import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient'; import { Server } from './server'; import { Config } from './config'; export class Ctx { private extCtx: vscode.ExtensionContext; constructor(extCtx: vscode.ExtensionContext) { this.extCtx = extCtx; } get client(): lc.LanguageClient { return Server.client; } get config(): Config { return Server.config; } get activeRustEditor(): vscode.TextEditor | undefined { const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; return editor && editor.document.languageId === 'rust' ? editor : undefined; } registerCommand(name: string, factory: (ctx: Ctx) => Cmd) { const fullName = `rust-analyzer.${name}`; const cmd = factory(this); const d = vscode.commands.registerCommand(fullName, cmd); this.pushCleanup(d); } overrideCommand(name: string, factory: (ctx: Ctx) => Cmd) { const defaultCmd = `default:${name}`; const override = factory(this); const original = (...args: any[]) => vscode.commands.executeCommand(defaultCmd, ...args); try { const d = vscode.commands.registerCommand( name, async (...args: any[]) => { if (!(await override(...args))) { return await original(...args); } }, ); this.pushCleanup(d); } catch (_) { vscode.window.showWarningMessage( 'Enhanced typing feature is disabled because of incompatibility with VIM extension, consider turning off rust-analyzer.enableEnhancedTyping:', ); } } get subscriptions(): { dispose(): any }[] { return this.extCtx.subscriptions; } pushCleanup(d: { dispose(): any }) { this.extCtx.subscriptions.push(d); } async sendRequestWithRetry(method: string, param: any, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise { await this.client.onReady(); for (const delay of [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, null]) { try { return await this.client.sendRequest(method, param, token); } catch (e) { if (e.code === lc.ErrorCodes.ContentModified && delay !== null) { await sleep(10 * (1 << delay)) continue; } throw e; } } throw 'unreachable' } } export type Cmd = (...args: any[]) => any; const sleep = (ms: number) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))