import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { log } from "./util"; export type UpdatesChannel = "stable" | "nightly"; export const NIGHTLY_TAG = "nightly"; export type RunnableEnvCfg = undefined | Record | { mask?: string; env: Record }[]; export class Config { readonly extensionId = "matklad.rust-analyzer"; readonly rootSection = "rust-analyzer"; private readonly requiresReloadOpts = [ "serverPath", "cargo", "procMacro", "files", "highlighting", "", "lens", // works as lens.* "hoverActions", // works as hoverActions.* ] .map(opt => `${this.rootSection}.${opt}`); readonly package: { version: string; releaseTag: string | null; enableProposedApi: boolean | undefined; } = vscode.extensions.getExtension(this.extensionId)!.packageJSON; readonly globalStoragePath: string; constructor(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext) { this.globalStoragePath = ctx.globalStoragePath; vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(this.onDidChangeConfiguration, this, ctx.subscriptions); this.refreshLogging(); } private refreshLogging() { log.setEnabled(this.traceExtension); log.debug( "Extension version:", this.package.version, "using configuration:", this.cfg ); } private async onDidChangeConfiguration(event: vscode.ConfigurationChangeEvent) { this.refreshLogging(); const requiresReloadOpt = this.requiresReloadOpts.find( opt => event.affectsConfiguration(opt) ); if (!requiresReloadOpt) return; const userResponse = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage( `Changing "${requiresReloadOpt}" requires a reload`, "Reload now" ); if (userResponse === "Reload now") { await vscode.commands.executeCommand("workbench.action.reloadWindow"); } } // We don't do runtime config validation here for simplicity. More on stackoverflow: // private get cfg(): vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration { return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(this.rootSection); } /** * Beware that postfix `!` operator erases both `null` and `undefined`. * This is why the following doesn't work as expected: * * ```ts * const nullableNum = vscode * .workspace * .getConfiguration * .getConfiguration("rust-analyer") * .get(path)!; * * // What happens is that type of `nullableNum` is `number` but not `null | number`: * const fullFledgedNum: number = nullableNum; * ``` * So this getter handles this quirk by not requiring the caller to use postfix `!` */ private get(path: string): T { return this.cfg.get(path)!; } get serverPath() { return this.get("serverPath"); } get channel() { return this.get(""); } get askBeforeDownload() { return this.get("updates.askBeforeDownload"); } get traceExtension() { return this.get("trace.extension"); } get inlayHints() { return { enable: this.get("inlayHints.enable"), typeHints: this.get("inlayHints.typeHints"), parameterHints: this.get("inlayHints.parameterHints"), chainingHints: this.get("inlayHints.chainingHints"), maxLength: this.get("inlayHints.maxLength"), }; } get checkOnSave() { return { command: this.get("checkOnSave.command"), }; } get cargoRunner() { return this.get("cargoRunner"); } get runnableEnv() { return this.get("runnableEnv"); } get debug() { // "/rustc/" used by suggestions only. const { ["/rustc/"]: _, ...sourceFileMap } = this.get>("debug.sourceFileMap"); return { engine: this.get("debug.engine"), engineSettings: this.get("debug.engineSettings"), openDebugPane: this.get("debug.openDebugPane"), sourceFileMap: sourceFileMap }; } get lens() { return { enable: this.get("lens.enable"), run: this.get(""), debug: this.get("lens.debug"), implementations: this.get("lens.implementations"), }; } get hoverActions() { return { enable: this.get("hoverActions.enable"), implementations: this.get("hoverActions.implementations"), run: this.get(""), debug: this.get("hoverActions.debug"), gotoTypeDef: this.get("hoverActions.gotoTypeDef"), }; } }