//! Abstract-ish representation of paths for VFS. use std::fmt; use paths::{AbsPath, AbsPathBuf}; /// Long-term, we want to support files which do not reside in the file-system, /// so we treat VfsPaths as opaque identifiers. #[derive(Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub struct VfsPath(VfsPathRepr); impl VfsPath { /// Creates an "in-memory" path from `/`-separates string. /// This is most useful for testing, to avoid windows/linux differences pub fn new_virtual_path(path: String) -> VfsPath { assert!(path.starts_with('/')); VfsPath(VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(VirtualPath(path))) } pub fn as_path(&self) -> Option<&AbsPath> { match &self.0 { VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(it) => Some(it.as_path()), VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(_) => None, } } pub fn join(&self, path: &str) -> Option<VfsPath> { match &self.0 { VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(it) => { let res = it.join(path).normalize(); Some(VfsPath(VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(res))) } VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(it) => { let res = it.join(path)?; Some(VfsPath(VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(res))) } } } pub fn pop(&mut self) -> bool { match &mut self.0 { VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(it) => it.pop(), VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(it) => it.pop(), } } pub fn starts_with(&self, other: &VfsPath) -> bool { match (&self.0, &other.0) { (VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(lhs), VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(rhs)) => lhs.starts_with(rhs), (VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(_), _) => false, (VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(lhs), VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(rhs)) => lhs.starts_with(rhs), (VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(_), _) => false, } } pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<VfsPath> { let mut parent = self.clone(); if parent.pop() { Some(parent) } else { None } } pub fn name_and_extension(&self) -> Option<(&str, Option<&str>)> { match &self.0 { VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(p) => Some(( p.file_stem()?.to_str()?, p.extension().and_then(|extension| extension.to_str()), )), VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(p) => p.name_and_extension(), } } // Don't make this `pub` pub(crate) fn encode(&self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) { let tag = match &self.0 { VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(_) => 0, VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(_) => 1, }; buf.push(tag); match &self.0 { VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(path) => { #[cfg(windows)] { use windows_paths::Encode; let components = path.components(); let mut add_sep = false; for component in components { if add_sep { windows_paths::SEP.encode(buf); } let len_before = buf.len(); match component { std::path::Component::Prefix(prefix) => { // kind() returns a normalized and comparable path prefix. prefix.kind().encode(buf); } std::path::Component::RootDir => { if !add_sep { component.as_os_str().encode(buf); } } _ => component.as_os_str().encode(buf), } // some components may be encoded empty add_sep = len_before != buf.len(); } } #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; buf.extend(path.as_os_str().as_bytes()); } #[cfg(not(any(windows, unix)))] { buf.extend(path.as_os_str().to_string_lossy().as_bytes()); } } VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(VirtualPath(s)) => buf.extend(s.as_bytes()), } } } #[cfg(windows)] mod windows_paths { pub trait Encode { fn encode(&self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>); } impl Encode for std::ffi::OsStr { fn encode(&self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) { use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt; for wchar in self.encode_wide() { buf.extend(wchar.to_le_bytes().iter().copied()); } } } impl Encode for u8 { fn encode(&self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) { let wide = *self as u16; buf.extend(wide.to_le_bytes().iter().copied()) } } impl Encode for &str { fn encode(&self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) { debug_assert!(self.is_ascii()); for b in self.as_bytes() { b.encode(buf) } } } pub const SEP: &str = "\\"; const VERBATIM: &str = "\\\\?