.roots.push(roots) } pub fn build(self) -> FileSetConfig { let n_file_sets = self.roots.len() + 1; let mut roots: Vec<(VfsPath, usize)> = self .roots .into_iter() .enumerate() .flat_map(|(i, paths)| paths.into_iter().zip(iter::repeat(i))) .collect(); roots.sort(); FileSetConfig { n_file_sets, roots } } }