import * as child_process from 'child_process'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { Server } from '../server'; import { terminate } from '../utils/processes'; import { mapRustDiagnosticToVsCode, RustDiagnostic } from '../utils/rust_diagnostics'; import { LineBuffer } from './line_buffer'; import { StatusDisplay } from './watch_status'; export function registerCargoWatchProvider( subscriptions: vscode.Disposable[] ): CargoWatchProvider | undefined { let cargoExists = false; const cargoTomlFile = path.join(vscode.workspace.rootPath!, 'Cargo.toml'); // Check if the working directory is valid cargo root path try { if (fs.existsSync(cargoTomlFile)) { cargoExists = true; } } catch (err) { cargoExists = false; } if (!cargoExists) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage( `Couldn\'t find \'Cargo.toml\' in ${cargoTomlFile}` ); return; } const provider = new CargoWatchProvider(); subscriptions.push(provider); return provider; } export class CargoWatchProvider implements vscode.Disposable, vscode.CodeActionProvider { private readonly diagnosticCollection: vscode.DiagnosticCollection; private readonly statusDisplay: StatusDisplay; private readonly outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel; private codeActions: { [fileUri: string]: vscode.CodeAction[]; }; private readonly codeActionDispose: vscode.Disposable; private cargoProcess?: child_process.ChildProcess; constructor() { this.diagnosticCollection = vscode.languages.createDiagnosticCollection( 'rustc' ); this.statusDisplay = new StatusDisplay( Server.config.cargoWatchOptions.command ); this.outputChannel = vscode.window.createOutputChannel( 'Cargo Watch Trace' ); // Register code actions for rustc's suggested fixes this.codeActions = {}; this.codeActionDispose = vscode.languages.registerCodeActionsProvider( [{ scheme: 'file', language: 'rust' }], this, { providedCodeActionKinds: [vscode.CodeActionKind.QuickFix] } ); } public start() { if (this.cargoProcess) { vscode.window.showInformationMessage( 'Cargo Watch is already running' ); return; } let args = Server.config.cargoWatchOptions.command + ' --all-targets --message-format json'; if (Server.config.cargoWatchOptions.command.length > 0) { // Excape the double quote string: args += ' ' + Server.config.cargoWatchOptions.arguments; } // Windows handles arguments differently than the unix-likes, so we need to wrap the args in double quotes if (process.platform === 'win32') { args = '"' + args + '"'; } // Start the cargo watch with json message this.cargoProcess = child_process.spawn( 'cargo', ['watch', '-x', args], { stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'], cwd: vscode.workspace.rootPath, windowsVerbatimArguments: true } ); const stdoutData = new LineBuffer(); this.cargoProcess.stdout.on('data', (s: string) => { stdoutData.processOutput(s, line => { this.logInfo(line); try { this.parseLine(line); } catch (err) { this.logError(`Failed to parse: ${err}, content : ${line}`); } }); }); const stderrData = new LineBuffer(); this.cargoProcess.stderr.on('data', (s: string) => { stderrData.processOutput(s, line => { this.logError('Error on cargo-watch : {\n' + line + '}\n'); }); }); this.cargoProcess.on('error', (err: Error) => { this.logError( 'Error on cargo-watch process : {\n' + err.message + '}\n' ); }); this.logInfo('cargo-watch started.'); } public stop() { if (this.cargoProcess) { this.cargoProcess.kill(); terminate(this.cargoProcess); this.cargoProcess = undefined; } else { vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Cargo Watch is not running'); } } public dispose(): void { this.stop(); this.diagnosticCollection.clear(); this.diagnosticCollection.dispose(); this.outputChannel.dispose(); this.statusDisplay.dispose(); this.codeActionDispose.dispose(); } public provideCodeActions( document: vscode.TextDocument ): vscode.ProviderResult> { const documentActions = this.codeActions[document.uri.toString()]; return documentActions || []; } private logInfo(line: string) { if (Server.config.cargoWatchOptions.trace === 'verbose') { this.outputChannel.append(line); } } private logError(line: string) { if ( Server.config.cargoWatchOptions.trace === 'error' || Server.config.cargoWatchOptions.trace === 'verbose' ) { this.outputChannel.append(line); } } private parseLine(line: string) { if (line.startsWith('[Running')) { this.diagnosticCollection.clear(); this.codeActions = {};; } if (line.startsWith('[Finished running')) { this.statusDisplay.hide(); } function areDiagnosticsEqual( left: vscode.Diagnostic, right: vscode.Diagnostic ): boolean { return ( left.source === right.source && left.severity === right.severity && left.range.isEqual(right.range) && left.message === right.message ); } function areCodeActionsEqual( left: vscode.CodeAction, right: vscode.CodeAction ): boolean { if ( left.kind !== right.kind || left.title !== right.title || !left.edit || !right.edit ) { return false; } const leftEditEntries = left.edit.entries(); const rightEditEntries = right.edit.entries(); if (leftEditEntries.length !== rightEditEntries.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < leftEditEntries.length; i++) { const [leftUri, leftEdits] = leftEditEntries[i]; const [rightUri, rightEdits] = rightEditEntries[i]; if (leftUri.toString() !== rightUri.toString()) { return false; } if (leftEdits.length !== rightEdits.length) { return false; } for (let j = 0; j < leftEdits.length; j++) { const leftEdit = leftEdits[j]; const rightEdit = rightEdits[j]; if (!leftEdit.range.isEqual(rightEdit.range)) { return false; } if (leftEdit.newText !== rightEdit.newText) { return false; } } } return true; } interface CargoArtifact { reason: string; package_id: string; } // interface CargoMessage { reason: string; package_id: string; message: RustDiagnostic; } // cargo-watch itself output non json format // Ignore these lines let data: CargoMessage; try { data = JSON.parse(line.trim()); } catch (error) { this.logError(`Fail to parse to json : { ${error} }`); return; } if (data.reason === 'compiler-artifact') { const msg = data as CargoArtifact; // The format of the package_id is "{name} {version} ({source_id})", // this.statusDisplay.packageName = msg.package_id.split(' ')[0]; } else if (data.reason === 'compiler-message') { const msg = data.message as RustDiagnostic; const mapResult = mapRustDiagnosticToVsCode(msg); if (!mapResult) { return; } const { location, diagnostic, codeActions } = mapResult; const fileUri = location.uri; const diagnostics: vscode.Diagnostic[] = [ ...(this.diagnosticCollection!.get(fileUri) || []) ]; // If we're building multiple targets it's possible we've already seen this diagnostic const isDuplicate = diagnostics.some(d => areDiagnosticsEqual(d, diagnostic) ); if (isDuplicate) { return; } diagnostics.push(diagnostic); this.diagnosticCollection!.set(fileUri, diagnostics); if (codeActions.length) { const fileUriString = fileUri.toString(); const existingActions = this.codeActions[fileUriString] || []; for (const newAction of codeActions) { const existingAction = existingActions.find(existing => areCodeActionsEqual(existing, newAction) ); if (existingAction) { if (!existingAction.diagnostics) { existingAction.diagnostics = []; } // This action also applies to this diagnostic existingAction.diagnostics.push(diagnostic); } else { newAction.diagnostics = [diagnostic]; existingActions.push(newAction); } } // Have VsCode query us for the code actions this.codeActions[fileUriString] = existingActions; vscode.commands.executeCommand( 'vscode.executeCodeActionProvider', fileUri, diagnostic.range ); } } } }