//! # Virtual File System //! //! VFS stores all files read by rust-analyzer. Reading file contents from VFS //! always returns the same contents, unless VFS was explicitly modified with //! [`set_file_contents`]. All changes to VFS are logged, and can be retrieved via //! [`take_changes`] method. The pack of changes is then pushed to `salsa` and //! triggers incremental recomputation. //! //! Files in VFS are identified with [`FileId`]s -- interned paths. The notion of //! the path, [`VfsPath`] is somewhat abstract: at the moment, it is represented //! as an [`std::path::PathBuf`] internally, but this is an implementation detail. //! //! VFS doesn't do IO or file watching itself. For that, see the [`loader`] //! module. [`loader::Handle`] is an object-safe trait which abstracts both file //! loading and file watching. [`Handle`] is dynamically configured with a set of //! directory entries which should be scanned and watched. [`Handle`] then //! asynchronously pushes file changes. Directory entries are configured in //! free-form via list of globs, it's up to the [`Handle`] to interpret the globs //! in any specific way. //! //! VFS stores a flat list of files. [`file_set::FileSet`] can partition this list //! of files into disjoint sets of files. Traversal-like operations (including //! getting the neighbor file by the relative path) are handled by the [`FileSet`]. //! [`FileSet`]s are also pushed to salsa and cause it to re-check `mod foo;` //! declarations when files are created or deleted. //! //! [`FileSet`] and [`loader::Entry`] play similar, but different roles. //! Both specify the "set of paths/files", one is geared towards file watching, //! the other towards salsa changes. In particular, single [`FileSet`] //! may correspond to several [`loader::Entry`]. For example, a crate from //! crates.io which uses code generation would have two [`Entries`] -- for sources //! in `~/.cargo`, and for generated code in `./target/debug/build`. It will //! have a single [`FileSet`] which unions the two sources. //! //! [`set_file_contents`]: Vfs::set_file_contents //! [`take_changes`]: Vfs::take_changes //! [`FileSet`]: file_set::FileSet //! [`Handle`]: loader::Handle //! [`Entries`]: loader::Entry mod anchored_path; pub mod file_set; pub mod loader; mod path_interner; mod vfs_path; use std::{fmt, mem}; use crate::path_interner::PathInterner; pub use crate::{ anchored_path::{AnchoredPath, AnchoredPathBuf}, vfs_path::VfsPath, }; pub use paths::{AbsPath, AbsPathBuf}; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub struct FileId(pub u32); #[derive(Default)] pub struct Vfs { interner: PathInterner, data: Vec<Option<Vec<u8>>>, changes: Vec<ChangedFile>, } pub struct ChangedFile { pub file_id: FileId, pub change_kind: ChangeKind, } impl ChangedFile { pub fn exists(&self) -> bool { self.change_kind != ChangeKind::Delete } pub fn is_created_or_deleted(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.change_kind, ChangeKind::Create | ChangeKind::Delete) } } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub enum ChangeKind { Create, Modify, Delete, } impl Vfs { pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.data.len() } pub fn file_id(&self, path: &VfsPath) -> Option<FileId> { self.interner.get(path).filter(|&it| self.get(it).is_some()) } pub fn file_path(&self, file_id: FileId) -> VfsPath { self.interner.lookup(file_id).clone() } pub fn file_contents(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &[u8] { self.get(file_id).as_deref().unwrap() } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (FileId, &VfsPath)> + '_ { (0..self.data.len()) .map(|it| FileId(it as u32)) .filter(move |&file_id| self.get(file_id).is_some()) .map(move |file_id| { let path = self.interner.lookup(file_id); (file_id, path) }) } pub fn set_file_contents(&mut self, path: VfsPath, contents: Option<Vec<u8>>) -> bool { let file_id = self.alloc_file_id(path); let change_kind = match (&self.get(file_id), &contents) { (None, None) => return false, (None, Some(_)) => ChangeKind::Create, (Some(_), None) => ChangeKind::Delete, (Some(old), Some(new)) if old == new => return false, (Some(_), Some(_)) => ChangeKind::Modify, }; *self.get_mut(file_id) = contents; self.changes.push(ChangedFile { file_id, change_kind }); true } pub fn has_changes(&self) -> bool { !self.changes.is_empty() } pub fn take_changes(&mut self) -> Vec<ChangedFile> { mem::take(&mut self.changes) } fn alloc_file_id(&mut self, path: VfsPath) -> FileId { let file_id = self.interner.intern(path); let idx = file_id.0 as usize; let len = self.data.len().max(idx + 1); self.data.resize_with(len, || None); file_id } fn get(&self, file_id: FileId) -> &Option<Vec<u8>> { &self.data[file_id.0 as usize] } fn get_mut(&mut self, file_id: FileId) -> &mut Option<Vec<u8>> { &mut self.data[file_id.0 as usize] } } impl fmt::Debug for Vfs { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Vfs").field("n_files", &self.data.len()).finish() } }