\\"; const UNC: &str = "UNC"; const DEVICE: &str = "\\\\.\\"; const COLON: &str = ":"; impl Encode for std::path::Prefix<'_> { fn encode(&self, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) { match self { std::path::Prefix::Verbatim(c) => { VERBATIM.encode(buf); c.encode(buf); } std::path::Prefix::VerbatimUNC(server, share) => { VERBATIM.encode(buf); UNC.encode(buf); SEP.encode(buf); server.encode(buf); SEP.encode(buf); share.encode(buf); } std::path::Prefix::VerbatimDisk(d) => { VERBATIM.encode(buf); d.encode(buf); COLON.encode(buf); } std::path::Prefix::DeviceNS(device) => { DEVICE.encode(buf); device.encode(buf); } std::path::Prefix::UNC(server, share) => { SEP.encode(buf); SEP.encode(buf); server.encode(buf); SEP.encode(buf); share.encode(buf); } std::path::Prefix::Disk(d) => { d.encode(buf); COLON.encode(buf); } } } } #[test] fn paths_encoding() { // drive letter casing agnostic test_eq("C:/x.rs", "c:/x.rs"); // separator agnostic test_eq("C:/x/y.rs", "C:\\x\\y.rs"); fn test_eq(a: &str, b: &str) { let mut b1 = Vec::new(); let mut b2 = Vec::new(); vfs(a).encode(&mut b1); vfs(b).encode(&mut b2); assert_eq!(b1, b2); } } #[test] fn test_sep_root_dir_encoding() { let mut buf = Vec::new(); vfs("C:/x/y").encode(&mut buf); assert_eq!(&buf, &[0, 67, 0, 58, 0, 92, 0, 120, 0, 92, 0, 121, 0]) } #[cfg(test)] fn vfs(str: &str) -> super::VfsPath { use super::{AbsPathBuf, VfsPath}; use std::convert::TryFrom; VfsPath::from(AbsPathBuf::try_from(str).unwrap()) } } #[derive(Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] enum VfsPathRepr { PathBuf(AbsPathBuf), VirtualPath(VirtualPath), } impl From<AbsPathBuf> for VfsPath { fn from(v: AbsPathBuf) -> Self { VfsPath(VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(v.normalize())) } } impl fmt::Display for VfsPath { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match &self.0 { VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(it) => fmt::Display::fmt(&it.display(), f), VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(VirtualPath(it)) => fmt::Display::fmt(it, f), } } } impl fmt::Debug for VfsPath { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f) } } impl fmt::Debug for VfsPathRepr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match &self { VfsPathRepr::PathBuf(it) => fmt::Debug::fmt(&it.display(), f), VfsPathRepr::VirtualPath(VirtualPath(it)) => fmt::Debug::fmt(&it, f), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] struct VirtualPath(String); impl VirtualPath { fn starts_with(&self, other: &VirtualPath) -> bool { self.0.starts_with(&other.0) } fn pop(&mut self) -> bool { let pos = match self.0.rfind('/') { Some(pos) => pos, None => return false, }; self.0 = self.0[..pos].to_string(); true } fn join(&self, mut path: &str) -> Option<VirtualPath> { let mut res = self.clone(); while path.starts_with("../") { if !res.pop() { return None; } path = &path["../".len()..] } res.0 = format!("{}/{}", res.0, path); Some(res) } pub fn name_and_extension(&self) -> Option<(&str, Option<&str>)> { let file_path = if self.0.ends_with('/') { &self.0[..&self.0.len() - 1] } else { &self.0 }; let file_name = match file_path.rfind('/') { Some(position) => &file_path[position + 1..], None => file_path, }; if file_name.is_empty() { None } else { let mut file_stem_and_extension = file_name.rsplitn(2, '.'); let extension = file_stem_and_extension.next(); let file_stem = file_stem_and_extension.next(); match (file_stem, extension) { (None, None) => None, (None, Some(_)) | (Some(""), Some(_)) => Some((file_name, None)), (Some(file_stem), extension) => Some((file_stem, extension)), } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn virtual_path_extensions() { assert_eq!(VirtualPath("/".to_string()).name_and_extension(), None); assert_eq!( VirtualPath("/directory".to_string()).name_and_extension(), Some(("directory", None)) ); assert_eq!( VirtualPath("/directory/".to_string()).name_and_extension(), Some(("directory", None)) ); assert_eq!( VirtualPath("/directory/file".to_string()).name_and_extension(), Some(("file", None)) ); assert_eq!( VirtualPath("/directory/.file".to_string()).name_and_extension(), Some((".file", None)) ); assert_eq!( VirtualPath("/directory/.file.rs".to_string()).name_and_extension(), Some((".file", Some("rs"))) ); assert_eq!( VirtualPath("/directory/file.rs".to_string()).name_and_extension(), Some(("file", Some("rs"))) ); } }