[[rust-analyzer.assist.importMergeBehavior]]rust-analyzer.assist.importMergeBehavior (default: `"full"`):: + -- The strategy to use when inserting new imports or merging imports. -- [[rust-analyzer.assist.importPrefix]]rust-analyzer.assist.importPrefix (default: `"plain"`):: + -- The path structure for newly inserted paths to use. -- [[rust-analyzer.assist.importGroup]]rust-analyzer.assist.importGroup (default: `true`):: + -- Group inserted imports by the [following order](https://rust-analyzer.github.io/manual.html#auto-import). Groups are separated by newlines. -- [[rust-analyzer.callInfo.full]]rust-analyzer.callInfo.full (default: `true`):: + -- Show function name and docs in parameter hints. -- [[rust-analyzer.cargo.autoreload]]rust-analyzer.cargo.autoreload (default: `true`):: + -- Automatically refresh project info via `cargo metadata` on `Cargo.toml` changes. -- [[rust-analyzer.cargo.allFeatures]]rust-analyzer.cargo.allFeatures (default: `false`):: + -- Activate all available features (`--all-features`). -- [[rust-analyzer.cargo.features]]rust-analyzer.cargo.features (default: `[]`):: + -- List of features to activate. -- [[rust-analyzer.cargo.runBuildScripts]]rust-analyzer.cargo.runBuildScripts (default: `true`):: + -- Run build scripts (`build.rs`) for more precise code analysis. -- [[rust-analyzer.cargo.noDefaultFeatures]]rust-analyzer.cargo.noDefaultFeatures (default: `false`):: + -- Do not activate the `default` feature. -- [[rust-analyzer.cargo.target]]rust-analyzer.cargo.target (default: `null`):: + -- Compilation target (target triple). -- [[rust-analyzer.cargo.noSysroot]]rust-analyzer.cargo.noSysroot (default: `false`):: + -- Internal config for debugging, disables loading of sysroot crates. -- [[rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.enable]]rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.enable (default: `true`):: + -- Run specified `cargo check` command for diagnostics on save. -- [[rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.allFeatures]]rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.allFeatures (default: `null`):: + -- Check with all features (`--all-features`). Defaults to `#rust-analyzer.cargo.allFeatures#`. -- [[rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.allTargets]]rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.allTargets (default: `true`):: + -- Check all targets and tests (`--all-targets`). -- [[rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.command]]rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.command (default: `"check"`):: + -- Cargo command to use for `cargo check`. -- [[rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.noDefaultFeatures]]rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.noDefaultFeatures (default: `null`):: + -- Do not activate the `default` feature. -- [[rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.target]]rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.target (default: `null`):: + -- Check for a specific target. Defaults to `#rust-analyzer.cargo.target#`. -- [[rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.extraArgs]]rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.extraArgs (default: `[]`):: + -- Extra arguments for `cargo check`. -- [[rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.features]]rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.features (default: `null`):: + -- List of features to activate. Defaults to `#rust-analyzer.cargo.features#`. -- [[rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.overrideCommand]]rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.overrideCommand (default: `null`):: + -- Advanced option, fully override the command rust-analyzer uses for checking. The command should include `--message-format=json` or similar option. -- [[rust-analyzer.completion.addCallArgumentSnippets]]rust-analyzer.completion.addCallArgumentSnippets (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to add argument snippets when completing functions. -- [[rust-analyzer.completion.addCallParenthesis]]rust-analyzer.completion.addCallParenthesis (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to add parenthesis when completing functions. -- [[rust-analyzer.completion.postfix.enable]]rust-analyzer.completion.postfix.enable (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show postfix snippets like `dbg`, `if`, `not`, etc. -- [[rust-analyzer.completion.autoimport.enable]]rust-analyzer.completion.autoimport.enable (default: `true`):: + -- Toggles the additional completions that automatically add imports when completed. Note that your client must specify the `additionalTextEdits` LSP client capability to truly have this feature enabled. -- [[rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enable]]rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enable (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show native rust-analyzer diagnostics. -- [[rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enableExperimental]]rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enableExperimental (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show experimental rust-analyzer diagnostics that might have more false positives than usual. -- [[rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled]]rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled (default: `[]`):: + -- List of rust-analyzer diagnostics to disable. -- [[rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsHint]]rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsHint (default: `[]`):: + -- List of warnings that should be displayed with info severity. The warnings will be indicated by a blue squiggly underline in code and a blue icon in the `Problems Panel`. -- [[rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsInfo]]rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsInfo (default: `[]`):: + -- List of warnings that should be displayed with hint severity. The warnings will be indicated by faded text or three dots in code and will not show up in the `Problems Panel`. -- [[rust-analyzer.files.watcher]]rust-analyzer.files.watcher (default: `"client"`):: + -- Controls file watching implementation. -- [[rust-analyzer.files.excludeDirs]]rust-analyzer.files.excludeDirs (default: `[]`):: + -- These directories will be ignored by rust-analyzer. -- [[rust-analyzer.hoverActions.debug]]rust-analyzer.hoverActions.debug (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show `Debug` action. Only applies when `#rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable#` is set. -- [[rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable]]rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show HoverActions in Rust files. -- [[rust-analyzer.hoverActions.gotoTypeDef]]rust-analyzer.hoverActions.gotoTypeDef (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show `Go to Type Definition` action. Only applies when `#rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable#` is set. -- [[rust-analyzer.hoverActions.implementations]]rust-analyzer.hoverActions.implementations (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show `Implementations` action. Only applies when `#rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable#` is set. -- [[rust-analyzer.hoverActions.run]]rust-analyzer.hoverActions.run (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show `Run` action. Only applies when `#rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable#` is set. -- [[rust-analyzer.hoverActions.linksInHover]]rust-analyzer.hoverActions.linksInHover (default: `true`):: + -- Use markdown syntax for links in hover. -- [[rust-analyzer.inlayHints.chainingHints]]rust-analyzer.inlayHints.chainingHints (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show inlay type hints for method chains. -- [[rust-analyzer.inlayHints.maxLength]]rust-analyzer.inlayHints.maxLength (default: `20`):: + -- Maximum length for inlay hints. Set to null to have an unlimited length. -- [[rust-analyzer.inlayHints.parameterHints]]rust-analyzer.inlayHints.parameterHints (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show function parameter name inlay hints at the call site. -- [[rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints]]rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show inlay type hints for variables. -- [[rust-analyzer.lens.debug]]rust-analyzer.lens.debug (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show `Debug` lens. Only applies when `#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set. -- [[rust-analyzer.lens.enable]]rust-analyzer.lens.enable (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show CodeLens in Rust files. -- [[rust-analyzer.lens.implementations]]rust-analyzer.lens.implementations (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show `Implementations` lens. Only applies when `#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set. -- [[rust-analyzer.lens.run]]rust-analyzer.lens.run (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show `Run` lens. Only applies when `#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set. -- [[rust-analyzer.lens.methodReferences]]rust-analyzer.lens.methodReferences (default: `false`):: + -- Whether to show `Method References` lens. Only applies when `#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set. -- [[rust-analyzer.lens.references]]rust-analyzer.lens.references (default: `false`):: + -- Whether to show `References` lens. Only applies when `#rust-analyzer.lens.enable#` is set. -- [[rust-analyzer.linkedProjects]]rust-analyzer.linkedProjects (default: `[]`):: + -- Disable project auto-discovery in favor of explicitly specified set of projects. Elements must be paths pointing to `Cargo.toml`, `rust-project.json`, or JSON objects in `rust-project.json` format. -- [[rust-analyzer.lruCapacity]]rust-analyzer.lruCapacity (default: `null`):: + -- Number of syntax trees rust-analyzer keeps in memory. Defaults to 128. -- [[rust-analyzer.notifications.cargoTomlNotFound]]rust-analyzer.notifications.cargoTomlNotFound (default: `true`):: + -- Whether to show `can't find Cargo.toml` error message. -- [[rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable]]rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable (default: `true`):: + -- Enable support for procedural macros, implies `#rust-analyzer.cargo.runBuildScripts#`. -- [[rust-analyzer.procMacro.server]]rust-analyzer.procMacro.server (default: `null`):: + -- Internal config, path to proc-macro server executable (typically, this is rust-analyzer itself, but we override this in tests). -- [[rust-analyzer.runnables.overrideCargo]]rust-analyzer.runnables.overrideCargo (default: `null`):: + -- Command to be executed instead of 'cargo' for runnables. -- [[rust-analyzer.runnables.cargoExtraArgs]]rust-analyzer.runnables.cargoExtraArgs (default: `[]`):: + -- Additional arguments to be passed to cargo for runnables such as tests or binaries. For example, it may be `--release`. -- [[rust-analyzer.rustcSource]]rust-analyzer.rustcSource (default: `null`):: + -- Path to the Cargo.toml of the rust compiler workspace, for usage in rustc_private projects, or "discover" to try to automatically find it. Any project which uses rust-analyzer with the rustcPrivate crates must set `[package.metadata.rust-analyzer] rustc_private=true` to use it. This option is not reloaded automatically; you must restart rust-analyzer for it to take effect. -- [[rust-analyzer.rustfmt.extraArgs]]rust-analyzer.rustfmt.extraArgs (default: `[]`):: + -- Additional arguments to `rustfmt`. -- [[rust-analyzer.rustfmt.overrideCommand]]rust-analyzer.rustfmt.overrideCommand (default: `null`):: + -- Advanced option, fully override the command rust-analyzer uses for formatting. --