# Contributing Quick Start Rust Analyzer is just a usual rust project, which is organized as a Cargo workspace, builds on stable and doesn't depend on C libraries. So, just ``` $ cargo test ``` should be enough to get you started! To learn more about how rust-analyzer works, see [./architecture.md](./architecture.md) document. Various organizational and process issues are discussed here. # Getting in Touch Rust Analyzer is a part of [RLS-2.0 working group](https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-team/tree/6a769c13656c0a6959ebc09e7b1f7c09b86fb9c0/working-groups/rls-2.0). Discussion happens in this Zulip stream: https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/185405-t-compiler.2Fwg-rls-2.2E0 # Issue Labels * [good-first-issue](https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/labels/good%20first%20issue) are good issues to get into the project. * [E-mentor](https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AE-mentor) issues have links to the code in question and tests. * [E-easy](https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AE-easy), [E-medium](https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AE-medium), [E-hard](https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AE-hard), labels are *estimates* for how hard would be to write a fix. * [E-fun](https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3AE-fun) is for cool, but probably hard stuff. # CI We use Travis for CI. Most of the things, including formatting, are checked by `cargo test` so, if `cargo test` passes locally, that's a good sign that CI will be green as well. We use bors-ng to enforce the [not rocket science](https://graydon2.dreamwidth.org/1597.html) rule. You can run `cargo format-hook` to install git-hook to run rustfmt on commit. # Code organization All Rust code lives in the `crates` top-level directory, and is organized as a single Cargo workspace. The `editors` top-level directory contains code for integrating with editors. Currently, it contains plugins for VS Code (in typescript) and Emacs (in elisp). The `docs` top-level directory contains both developer and user documentation. We have some automation infra in Rust in the `crates/tool` package. It contains stuff like formatting checking, code generation and powers `cargo install-code`. The latter syntax is achieved with the help of cargo aliases (see `.cargo` directory). # Launching rust-analyzer Debugging language server can be tricky: LSP is rather chatty, so driving it from the command line is not really feasible, driving it via VS Code requires interacting with two processes. For this reason, the best way to see how rust-analyzer works is to find a relevant test and execute it (VS Code includes an action for running a single test). However, launching a VS Code instance with locally build language server is possible. There's even a VS Code task for this, so just F5 should work (thanks, [@andrew-w-ross](https://github.com/andrew-w-ross)!). I often just install development version with `cargo jinstall-lsp` and restart the host VS Code. See [./debugging.md](./debugging.md) for how to attach to rust-analyzer with debugger, and don't forget that rust-analyzer has useful `pd` snippet and `dbg` postfix completion for printf debugging :-) # Working With VS Code Extension To work on the VS Code extension, launch code inside `editors/code` and use `F5` to launch/debug. To automatically apply formatter and linter suggestions, use `npm run fix`. # Logging Logging is done by both rust-analyzer and VS Code, so it might be tricky to figure out where logs go. Inside rust-analyzer, we use the standard `log` crate for logging, and `flexi_logger` for logging frotend. By default, log goes to stderr (the same as with `env_logger`), but the stderr itself is processed by VS Code. To mirror logs to a `./log` directory, set `RA_INTERNAL_MODE=1` environmental variable. To see stderr in the running VS Code instance, go to the "Output" tab of the panel and select `rust-analyzer`. This shows `eprintln!` as well. Note that `stdout` is used for the actual protocol, so `println!` will break things. To log all communication between the server and the client, there are two choices: * you can log on the server side, by running something like ``` env RUST_LOG=gen_lsp_server=trace code . ``` * you can log on the client side, by enabling `"rust-analyzer.trace.server": "verbose"` workspace setting. These logs are shown in a separate tab in the output and could be used with LSP inspector. Kudos to [@DJMcNab](https://github.com/DJMcNab) for setting this awesome infra up! There's also two VS Code commands which might be of interest: * `Rust Analyzer: Status` shows some memory-usage statistics. To take full advantage of it, you need to compile rust-analyzer with jemalloc support: ``` $ cargo install --path crates/ra_lsp_server --force --features jemalloc ``` There's an alias for this: `cargo jinstall-lsp`. * `Rust Analyzer: Syntax Tree` shows syntax tree of the current file/selection.