import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { Range, TextDocumentChangeEvent, TextEditor } from 'vscode'; import { TextDocumentIdentifier } from 'vscode-languageclient'; import { Server } from '../server'; interface InlayHintsParams { textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; } interface InlayHint { range: Range; kind: string; label: string; } const typeHintDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ after: { color: new vscode.ThemeColor('ralsp.inlayHint') } }); export class HintsUpdater { private displayHints = true; public async toggleHintsDisplay(displayHints: boolean): Promise<void> { if (this.displayHints !== displayHints) { this.displayHints = displayHints; return this.refreshVisibleEditorsHints( displayHints ? undefined : [] ); } } public async refreshHintsForVisibleEditors( cause?: TextDocumentChangeEvent ): Promise<void> { if (!this.displayHints) { return; } if ( cause !== undefined && (cause.contentChanges.length === 0 || !this.isRustDocument(cause.document)) ) { return; } return this.refreshVisibleEditorsHints(); } private async refreshVisibleEditorsHints( newDecorations?: vscode.DecorationOptions[] ) { const promises: Array<Promise<void>> = []; for (const rustEditor of vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.filter( editor => this.isRustDocument(editor.document) )) { if (newDecorations !== undefined) { promises.push( Promise.resolve( rustEditor.setDecorations( typeHintDecorationType, newDecorations ) ) ); } else { promises.push(this.updateDecorationsFromServer(rustEditor)); } } for (const promise of promises) { await promise; } } private isRustDocument(document: vscode.TextDocument): boolean { return document && document.languageId === 'rust'; } private async updateDecorationsFromServer( editor: TextEditor ): Promise<void> { const newHints = await this.queryHints(editor.document.uri.toString()); if (newHints !== null) { const newDecorations = => ({ range: hint.range, renderOptions: { after: { contentText: `: ${hint.label}` } } })); return editor.setDecorations( typeHintDecorationType, newDecorations ); } } private async queryHints(documentUri: string): Promise<InlayHint[] | null> { const request: InlayHintsParams = { textDocument: { uri: documentUri } }; const client = Server.client; return client .onReady() .then(() => client.sendRequest<InlayHint[] | null>( 'rust-analyzer/inlayHints', request ) ); } }